Mansa Yoga – Practice of Mastering the Mind (16)

What is ‘mansa’? It is yoga of modern era, in the spirit of the times. It helps in controlling the chaotic mind and in overcoming the stream of running thoughts. “Mansa” is a healthy person and a healthy human psyche. This is the common name for the basic system of spiritual exercises, from which to start any spiritual path or school. Practice of controlling the mind, the psyche is a main theme of the whole system in any edition.

MANSA Yoga has two basic pillars on which it is based:

  1. SAHAN – it is endurance, patience and natural ability to wait as long as it is needed without any stress.
  2. SUMIRAN – continuous remembrance of God as omnipresent spiritual Ideal, single-minded desire and determined faith, constant repetition of the name of God (the Absolute Deity).

If some spiritual school is actually a spiritual school, then it surely in its basic teachings and practices will be based on these two pillars. It is a sign of a school of spiritual development, which serves the New Epoch – the Spirit of Aquarius.

Mansa Sadhana – it is the basic labour of practicing, based on potentials of mind/psyche:

  • repeating phrases of aphorisms and sayings of the saints;
  • all work with affirmations, confirmations and autosuggestion;
  • work with thoughts for reflection, contemplation of God (Deity).

This basic Sadhana based on the mind/psyche can take, depending on the needs of aspirants, two basic forms:

  • 23VIPAŚYANA – self-observation, direct insight into the nature of the mind/psyche, and also studying dependency from Nature (Element);
  • UPASANA – contemplation of God, thinking about God, examinating the dependency from God/Universe, a direct insight into the nature of God.

While Vipaśyana deals with the microcosm, the interior of psyche, Upasana uses the same technical means to study the macrocosm, or God – the Absolute.

All meditations on the nature of God belong to Upasana – even revealing God as the Ideal (Idam) inside oneself. Vipaśyana and Upasana are like two sides of the same coin. The only different thing is a starting point. This becomes clear as soon as we realize that man is created in the image and likeness of God. Vipaśyana is the study of human nature, and Upasana is the study of God’s nature.

Rejecting methods of Vipaśyana as well as rejecting methods of Upasana is a mistake in Sadhana and instead of helping in spiritual development it stops any progress. Thus vehicles (YANA) of Vipaś and Upasana together provide a deep and balanced spiritual progress.

MANSA Yoga is always in line with the Spirit of the Times. It teaches the principles of application of the laws of psychology of the mind/psyche. Who is the Spirit of the Times? This Being in yoga is known as coming avatar, the Teacher of the World.

Hindus say Kalkin – saviour and liberator who is to come. Jews call him Messaiah (Messiah), Christians call Him Christ, who is to come, and the Buddhists call him Maitreya. In the ancient religion of Persia this character was called Saoashyant. Muslims expect the Spirit of the Times under the name of Mahdi.

We can say that Mansa Yoga is a system of teachings and practices offered to humanity by the Spirit of the Times. Orthodox spiritual and religious systems are being reformed and will be reformed in accordance with the basic principles of Mansa Yoga so that the path of practice can be useful for the spiritual development of humanity.

There are several other methods useful for Mansa Yoga practice, mentioned below:

  1. YAGNA – fire sacrificial ceremonies, rituals of sacrifice. In particular, the sacrifice of plant foods, and even more offering (giving up) own thoughts, actions and words on the altar of God in the form of fire. The rituals of sacrifice to the Elements are another very useful form.
  2. VEDAMANTRA – repeating Vedic mantric formulas, which is a thousand and eight. This will help in submission of deceptive mind to God. Forms of melodic recitation called CANONS are examples of Vedamantra.
  3. BHAJAN – is a beautifully sung form of Vedamantra, especially at the time when the New Spiritual Age and New Civilization begin to flourish.
  4. KIRTAN – any type of standing or walking practice, as well as various forms of the Holy Dance – including Spinning Planets Dance known among the Dervishes.
  5. JYOTI – practices of LIGHT transmission as well as any technique that uses the mind / psyche for creative imaging of brightness, brilliance, radiance or creating visions of beautiful, wonderful places or situations.

“Let all the children listen to Eternity”

The eternal practice of God leads to the realization of threefold state of spiritual development:

SAT-ĆITTA-ANANDA: Existence, Consciousness, Bliss, which also are called for short Sachinda or or Subud; Sachinda belongs to the same line of development, that is, offering, giving up own’s mind to God. Sachinda is a practice of Upasana – essentially examining the relationship with God and a deep laws ruling the relationship between the Deity and the worshiper.

Anahata – spontaneous sound of heart, resounding as an echo of melodic recitations, which are said to be the simplest way to liberation, to salvation in the modern era – the age of Kali.

Through Murli sound – of flute and Damru – drum, and also through the Sages flows the sweet call of the ocean of mercy and grace. All together stimulates awareness of heart toward enlightenment.

Maharshi (Great Sage) Patanjali gave the following advice about the same system of practices: “Japa (repetition) and Sentiment (longing) are just as good.” This means that the practice of the Rosary technique is very important. However, without Longing – Sentiment there will be no effect! The conjunction “and” between the Japa and the Sentiment points to the concurrent importance of both factors. Tedious, perhaps, repetition or writing, or recitation techniques of prayers, affirmations, mantras, and other formulas without the feeling of Longing, Sentiment flowing out from the depths of the soul will not, unfortunately, be of any use.

MUMUKSHU – Longing that leads to liberation – salvation is on the path offered by the Master of the World especially important issue. This deep FEELING of the SOUL (PURUSHA) leads to a connection with the Spirit of the Times, Who is Maitreya-Kalkin-Christ.

Holy Solar Form (SURYA) of the Teacher (GURU), Master of all Yoga, provides details on Mansa Yoga. Surya Guru is always the embodiment of Śiva – the cleansing aspect of the Divine.

Shiva Temple, known as the “HARIAKHAN”, is located in a small village in the vicinity of the mountain Kailas in Kumaon. At least three times in this twentieth century Śiva appeared in form known as Babaji to explain and introduce all techniques of Mansa Yoga in detail. His name is given in the form of mantra, useful only for invocative purposes:


In practice of yoga mantras, name constructed this way is a useful vehicle carrying chanting person toward the salutary liberation from all pain and suffering. Bhaga – indicates the bliss, and Van – indicates the water of life. All together means the flowing ocean of blessings. Only a person who is a continuous flow of bliss can hold this spiritual title. Hari – is someone loved, Khan is a leader, boss, and Wale (from “Wali”) – is a master, someone who is the absolute ruler of minds and elements. So we have: beloved Leader of Masters – of course Masters of SPIRITUAL paths. That is why Śiva is called Master of Yogis. Baba – is Soul of souls, senior, father.

Here are other names of the revered Guru of all yogis, under which He is known – also in mantric form:

  1. Om Śri MAHAMUNINDRA Jai Bhagavate
  2. Om Śri SADGRUJI Jai Bhagavate
  3. Om Śri MAHVATAR Jai Bhagavate
  4. Om Śri TRAYAMBAKAM Jai Bhagavate
  5. Om Śri SADAŚIVA Jai Bhagavate
  6. Om Śri ŚIVAVATAR Jai Bhagavate
  7. Om Śri SURYAGURU Jai Bhagavate

At thouse we finish the list of affirmative mantric formulas. Enough to say that traditionally mantras are repeated hundred and eight times, which is one full cycle.

One can see how all authentic spiritual schools utilize Mansa Sadhana in the form of a few simple spiritual exercises. This applies particularly to systems based on Yoga and Sufi. Main theme is of course working with Sound – mantra, wasifa, decree, rosary mantric prayer, singing. Form of Sadhana may be from the Buddhist point of view called the Vehicle of Listeners – ŚRAVAKAYANA.

THREE elements joined together form one Mansa Sadhana designed as a basic for the aspirants of the New Age. Here we have a simple breathing and relaxation exercises, next there is the above mentioned work with Sound (Japas) and Jyottismati – transmission of light, visualizing shine and brightness, feeling the energy and vibration of light.

Mansa Yoga path is generally a fundamental practice in the era known as the Kali Yuga – the dark time. It takes a lot of varieties and forms. From the point of practical value Laya Yoga is a form of yoga passed on as the first initiation practice. And so any comments to Mansa Yoga are essentially instructions on how to travel the spiritual path on the vehicle of the first initiation. The same thing applies in the esoteric school of Sufism.

Thus SADHANA in the LAYA tradition was explained as Mansa Yoga. Of course, working with MANTRA must be in accordance with the achievement principles, explained in Mantra Yoga, which will be discussed soon.


  1. Vipaśyana or Upasana – thinking about own self, about own being or reflecting on the nature of God. The overall relationship with Guru or Spiritual Hierarchy, feeling the vibration of various saints, masters, prophets, contemplating their being. Listening to the teachings of ascended beings – hence the vehicle of listeners – both in the form of readings from the book as well as directly from the mouth of the living Sages.
  2. Breathing – a simple breathing exercises, also known as cleansing breaths, sessions of healing breathing, intensive breaths called Bandha, alternate nostril breathing. Overall, the whole art of using breath and energy, which is hidden behind breathing, and which could be called the Art of Living.
  3. Japa – that is chanting mantras, repeating the name – Sumiran – is the most essential part of the work. Listening to Anahat – resound inside the heart, feeling the inner vibrating energy (Prathyaya), repeating the rosary prayers, aphorisms, affirmations, teachings of master, confirmations – also belong to this part of practice.
  4. Jyotismati – visualization of boundless brightness, unlimited luminosity, feeling the energy in the vision of Light, Transmission of pure, white light. Vision of a beam of light from space, from above, and also dissolution in the shine of the Deities.
  5. Kirtana – it can be a combination of Japa, or Sumiran, with the movement of the whole body or with gestures and positions (Mudra) and also may take the form of the Holy Dance and Singing.
  6. Yagna – lighting the sacrificial fire, lighting of candles to practice, preparing ritual altars with incense or open flames and also with images of saints.
  7. Sahan – patient, persistent repetition – is the most fundamental to any progress on the spiritual path. Sahan as a feature of the aspirant of the spiritual path is sorely needed before the next steps of initiation into higher forms of Laya Yoga practice are given, because without perseverance no one has achieved nothing in this very delicate matter.

This finishes the preliminary explanation to the practice – SADHANA – in all spiritual schools that you can find. Hum!

Acharya Lalit Mohan G.K.


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