Tag: apocalypse

  • Dream of Death (64)

    Dream of Death (64)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. Let us begin our reflections on the life of the soul after the death of the body with an analysis of the Christian story about the Rich Man and Lazarus from the Book of Luke, i.e. the Gospel of Luke (16.19-31). This is one of the most insightful descriptions…

  • Yoga About the End of the World and the Tragic Destrution of Humanity (25)

    Yoga About the End of the World and the Tragic Destrution of Humanity (25)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Belief in the end of the world in its catastrophic dimension of universal annihilation is a tendency that has a clear pathological background. Preachers of the imminent end of the world are people with a strong anxiety phobia called the syndrome of inevitable death. Tragic images and visions are characteristic of an unpurified third…