Tag: chela
Cultivating the Spiritual Path of Laya Marga (55)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The ability to follow a spiritual path of life is a rare divine gift. Especially during the Kali Yuga period, this gift is extremely rare and therefore more valuable. The breath of the divine spirit makes you a person called to enter paths of the spirit. Many are called, but…
Recognizing the Guru (39)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today let’s look at the issue of how to recognize your Guru, spiritual guide, or spiritual master. The term Guru in the external sense means a teacher or shepherd, and in the internal sense a person who burns or illuminates what is material and heavy, as well as the flame…
The Importance of Guru in Spiritual Development (24)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next With gratitude for all letters and questions regarding the importance or irrelevance of a person of Guru during a journey on a spiritual path, with pleasure I undertake this subject, difficult in our culture. I will try to include an outline of the traditional view of enlightened beings regarding the topic raised…
Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (1)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The first issue of the esoteric magazine obliges us to clarify its title and the mission that it has been designed to fulfil. It is wholly contained in one beautiful and simple word: HRIDAYA. I hope that this magazine will attract the attention of all CHELA: disciples, aspirers and students of yoga,…
Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (2)
The first issue of the esoteric magazine obliges us to clarify its title and the mission that it has been designed to fulfil. It is wholly contained in one beautiful and simple word: HRIDAYA. I hope that this magazine will attract the attention of all CHELA: disciples, aspirers and students of yoga, so that they can follow…