Tag: exercises

  • Yoga – gymnastics or philosophy? Why did the West fall in love with yoga and asanas? (102)

    Yoga – gymnastics or philosophy? Why did the West fall in love with yoga and asanas? (102)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next If, in a street poll, we ask passersby whether they know what yoga is, the majority will confirm. Some will say it is a form of gymnastics, like stretching and Pilates; others will associate yoga with Hinduism and Buddhism, and still others will describe it as personal development. The latter…

  • Ayurveda Advises Boosting Mental Immunity (90)

    Ayurveda Advises Boosting Mental Immunity (90)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next A teacher of Ayurvedic Natural Medicine must care for his patients not only to cure them when they become weak and sick, but also must be able to prescribe herbal medicines for them, and give them advice on how to increase their psychobiological resistance to any poisons that may cause…

  • Practices of Breath and Light (59)

    Practices of Breath and Light (59)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next This practical guide to meditation with breathing and light is intended as a connecting component of a larger Laya Yoga meditation course, available to all who have previously studied meditation. These are not internal practices given to initiates in Yoga or Sufi Orders, which must be kept secret and given…

  • Medicines of Yoga of Healing (54)

    Medicines of Yoga of Healing (54)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Ayurveda medicines are all remedies provided by Mother Nature. It is believed that what Nature gives us is the most valuable and at the same time the best medicine for the body and mind. The Energy of Nature is accumulated, among others, in stones and crystals, in various herbs, essences…

  • Establishing Inner Guidance (30)

    Establishing Inner Guidance (30)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Let’s try to go today to a real spiritual practice, thanks to which it will be possible to easily establish contact with the so-called Inner Voice. Our inner self, the voice of the heart, or if you prefer, the voice of silence, can begin to speak clearly and distinctly within…