Tag: heart lotus

  • Mysteries of the Egyptian Cross (93)

    Mysteries of the Egyptian Cross (93)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Many researchers of mystical symbolism and Hermeticism are looking for the meaning of the essence and origin of the so-called Egyptian Cross, which is, in fact, a combination of a capital letter “T” with a circle or an ovalO-shaped egg painted above it, which gives us the image of the…

  • Some Aspects of Spirituality (66)

    Some Aspects of Spirituality (66)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. We will discuss a very deep and comprehensive topic: spirituality, i.e. climbing upwards on the steps of enlightenment. We will assume the essential esoteric truth about generally five degrees of enlightenment or spirituality that human beings can achieve in their human bodies. The symbol of a five–pointed star, a…

  • The Great Initiation (8)

    The Great Initiation (8)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today we are going to deal with the First Great Initiation. Preparation for this initiation is contained in the series of practices belonging to the First Class of Yoga. Brief Mystical Clues on this work are included in the first chapter of Patanjali’s textbook known under the title “Yogasutra”. Consequently,…