Tag: bhaishajya
Bhaishajya Guru – The Medicine Rudra Shiva – The Healing Master
The Medicine Rudra Shiva Bhaiṣajya-guru (भैषज्यगुरु), formally Bhaiṣajya-guru-vaidūrya-prabharāja (भैषज्यगुरुवैडूर्यप्रभाराज, ‘Medicine Master and King of Lapis Lazuli Light’), is the Shiva of healing and medicine in Himalaya Mahāyoga Shaivita and Raudriya. Commonly referred to as the “Medicine Shiva”, he is described as a doctor who cures suffering using the medicine of his teachings. On achieving Shivahood,…
Spiritual Healing – God, spirit, life energy and ayurveda
Spiritual Healing Spiritual healing is the oldest type of healing known to humanity. There has always been some form of spiritual healing available in all tribes and societies: our Druid tradition of healing and spirituality, the North American Medicine man, the wise men and wfomen who occupied a special place in every tribe, helping to heal…
What is Yoga of Healing of Guru Bhaishajya (26)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The healer of Devas in the heavens is known under the name Dhanvantari. In his left hand he holds the vessel with the drink of Immortals as with a wonderful and universal drug. The name Dhanvantari means “He who moves in the arch,” or in the heavens. The Heavenly Physician…