Tag: agni
Principle of Fire and Non-violence (89)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next A week is a period of seven days, each of which is associated with one planetary energy. It is similar with the Seven Years, in which each year has a Devata (Idam), a protective Angel – Guardian, and in each such year, the energy of the Spirit of one of…
Spiritual Community (Morya Sangham) (76)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Here are a few words about the SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY (SANGHA), how to create it, what principles to base it on, how to participate in it and how to recognize a disciple from the Sangha, all this in the words of the Spiritual Master of Paksalam, Chohan Akbar Morya Khan, the…
Yahvah – The Lord God in Indian Veda
Yahvah – God in Indian Veda YHVH appears 41 times in 33 of the Rgveda’s 1028 hymns ~ in maNDala I (5x), II (2x), III (9x), IV (5x), V (5x), VI (1x), VII (4x), VIII (2x), IX (3x), and X (5x) ~ with forms of the masculine yahva appearing 21 times, and forms of the…
Basics of Agni Yoga (65)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Om Śanti, Śanti, Śantih! 1. Sometimes we are looking for the Temple of Wisdom of Kalkin – Maitreya, among Christians called Christ – the Messiah. We can take a closer look at the teachings of Himavant Master Morya, which undoubtedly lead to our Śigatse Temple, although they are also very…
The Golden Age of Truth in Teachings of Prophet Isaiah (31)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We will travel in thought and heart to the threshold of consciousness of the new Golden Age of Truth. Let’s try to look at what the Era of Light and Love is in the teachings of the Semitic (Kashmiri) lineage of the Sages of the Golden Robe. Satyayuga is undoubtedly…
Agniloka – Heaven of the Spirit of Fire (29)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Essential Concepts We can encounter several concepts such as Agni (Fire), Agni Yoga, Agnihotra, Agnaya, fire sacrifice, purification by the element of Fire, Spirit of Fire. All mysticism is full of such references. So what is this Spirit of Fire? What does the concept of Agni mean? What is the…