Tag: kriya yoga

  • Spiritual Development and Human Behaviour (96)

    Spiritual Development and Human Behaviour (96)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1). Many people who follow the spiritual path of self-improvement and development, mainly due to ignorance, fall into numerous sewers, side-blind alleys of spirituality, or even traps set by the ego or directly by the forces of evil residing on this planet! There are so many mistakes made by people…

  • Teachings of Nagaraja Babaji (60)

    Teachings of Nagaraja Babaji (60)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The Great Spiritual Master, Śrī Śivbāba Nagaraja, commonly called simply Bābaji, was born at the end of November 203 according to Christian Era in Tamil Nadu. One of his spiritual Masters was the immortal sage, rishi and yoga master Śri Agasthya. At the age of 16, Babaji achieved immortality of…

  • The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Morality is an issue that raises a storm of controversy, not only in the circles of people who are interested in yoga, or practical religion, but also among ordinary, simple people, and even atheists. Ethics, or morality, generally deals with the attitude of a man to man, outlining sort of…