Tag: karma
The Journey of the People of the Book of Life (82)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. It is said that inscrutable are God’s judgments and unpredictable are God’s ways, i.e. the ways in which the Creator works! If I remind you that in the Book of Eternal Life, where the Immortals are written down, there are 144,000 cards, then will you understand how God reads…
Spiritual Community (Morya Sangham) (76)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Here are a few words about the SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY (SANGHA), how to create it, what principles to base it on, how to participate in it and how to recognize a disciple from the Sangha, all this in the words of the Spiritual Master of Paksalam, Chohan Akbar Morya Khan, the…
Some Aspects of Spirituality (66)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. We will discuss a very deep and comprehensive topic: spirituality, i.e. climbing upwards on the steps of enlightenment. We will assume the essential esoteric truth about generally five degrees of enlightenment or spirituality that human beings can achieve in their human bodies. The symbol of a five–pointed star, a…
Bhagavad Gita
Translated by Sri Swami Sivananda Dedicated toBhagavan VyasaandLord KrishnaAvatara of Lord HariFlute-Bearer of BrindavanJoy of DevakiBeloved of RadhaRedeemer of the FallenFriend of ArjunaThe Lakkshya of Devotees Contents Publishers’ Note The Bhagavad Gita is one of the world-scriptures today. It guides the lives of people all over the world. Mahatma Gandhi regarded it as the “Mother”, to whom…
Himavanti Confraternity Order – Ancient School of Yoga
The Himavanti Confraternity Order is an esoteric secret school for men and women of the contemporary times who have the intention to explore the great synthesis of teachings conveyed by ascended masters – these few ones, who had their triumph in each epoch and who now belong to the circle of our brothers and sisters on…
Nathsampradaya Hatha Yoga (46)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next “Praise be to the Supreme Lord, Adi Guru Śiva, who has expounded the Wisdom of Willpower,known as Hathavidyam, to his consort Parvatigiving her the means of realizing the Ecstasy of Lightbody, Samadhi Mahabhoda!Glory to Adiśvara, the Supreme Perfectionfor expounding the teachings of the true way of Hatha Yoga.” This is…
The Great Initiations (22)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The light of yoga will illuminate Your path, Pilgrim to the Truth. The chalice is a vessel of the heart based on the solar plexus and open towards the thymus. The first stage of the journey is the flower of the cardiac plexus blooming right up. The whole luminosity of…
Mantra Yoga – The Power of Vibrations (17)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The ancient treatise “Yogatattva Upanishad” identifies four fundamental groups of yoga systems, which are useful in the Dark Age or Kali Yuga in which humanity currently is. The pattern of these four systems is so universal that all authentic spiritual schools will have to be constructed in a similar way,…