Tag: golden age
Himalayan Spiritual Community (101)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We are an Ancient Spiritual Community for spreading all secrets of Laya Yoga based on Chakras, and Life Science called Tantra, and for spreading most famous Ayurveda teachings for health and healing! The most known word SANGHA means Brotherhood and Sisterhood or may be much better as KINSHIP! We all are brothers…
The Golden Age of Truth
What is the Era of Truth, also known as Satyayuga or Kritayuga, or the Golden Age? The Millenium Kingdom, The New Age, the Era of Light, the Age of Aquarius. One thing that we can say for sure about the New Age is that it is undoubtedly the fulfilment of all biblical prophecies relating to…
Transmission Meditation (47)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Let’s try to take a look at the practice technique popularly known as TM, or rather Transmission Meditation. Master Djwhal Khul Khan (known as D.K. or the Tibetan) mentions a particular form of Laya Yoga practice that will be the yoga of the coming New Golden Age of Truth. It…
The Golden Age of Truth in Teachings of Prophet Isaiah (31)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We will travel in thought and heart to the threshold of consciousness of the new Golden Age of Truth. Let’s try to look at what the Era of Light and Love is in the teachings of the Semitic (Kashmiri) lineage of the Sages of the Golden Robe. Satyayuga is undoubtedly…
Nine-Level Classic Laya Yoga (28)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Essential Concepts Let’s try to look at laya yoga today in its traditional, classic approach, in a form that always invariably begins with practicing the principles of YAMAH and NIYAMAH. The term LAYA derives from the verb LAY, which means “to go”, “to move”. The word LAYAH carries such meanings…
Gayatri – Narayana Mantra (23)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next INTRODUCTION For thousands of years, Gayatri is a vision of people who are spiritually oriented. It is an invocation, a call to the Deity of Light. The wonderful prophet who pointed out this Song of Light, called the source from which all good thoughts come from and from which all divine forms…