Tag: heart
Raja Yoga – Fundamentals of Royal Yoga of the Masters of Wisdom (106)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1) Raja Yoga is a spiritual science and art that explains more esoteric topics such as ćakras, the role of the Guru, Vedic astrology, nadis or energy channels in the subtle body of man, aura and halo, awakening and development of charismatic supernatural abilities, development of willpower and methods leading…
Morality as the Basis of Spiritual Development (104)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next All the masters of wisdom, yogis and magicians of all times taught that spiritual development, self-improvement, growth of Consciousness or journey towards Enlightenment and Liberation from the cycle of Samsara require people to adhere to more rigorous moral standards. Ancient sages, divine Rishis, enlightened Messengers of Heaven or Avatars and…
Conversation with Angels about God’s Love (97)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next And here is a short conversation about Love with the Angels of Love! Question: Divine Angel of Love, Kamael, Kamadeva, tell us today what Love and the Art of Loving is according to Your Wisdom! Answer: O Prophet, do you see people worthy of revealing the Mystery of Love, who,…
Cleansing of the Heart Petals (34)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today we will deal with the Heart Path (Hridaya, Anahata Margah) and one of its fundamental practices called cleansing the heart’s petals. The center of the heart is recognized as a vessel of spiritual transformation as the cup of transmutation and transforming transfiguration. The path of the heart is now…
The Great Initiations (22)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The light of yoga will illuminate Your path, Pilgrim to the Truth. The chalice is a vessel of the heart based on the solar plexus and open towards the thymus. The first stage of the journey is the flower of the cardiac plexus blooming right up. The whole luminosity of…
The Royal Path of the Initiation of Heart (20)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The familiar concept of raja yoga means colloquially the royal unity and is identical with the form of spiritual practice considered to be the highest and most perfect path of development. Sufi tariqah simply means the path of purity or wisdom, because the concept of sufi comes from safa, which…
Material Prosperity and Well-Being (15)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Prosperity comes through obedience and submission to divine laws that operate in manifested reality. Well-being means achieving all GOOD as well as achieving the essence of good, which is the BEING (Sanskrit: Sat., Per. Zat). Only material or only spiritual success is usually a disaster. Material prosperity consists in satisfying…