Tag: god

  • Demonic Kingdom, Influence and Rule of the Lords of Darkness (103)

    Demonic Kingdom, Influence and Rule of the Lords of Darkness (103)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The demonic influence of the dark forces of evil is real and poses a dangerous threat to our spiritual well-being, especially in politics and political ideologies. The evil spirit can tempt us but usually cannot directly affect us unless we open ourselves to his action. We should not fear Satan,…

  • Toxic Ideas of Pseudo-Religions (88)

    Toxic Ideas of Pseudo-Religions (88)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next As a specialist in the field of psychology of religion and mental therapy of people indoctrinated by toxic and destructive sects widely known in the world, I will say a few words about a few toxic ideas that distort reason and destroy the spiritual life of an individual, leading him…

  • Soul of the Book – the Essence of Holy Names (70)

    Soul of the Book – the Essence of Holy Names (70)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. The succession of the Holy Book comes from the three most important Names, of which Allah is the most important. The second name is Jibril (Gabriel), the Holy Spirit of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Mohammad is the third name, the name of the Son of God sent with the…

  • Sathya Sai Baba Bhagavan – Holy Vishnu Avatara

    Sathya Sai Baba Bhagavan – Holy Vishnu Avatara

    Sathya Sai Baba – Vishnu Narayana Avatara To a spiritual aspirant, He is the divine master par excellence; to a rationalist, He is the greatest humanitarian on earth; to thousands of modern youth, He is the leader with a dynamic vision and a colossus of inspiration; to a devotee, He is simply divinity in human…

  • Śri Kalkin – Teacher and Saviour

    Śri Kalkin – Teacher and Saviour

    The Saviour’s (Kalkin’s) name is known in all religions of the world. In the Jewish religion it is Messiah and in Zarathustra’s religion it is Soashyant. His name is Christ in the Christian religion and Maitreya in the Buddhist religion. His name is Kalkin (which literally means the Saviour) in the Hindu religion and Imam…

  • Lilith, Adam, Elohim and Creation (62)

    Lilith, Adam, Elohim and Creation (62)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The name Lilith comes from Lila, a female demon or rather a demoness known from Babylonian-Assyrian mythology. In the Kabbalah, Lilith is the demon of Friday (the sixth day of the week) and is depicted as a naked woman whose body transforms at the bottom into serpentine coils similar to…

  • Om Namaśśivaya – Glory to the Graceful One (53)

    Om Namaśśivaya – Glory to the Graceful One (53)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Om Namah Śivāya – Glory to the Grace, Śiva, Lord and Teacher of the worlds of men and angels. Glory be to the Destroyer of all error, sin and threefold selfishness (physical, mental and spiritual Ego). Glory be to the Person of the Holy Spirit, the One who grants countless…

  • Elohim is Yahveh and Shekinah (44)

    Elohim is Yahveh and Shekinah (44)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Elohim is the basic biblical word for God. Derived from the Old Aramaic Allah or Elloh. There is great similarity, if not complete identity, with the concept of Shiva and Shakti that has been taught for thousands of years in Kashmir, which, as it now seems, is the actual cradle…

  • Virāt – Path of Mahadevi (42)

    Virāt – Path of Mahadevi (42)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next “True religiosity appears in protecting and caring for the treasures of Nature, the beauty of nature, and respect for Mother Earth. By protecting the beauty of Nature you protect the divine spark that lives in your heart. We get to know the Sage through his life in unity and harmony…

  • About Jinns and Karins (37)

    About Jinns and Karins (37)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The cult of Saithan (Satan) is commonly widespread today. Let’s try to look at the phenomenon briefly, although a detailed study of hells is not on our way to Heavenly Paradise. However, some knowledge is beneficial because it makes it easier to avoid the numerous ambushes and traps of the…

  • Divine Faith – Eternally Living Religion (35)

    Divine Faith – Eternally Living Religion (35)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The foundations of religious faith were given to humanity by the great Prophets sent by Almighty God to humanity. You will find them in the principles and practices of each of the great spiritual-religious traditions. They were taught by Shiva, Abraham, Rama, Zarathushtra, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Śankara, Caitanya and…

  • Mahasandhi – The Great Perfection (33)

    Mahasandhi – The Great Perfection (33)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The Great Perfection is a living embodiment of Mahamudra, i.e. the Great Attitude. Mahasandhi, the Great Perfection, is a practical vehicle for practicing of Laya Yogis. Mahamudra is the basis of this path, as is Samnyasa – the last vehicle of discipleship on the Laya Path. The commandment “Be perfect…

  • The Golden Age of Truth in Teachings of Prophet Isaiah (31)

    The Golden Age of Truth in Teachings of Prophet Isaiah (31)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We will travel in thought and heart to the threshold of consciousness of the new Golden Age of Truth. Let’s try to look at what the Era of Light and Love is in the teachings of the Semitic (Kashmiri) lineage of the Sages of the Golden Robe. Satyayuga is undoubtedly…

  • Establishing Inner Guidance (30)

    Establishing Inner Guidance (30)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Let’s try to go today to a real spiritual practice, thanks to which it will be possible to easily establish contact with the so-called Inner Voice. Our inner self, the voice of the heart, or if you prefer, the voice of silence, can begin to speak clearly and distinctly within…

  • Yoga About the End of the World and the Tragic Destrution of Humanity (25)

    Yoga About the End of the World and the Tragic Destrution of Humanity (25)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Belief in the end of the world in its catastrophic dimension of universal annihilation is a tendency that has a clear pathological background. Preachers of the imminent end of the world are people with a strong anxiety phobia called the syndrome of inevitable death. Tragic images and visions are characteristic of an unpurified third…

  • The Importance of Guru in Spiritual Development (24)

    The Importance of Guru in Spiritual Development (24)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next With gratitude for all letters and questions regarding the importance or irrelevance of a person of Guru during a journey on a spiritual path, with pleasure I undertake this subject, difficult in our culture. I will try to include an outline of the traditional view of enlightened beings regarding the topic raised…

  • Mantra Yoga – The Power of Vibrations (17)

    Mantra Yoga – The Power of Vibrations (17)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The ancient treatise “Yogatattva Upanishad” identifies four fundamental groups of yoga systems, which are useful in the Dark Age or Kali Yuga in which humanity currently is. The pattern of these four systems is so universal that all authentic spiritual schools will have to be constructed in a similar way,…

  • The Great Initiation (8)

    The Great Initiation (8)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today we are going to deal with the First Great Initiation. Preparation for this initiation is contained in the series of practices belonging to the First Class of Yoga. Brief Mystical Clues on this work are included in the first chapter of Patanjali’s textbook known under the title “Yogasutra”. Consequently,…

  • Jewels From the Hands of My Guru! (2)

    Jewels From the Hands of My Guru! (2)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The Venerable One! The one who is reading this work! It does not serve the purpose of reading, but the purpose of meditating upon. Each thought is a signpost that shows the way to the Light of the Self. These are the words that my Spiritual Master and Leader, Guru…