Tag: hridaya

  • Raja Yoga – Fundamentals of Royal Yoga of the Masters of Wisdom (106)

    Raja Yoga – Fundamentals of Royal Yoga of the Masters of Wisdom (106)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1) Raja Yoga is a spiritual science and art that explains more esoteric topics such as ćakras, the role of the Guru, Vedic astrology, nadis or energy channels in the subtle body of man, aura and halo, awakening and development of charismatic supernatural abilities, development of willpower and methods leading…

  • Morality as the Basis of Spiritual Development (104)

    Morality as the Basis of Spiritual Development (104)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next All the masters of wisdom, yogis and magicians of all times taught that spiritual development, self-improvement, growth of Consciousness or journey towards Enlightenment and Liberation from the cycle of Samsara require people to adhere to more rigorous moral standards. Ancient sages, divine Rishis, enlightened Messengers of Heaven or Avatars and…

  • Recognizing the Guru (39)

    Recognizing the Guru (39)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today let’s look at the issue of how to recognize your Guru, spiritual guide, or spiritual master. The term Guru in the external sense means a teacher or shepherd, and in the internal sense a person who burns or illuminates what is material and heavy, as well as the flame…

  • Agniloka – Heaven of the Spirit of Fire (29)

    Agniloka – Heaven of the Spirit of Fire (29)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Essential Concepts We can encounter several concepts such as Agni (Fire), Agni Yoga, Agnihotra, Agnaya, fire sacrifice, purification by the element of Fire, Spirit of Fire. All mysticism is full of such references. So what is this Spirit of Fire? What does the concept of Agni mean? What is the…

  • The Royal Path of the Initiation of Heart (20)

    The Royal Path of the Initiation of Heart (20)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The familiar concept of raja yoga means colloquially the royal unity and is identical with the form of spiritual practice considered to be the highest and most perfect path of development. Sufi tariqah simply means the path of purity or wisdom, because the concept of sufi comes from safa, which…

  • Kalkin – Messiah, Saviour, Christ (19)

    Kalkin – Messiah, Saviour, Christ (19)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Let us today study the form embodying love and wisdom of all kind in the aspect of the direct manifestation of the Creator – the God referred to in Sanskrit as Brahma. Denizens of Heaven, Deities of Heaven or the Sons of Brahma – these are the names for the…

  • Material Prosperity and Well-Being (15)

    Material Prosperity and Well-Being (15)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Prosperity comes through obedience and submission to divine laws that operate in manifested reality. Well-being means achieving all GOOD as well as achieving the essence of good, which is the BEING (Sanskrit: Sat., Per. Zat). Only material or only spiritual success is usually a disaster. Material prosperity consists in satisfying…

  • Abhyasa Prathamakalpika – The Work of Adept of Laya Yoga (14)

    Abhyasa Prathamakalpika – The Work of Adept of Laya Yoga (14)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Let’s take a look at the first stage of practice of yogis, whom Master Patanjali calls those, who apply the exercises, ie, using the original name, Prathamakalpika. This indicates the nature of the beginners mind, which becomes empty of any activity, and this process is called purification in yoga terms.…

  • Laya Yoga – Introductory definitions (13)

    Laya Yoga – Introductory definitions (13)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Laya Yoga is a path of chakra’s purification and development. It contains all sadhanas of yoga i.e. methods of practicing. It particularly introduces internal structure of human being and all it’s substances. Laya is well-known for presenting ways of purifying chakras and this what we call aura, an energetic sheath…

  • Laya Sadhana – Apprenticeship Leading to Prathyaya (12)

    Laya Sadhana – Apprenticeship Leading to Prathyaya (12)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next During our first practical lesson of yoga we will concentrate on daily practice for everyone, who wishes to develop closer relationship with the path of Laya. This material can be particularly important for those, who had already taken part in some courses or trainings of Laya yoga, tracked as a…

  • The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Morality is an issue that raises a storm of controversy, not only in the circles of people who are interested in yoga, or practical religion, but also among ordinary, simple people, and even atheists. Ethics, or morality, generally deals with the attitude of a man to man, outlining sort of…

  • How to Develop Spiritual Practice (10)

    How to Develop Spiritual Practice (10)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next I would like to thank all those who suggested that I discuss this marvellous Topic. I hope that it will prove useful to all people who practise on the Path. Teachers continue to focus on the importance of constant practising. Let me quote a few points that are important, or…

  • The Foundations of Laya Marga (9)

    The Foundations of Laya Marga (9)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Laya is primarily the PATH OF ABSORPTION. The Higher Self, the divine material element, absorbs the substance of ego, transforming the entire material projection into a subtle shape which is a perfect reflection (image) of the Ideal Human Being (PURUSHA). The Path of Absorption (LAYA MARGA) is characterised by three…

  • The Great Initiation (8)

    The Great Initiation (8)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today we are going to deal with the First Great Initiation. Preparation for this initiation is contained in the series of practices belonging to the First Class of Yoga. Brief Mystical Clues on this work are included in the first chapter of Patanjali’s textbook known under the title “Yogasutra”. Consequently,…

  • The Great White Brotherhood (7)

    The Great White Brotherhood (7)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Thank you for your eagerness in pursuing the eternal goal, as thanks to this PASSION in Your heart further issues of the “Hridaya” bulletin may continue to be published. If You are interested in any subjects, please write to the author of the esoteric lessons. This time I would like…

  • On Four Aspects of Practising Yoga (6)

    On Four Aspects of Practising Yoga (6)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Yoga, referred to as the process of stopping the thinking mind or the stream of psyche, as the exploration of one’s own self and independent transcending of one’s limitations until one attains the state of pure, translucent consciousness: this is a typical image conveyed by this first simple word. Aspects…

  • On Consiousness-Related Phenomena and Their Restraining (Sutra I, 5-11) (5)

    On Consiousness-Related Phenomena and Their Restraining (Sutra I, 5-11) (5)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Now let us proceed with the study of the first anga, i. e. class in the studies of yoga. It is going to be a path containing verses or aphorisms from the fifth to the eleventh, inclusive of the last one. We will get to know the basic concepts of…

  • Selected Aspects of Initiation (3)

    Selected Aspects of Initiation (3)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next What is the essence of the process of giving and receiving the initiation? What profundity is hidden in it? Undoubtedly it is a blessing, one that appears in four inter-related, or blended forms. Initiation is a blessing given by a spiritual leader (Hierophant), it is a blessing bestowed by the…

  • Jewels From the Hands of My Guru! (2)

    Jewels From the Hands of My Guru! (2)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The Venerable One! The one who is reading this work! It does not serve the purpose of reading, but the purpose of meditating upon. Each thought is a signpost that shows the way to the Light of the Self. These are the words that my Spiritual Master and Leader, Guru…

  • Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (1)

    Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (1)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The first issue of the esoteric magazine obliges us to clarify its title and the mission that it has been designed to fulfil. It is wholly contained in one beautiful and simple word: HRIDAYA. I hope that this magazine will attract the attention of all CHELA: disciples, aspirers and students of yoga,…

  • Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (2)

    Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (2)

    The first issue of the esoteric magazine obliges us to clarify its title and the mission that it has been designed to fulfil. It is wholly contained in one beautiful and simple word: HRIDAYA. I hope that this magazine will attract the attention of all CHELA: disciples, aspirers and students of yoga, so that they can follow…

  • Hridaya Circle – Introduction

    Hridaya Circle – Introduction

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The mind of a man is filled with confusion owing to to his free choice to separate himself from divinity, separate himself from the source, or the roots of his own existence, from the real endowment with everything that a human being truly needs. As a result of his drowning…