Tag: ishvara
Śaivism as the first monotheistic mystery cult (107)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1) Śaivism, in the original Śaiva, more precisely the Śaiva Sampradaya, is the oldest, most ancient spiritual, mystery and religious tradition of India, Kashmir and Tibet. Śaivism is strongly associated with the practices of tantric yoga or, as some prefer, yoga, tantra, and the so-called kundalini yoga. Śaivic tantra is…
Recognizing the Guru (39)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today let’s look at the issue of how to recognize your Guru, spiritual guide, or spiritual master. The term Guru in the external sense means a teacher or shepherd, and in the internal sense a person who burns or illuminates what is material and heavy, as well as the flame…
The Golden Age of Truth in Teachings of Prophet Isaiah (31)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We will travel in thought and heart to the threshold of consciousness of the new Golden Age of Truth. Let’s try to look at what the Era of Light and Love is in the teachings of the Semitic (Kashmiri) lineage of the Sages of the Golden Robe. Satyayuga is undoubtedly…
Establishing Inner Guidance (30)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Let’s try to go today to a real spiritual practice, thanks to which it will be possible to easily establish contact with the so-called Inner Voice. Our inner self, the voice of the heart, or if you prefer, the voice of silence, can begin to speak clearly and distinctly within…
The Importance of Guru in Spiritual Development (24)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next With gratitude for all letters and questions regarding the importance or irrelevance of a person of Guru during a journey on a spiritual path, with pleasure I undertake this subject, difficult in our culture. I will try to include an outline of the traditional view of enlightened beings regarding the topic raised…
Jewels From the Hands of My Guru! (2)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The Venerable One! The one who is reading this work! It does not serve the purpose of reading, but the purpose of meditating upon. Each thought is a signpost that shows the way to the Light of the Self. These are the words that my Spiritual Master and Leader, Guru…