Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. The word “Yoga” (Unification) is usually associated with ascetic and mystical training coming from the area of the cradle of the Vedic and Brahmanical religions, and nowadays (since the 7th century) also Hinduism. The reader may be surprised at what connection yoga exercises have with the Christian religion initiated…
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Iśvara-Prani-Dhana – Saćinda – Spiritual Devotion Iśvarapranidhana means Submission to God’s Will. The practice of Spiritual Devotion is the training of Purity and Humility. SAĆINDA is the cultivation of pure being, pure awareness and pure happiness. The practice of Spiritual Devotion aims to achieve the state of original purity of one’s…