Tag: anahat nadam
Laya Yoga – Verses of Ancient Teachings (45)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We will try to reflect on the teachings of Laya Yoga contained in ancient treatises on yoga. “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” written by Rishi Swatmarama contains some essential verses about the state of Laya and the practice of Laya. Of course, these are only auxiliary issues on the path of Hatha…
Cleansing of the Heart Petals (34)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today we will deal with the Heart Path (Hridaya, Anahata Margah) and one of its fundamental practices called cleansing the heart’s petals. The center of the heart is recognized as a vessel of spiritual transformation as the cup of transmutation and transforming transfiguration. The path of the heart is now…