Tag: himavanti
Light of Chohaniya (92)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next As we begin this year’s Chohaniya, let us realize the importance and significance of this very spiritual and hermetic or esoteric holiday or festival. When the Sun enters the zodiacal sign of Capricorn, called in India Makāra (Crocodile), and this now takes place around December 21/22, the Seven Days begin,…
Candi Devi and esoteric sampradaya
Candi Devi and Ćandi Sampradaya – Candi spiritual traditions Candi, Ćandi, Candii Candee or Chandi – चण्डी trsl. Sanskrit: Caṇḍī or Chandika (Caṇḍīka) or Ran-Chandi is a ancient Hindu Goddess. Candi is the combined form of Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga, the ferocious form of Parvati. She is said to be the most ferocious incarnation of…
Srimad Devi Bhagavatam – The Kundalini Goddess Holy Scripture – Part Seven
The S’rimad Devî Bhâgavatam is the Most Holy and Sacred Book to the S’âktas (Shaktas, zaktas) means all Kundalini, Yoga and Tantra practicers and followers. Goddess has many sacred names like Devi, Kundalini, Gayatri, Shakti, Kali, Durga, Parvati, Uma and other. And probably to the all humanity this twelve parts Great Purana is the essence…
Srimad Devi Bhagavatam – The Kundalini Goddess Holy Scripture – Part Six
The S’rimad Devî Bhâgavatam is the Most Holy and Sacred Book to the S’âktas (Shaktas, zaktas) means all Kundalini, Yoga and Tantra practicers and followers. Goddess has many sacred names like Devi, Kundalini, Gayatri, Shakti, Kali, Durga, Parvati, Uma and other. And probably to the all humanity this twelve parts Great Purana is the essence of all the Holy Scripture.…
Srimad Devi Bhagavatam – The Kundalini Goddess Holy Scripture – Part Five
The S’rimad Devî Bhâgavatam is the Most Holy and Sacred Book to the S’âktas (Shaktas, zaktas) means all Kundalini, Yoga and Tantra practicers and followers. Goddess has many sacred names like Devi, Kundalini, Gayatri, Shakti, Kali, Durga, Parvati, Uma and other. And probably to the all humanity this twelve parts Great Purana is the essence of all the Holy…
Srimad Devi Bhagavatam – The Kundalini Goddess Holy Scripture – Part Four
The S’rimad Devî Bhâgavatam is the Most Holy and Sacred Book to the S’âktas (Shaktas, zaktas) means all Kundalini, Yoga and Tantra practicers and followers. Goddess has many sacred names like Devi, Kundalini, Gayatri, Shakti, Kali, Durga, Parvati, Uma and other. And probably to the all humanity this twelve parts Great Purana is the essence of all the Holy Scripture.…
Srimad Devi Bhagavatam – The Kundalini Goddess Holy Scripture – Part Three
The S’rimad Devî Bhâgavatam is the Most Holy and Sacred Book to the S’âktas (Shaktas, zaktas) means all Kundalini, Yoga and Tantra practicers and followers. Goddess has many sacred names like Devi, Kundalini, Gayatri, Shakti, Kali, Durga, Parvati, Uma and other. And probably to the all humanity this twelve parts Great Purana is the essence of all the Holy…
Srimad Devi Bhagavatam – The Kundalini Goddess Holy Scripture – Part Two
The S’rimad Devî Bhâgavatam is the Most Holy and Sacred Book to the S’âktas (Shaktas, zaktas) means all Kundalini, Yoga and Tantra practicers and followers . Goddess has many sacred names like Devi, Kundalini, Gayatri, Shakti, Kali, Durga, Parvati, Uma and other. And probably to the all humanity this twelve parts Great Purana is the essence of all the Holy Scripture.…
Srimad Devi Bhagavatam – The Kundalini Goddess Holy Scripture – Part One
The S’rimad Devî Bhâgavatam is to the S’âktas (Shaktas, zaktas) means all Kundalini, Yoga and Tantra practicers and followers – the Most Holy and Sacred Book. Goddess has many sacred names like Devi, Kundalini, Gayatri, Shakti, Kali, Durga, Parvati, Uma and other. And probably to the all humanity this twelve parts Great Purana is the essence of…
The Devî Gita – Song of the Goddess – Kundalini Yoga of Himavanti Brotherhood
The Devî Gita Song of the Goddess Excerpt from the Srimad Devî Bhagavatamtranslated by Swami Vijnanananda (Hari Prasanna Chatterji) Allahabad, Panini Office [1921] Sacred Books of the Hindus vol. 26; [1921], Book 7, Chapters 31-40 Om Śri Parvatyai Namah! CHAPTER XXXI The Birth of Pârvatî in the House of Himâlayâs1-2. Janamejaya said–“O Muni! You told before that “the Highest Light…
Himalayan Spiritual Community (101)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We are an Ancient Spiritual Community for spreading all secrets of Laya Yoga based on Chakras, and Life Science called Tantra, and for spreading most famous Ayurveda teachings for health and healing! The most known word SANGHA means Brotherhood and Sisterhood or may be much better as KINSHIP! We all are brothers…
Swami Śyam Lalita Mohan Baba-ji
We have the pleasure of inviting you with great joy to meetings and introductory workshops that will initiate you into mystery teachings and practices of ancient Laya Yoga and Tantra belonging to the Himavanti Sampradaya spiritual tradition. The workshops as well as other programmes are conducted by the Spiritual Leader (Layacharya) Acharyacharya LalitaMohan G. K.…
The Concept of Guru
When contemplating the spiritual development path (Margah) it is worth remembering the fact that Guru’s (Spiritual Guide’s) consciousness leads to greater and greater liberation and freedom of mind, and further, to greater and greater dissolution of all structures of material ego whose nature is to contradict the needs arising from the depths of soul, which…
Studying Holy Scriptures
Holy Scriptures of all religions and spiritual traditions interpreted through the prism of the unity of goal that all spiritual trends represent, may especially become a subject of esoteric studies. Proper interpretation of Holy Scriptures cannot be an arbitrary interpretation and teachings contained it them particularly ought not to be used in the defence of…
What is Laya Yoga?
The term laya means dissolution, melting of all karmic conditioning and limitations that have accrued as result of various occurrences and incidents which took place in the course of one’s entire lifetime. The barriers of a preconditioned life become gradually dissolved, until the soul sees the enlightening world of freedom and salvation (Kaivalya). Layah means…
Himavanti Confraternity Order – Ancient School of Yoga
The Himavanti Confraternity Order is an esoteric secret school for men and women of the contemporary times who have the intention to explore the great synthesis of teachings conveyed by ascended masters – these few ones, who had their triumph in each epoch and who now belong to the circle of our brothers and sisters on…
Basics of Agni Yoga (65)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Om Śanti, Śanti, Śantih! 1. Sometimes we are looking for the Temple of Wisdom of Kalkin – Maitreya, among Christians called Christ – the Messiah. We can take a closer look at the teachings of Himavant Master Morya, which undoubtedly lead to our Śigatse Temple, although they are also very…
Shards of True Esotericism (Occultism, Upanishad, Kālī Devi) (61)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today let us deal with concepts such as esotericism and occultism as reflected in the Vedic concept of upanishada, which concepts and the Wisdom of God hidden under them are often mocked today by people representing the materialistic, i.e. the lowest and darkest, type of religiosity. So let’s first look…
Virāt – Path of Mahadevi (42)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next “True religiosity appears in protecting and caring for the treasures of Nature, the beauty of nature, and respect for Mother Earth. By protecting the beauty of Nature you protect the divine spark that lives in your heart. We get to know the Sage through his life in unity and harmony…
The Ancient School of Yogis (38)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The term Himavanti is the feminine form of the word Himavant or Himavat, which is used firstly to describe the massif of the highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas, and secondly to define the Spirit of Wisdom of these mountains. It is understood that Himavat means the mountain range…