Category: Healing

  • Tips on Cancer Prevention

    Tips on Cancer Prevention

    Cancer is a serious, but curable illness and one can avoid even 85- 95% of all malignant cancers that are diagnosed, but that would make the oncological industry go bankrupt. The key to prevention is a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and concern about the immune system of the organism. One should strengthen and activise the immune system (IS) of the…

  • Spiritual Healing – God, spirit, life energy and ayurveda

    Spiritual Healing – God, spirit, life energy and ayurveda

    Spiritual Healing  Spiritual healing is the oldest type of healing known to humanity. There has always been some form of spiritual healing available in all tribes and societies: our Druid tradition of healing and spirituality, the North American Medicine man, the wise men and wfomen who occupied a special place in every tribe, helping to heal…

  • FENG SHUI – Qi, taoism, astrology and qigong

    FENG SHUI – Qi, taoism, astrology and qigong

    Feng Shui – Ancient Taoist Art Feng shui (fʌŋˈʃweɪ, fung-shway, formerly (ˈfʌŋʃuː.i) fung-shoo-ee; Chinese: 風水, pronounced [fə́ŋʂwèi]) (or Fung shui) is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive qi. The original designation for the discipline is…