Tag: health
Vegetarianism and Humanity (91)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Man, Human Being, it sounds quite proud, but in ancient times, only VEGETARIANS were considered people, i.e. human beings who generally did not consume any meat food at all, i.e. the kind for which one had to kill any animal. Becoming a Human, in the whole meaning of the word,…
Tips on Cancer Prevention
Cancer is a serious, but curable illness and one can avoid even 85- 95% of all malignant cancers that are diagnosed, but that would make the oncological industry go bankrupt. The key to prevention is a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and concern about the immune system of the organism. One should strengthen and activise the immune system (IS) of the…
What is Yoga of Healing of Guru Bhaishajya (26)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The healer of Devas in the heavens is known under the name Dhanvantari. In his left hand he holds the vessel with the drink of Immortals as with a wonderful and universal drug. The name Dhanvantari means “He who moves in the arch,” or in the heavens. The Heavenly Physician…