Tag: immortality

  • Medicines of Yoga of Healing (54)

    Medicines of Yoga of Healing (54)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Ayurveda medicines are all remedies provided by Mother Nature. It is believed that what Nature gives us is the most valuable and at the same time the best medicine for the body and mind. The Energy of Nature is accumulated, among others, in stones and crystals, in various herbs, essences…

  • What is Yoga of Healing of Guru Bhaishajya (26)

    What is Yoga of Healing of Guru Bhaishajya (26)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The healer of Devas in the heavens is known under the name Dhanvantari. In his left hand he holds the vessel with the drink of Immortals as with a wonderful and universal drug. The name Dhanvantari means “He who moves in the arch,” or in the heavens. The Heavenly Physician…