Laya Path also conveys plenty of auxilliary teachings and practices, if they turn out to be necessary at a certain stage of the spiritual path followed by its male as well as female disciples. It is worth mentioning Mahadevi Yoga, the path of the Great Goddess-Mother, familiar in many traditions and religions, also in Christianity, where it reveals itself in the cult of Saint Mary, who is an embodiment of God and appears in His female form. The path is based on the practice of purifying the elemental energy (Bhutah), as well as plentiful mystics inherent in Nature and in its protective aspect. Three stages of initiation are founded on the following practices: Bhutajaya Yoga (Bringing Elements under Control), Indriyajaya Yoga (Bringing Senses under Control) and Kundalini Yoga (Bringing the Power of Consciousness and the Potency of Divine Good Will under Control).
We can also mention Healing, Wealth and Longevity Yoga, which is also called Bhaishajya Guru Yoga. This path is a seven-stage way leading to the Land of Good Health called Vaidurya, as well as Vedic teachings concerning spiritual healing, ways of prolonging life and exorcisms. This is a spiritual practice of genuine Ayurvedic doctors.
Tantra Yoga is also called Tantrayana, which is the vehicle of a practice related to spiritual development through wisdom and increasing subtlety in day-to-day life. Tantra means literally „Eliminating Primitive Tendencies”. This practice relates mainly to Guru Parvati and the entire female trend in teaching. The central subject of maithuna tantra is the biological potential of man, sex instincts, intimacy, searching for one’s kindred soul, establishing partnership based on affection, subtlety and faithfulness. Spiritual development is based on methods that allow one to convert the energy of desires and passions into sublime states of bliss and other experiences, which lead to purification and result in bringing senses under control, and in consequence, guide one even further to salvation and communion with God through everyday relationship based on partnership.
Shambhala, which is also called cosmic or planetary yoga, is another auxilliary form of practice on laya path. It helps one unify with The Highest Will and Intention of God on our planet and learn of the Divine Spirit of our Planet. Shambhala interpreted as a place is also called the Holy City (Brahma’s City, Heavenly Jerusalem), i.e. the seat of the highest manifestation of the Absolute, God, Brahma’s Adhibuddha. Meditations with Celestial Guards named Navagraha also belong to the traditional planetary yoga. Practices relating to the Sirius, the Pleiades, the Pole Star (Dhruwa), as well as to all planetary Spirits (logos, Brahmanda) represent precisely the yoga of planetary, star and cosmic consciousness. Its essence is striving to approach the manifestation of the Eternal Lord of Time, the Ruler of the Planet Earth, whose name in yoga is Brahma Kumara or Sanat Kumara („Always a Youth”).
Nathsampradaja Hatha yoga is an ancient succession line of great nathas (guards) and siddhas (the perfect ones), initiated by Rishabhanath in the beginning of the entire present epoch, measured according to the vedic calendar and continued in its taintless form by Parshvanath, the twenth-third subsequent Great Victor (Mahavira), as Masters of Hatha Yoga are called. Its contemporary form has its origin in Mahasiddha Krishnacharya, the founder of Siddha Yoga tradition. An initiated disciple of this path is called natha or nathini and is always a guard of the Victors’ Path. Shivaic Order of Nathasampradaya is a source of all forms of Hatha Yoga, which do not always resemble the original. All basic asanas (positions) begin with the lotos position (Padmasana). Purification by water (enema, washing nostrils) and trataka are considered to be preliminary practices to be performed here. Bandha and mudra are breathing and meditation techniques which require the engagement of the whole body together with its muscles.
Vajrasattva is a vehicle of the Diamond Being, also referred to as the Diamond Goodness. Good Will, Pure Intention of God’s Essence emerges from contemplative Void. Abhava Yoga is the foundation of the practice of non-appearance of the stream of consciousness phenomena as well as maintaining the state of consciousness where all mundane phenomena in their material dimension cease to exist. Abhava is the process of contradicting the material reality of existence, which consequently leads to the disappearance of phenomena generated by material forces. As a result we reach the great Void (Abhaavah), which testifies to the annihilation of death and attainment of bodilessness. It also means that one has reached Eternal Peace (Prashantih). Human being becomes an embodiment of Good Will of the Highest God through grounding in the practice of perceiving (pratyaya, feeling) Void (abhaava) even in relation to the spectator, as well as the subject and one that experiences the phenomenon. This path is determined by four forms of yoga: Abhava, Guru, Maha and Agni Yoga. It is also referred to as the Path of the Golden Heart Fraternity, or the Path of Guru Morya’s Good Will. Its other names are sufi Din-i-Illai (Divine Faith) and the Subudh Fraternity, both of which appear under the common name al-Akbariya.
Shigatse, which has already been discussed, is the path which leads one to the Wisdom Temple of twenty four Rishis, Holy Old Men. The chief practice here is Raja Yoga, also called the Path of Kings – Sages. By revealing the source of Eternal Wisdom (Sarvajnana) one attains the ultimate comprehension of the destiny of races and nations in the evolution of mankind, as well as insight into the collective karma of societies, understanding of the mechanism through which evolution operates, the current affairs of one’s nation, and the hidden life of nature. All this allows one to establish his reign as a King – Sage. Raja Yoga is the yoga of Princes, Kings and Rulers of the Golden Age of Truth. Twenty four Holy Rishis are sort of twenty four Ministers of the Great Council of the World’s Teacher (Jagadguru), who is responsible for spiritual leadership in human communities.
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