Tag: angels

  • Egregors and elementals – clouds of beliefs, convictions and similar thoughts (105)

    Egregors and elementals – clouds of beliefs, convictions and similar thoughts (105)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Egregors (spiritoids), elementals(egoids) or creations of astral matter (emotions) and mental matter (thoughts) are some of the important essential topics in mystical and esoteric fields with which contemporary transpersonal psychology also works, although under different names. Elementals in esotericism and occultism are, on the one hand, a type of spirits…

  • Demonic Kingdom, Influence and Rule of the Lords of Darkness (103)

    Demonic Kingdom, Influence and Rule of the Lords of Darkness (103)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The demonic influence of the dark forces of evil is real and poses a dangerous threat to our spiritual well-being, especially in politics and political ideologies. The evil spirit can tempt us but usually cannot directly affect us unless we open ourselves to his action. We should not fear Satan,…

  • Conversation with Angels about God’s Love (97)

    Conversation with Angels about God’s Love (97)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next And here is a short conversation about Love with the Angels of Love! Question: Divine Angel of Love, Kamael, Kamadeva, tell us today what Love and the Art of Loving is according to Your Wisdom! Answer: O Prophet, do you see people worthy of revealing the Mystery of Love, who,…

  • Mysteries of the Egyptian Cross (93)

    Mysteries of the Egyptian Cross (93)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Many researchers of mystical symbolism and Hermeticism are looking for the meaning of the essence and origin of the so-called Egyptian Cross, which is, in fact, a combination of a capital letter “T” with a circle or an ovalO-shaped egg painted above it, which gives us the image of the…

  • Toxic Ideas of Pseudo-Religions (88)

    Toxic Ideas of Pseudo-Religions (88)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next As a specialist in the field of psychology of religion and mental therapy of people indoctrinated by toxic and destructive sects widely known in the world, I will say a few words about a few toxic ideas that distort reason and destroy the spiritual life of an individual, leading him…

  • Spiritual Wisdom in Parables (81)

    Spiritual Wisdom in Parables (81)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. There are many spiritual tales and stories in all religions Revealed by God, and studying them gives us spiritual knowledge as long as we study them with focus on the Divine Light in the Heart or Eye. The Heart area, Anahata in the middle of the chest, sternum, must…

  • Short Course in Spirituality (77)

    Short Course in Spirituality (77)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The spiritual idea for the human race is ​​good and helpful at all times, and each lesson of Light, Love and Power, Truth and Simplicity or Harmony and Beauty must be read, studied and contemplated many times until the Spiritual Ideals are written on the Matrix of our Hearts and…

  • Soul of the Book – the Essence of Holy Names (70)

    Soul of the Book – the Essence of Holy Names (70)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. The succession of the Holy Book comes from the three most important Names, of which Allah is the most important. The second name is Jibril (Gabriel), the Holy Spirit of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Mohammad is the third name, the name of the Son of God sent with the…

  • Aryavarta – Arya – Indra Deva – Arya Samaj – Aryan Culture and Spirituality

    Aryavarta – Arya – Indra Deva – Arya Samaj – Aryan Culture and Spirituality

    Introduction to Aryan Culture and Spirituality  Aryavarta – Arya – Indra Deva – Arya Samaj  Ārya in sanskrit: ā́rya: noble/lord, pure, perfect, excellent – is a term used in Sanskrit that oftenly appears in Sanatan Dharma (Vedic Hinduism). The word Arya (Aryan) means “Noble”. Anyone following Sanatan Dharma (Vedic Hinduism) is called an Arya.The British/Arabs/Persians…

  • Elohim is Yahveh and Shekinah (44)

    Elohim is Yahveh and Shekinah (44)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Elohim is the basic biblical word for God. Derived from the Old Aramaic Allah or Elloh. There is great similarity, if not complete identity, with the concept of Shiva and Shakti that has been taught for thousands of years in Kashmir, which, as it now seems, is the actual cradle…

  • Learning About Chakras (43)

    Learning About Chakras (43)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next With great pleasure I share this lesson dedicated to the centres of fiery consciousness to all those interested in the topic of chakras (pronounce as ćakra, soft ‘chi’). I would like to mention that the knowledge contained in this work belongs to the system of vaidika laya yoga and is…

  • Divine Faith – Eternally Living Religion (35)

    Divine Faith – Eternally Living Religion (35)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The foundations of religious faith were given to humanity by the great Prophets sent by Almighty God to humanity. You will find them in the principles and practices of each of the great spiritual-religious traditions. They were taught by Shiva, Abraham, Rama, Zarathushtra, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Śankara, Caitanya and…

  • The Golden Age of Truth in Teachings of Prophet Isaiah (31)

    The Golden Age of Truth in Teachings of Prophet Isaiah (31)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We will travel in thought and heart to the threshold of consciousness of the new Golden Age of Truth. Let’s try to look at what the Era of Light and Love is in the teachings of the Semitic (Kashmiri) lineage of the Sages of the Golden Robe. Satyayuga is undoubtedly…