Tag: laya yoga

  • The Journey of the People of the Book of Life (82)

    The Journey of the People of the Book of Life (82)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. It is said that inscrutable are God’s judgments and unpredictable are God’s ways, i.e. the ways in which the Creator works! If I remind you that in the Book of Eternal Life, where the Immortals are written down, there are 144,000 cards, then will you understand how God reads…

  • Some Aspects of Spirituality (66)

    Some Aspects of Spirituality (66)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. We will discuss a very deep and comprehensive topic: spirituality, i.e. climbing upwards on the steps of enlightenment. We will assume the essential esoteric truth about generally five degrees of enlightenment or spirituality that human beings can achieve in their human bodies. The symbol of a five–pointed star, a…

  • LAYA YOGA: Kundalini Tantra – Mantra – Siddhi Meditations

    LAYA YOGA: Kundalini Tantra – Mantra – Siddhi Meditations

    LAYA YOGA SAMPRADAYA Laya yoga involves techniques of meditation that cause the energy or Prana to move in certain ways, to awaken the Kundalini, the coiled up energy at the base of the spine. Laya yoga channelizes the energy forces in the Kundalini instead of merely controlling the mind. It is important that the Kundalini is activated through performance of…

  • Himalayan Spiritual Community (101)

    Himalayan Spiritual Community (101)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We are an Ancient Spiritual Community for spreading all secrets of Laya Yoga based on Chakras, and Life Science called Tantra, and for spreading most famous Ayurveda teachings for health and healing! The most known word SANGHA means Brotherhood and Sisterhood or may be much better as KINSHIP! We all are brothers…

  • Swami Śyam Lalita Mohan Baba-ji

    Swami Śyam Lalita Mohan Baba-ji

    We have the pleasure of inviting you with great joy to meetings and introductory workshops that will initiate you into mystery teachings and practices of ancient Laya Yoga and Tantra belonging to the Himavanti Sampradaya spiritual tradition. The workshops as well as other programmes are conducted by the Spiritual Leader (Layacharya) Acharyacharya LalitaMohan G. K.…

  • Auxilliary Methods of Laya Marga

    Auxilliary Methods of Laya Marga

    Laya Path also conveys plenty of auxilliary teachings and practices, if they turn out to be necessary at a certain stage of the spiritual path followed by its male as well as female disciples. It is worth mentioning Mahadevi Yoga, the path of the Great Goddess-Mother, familiar in many traditions and religions, also in Christianity, where…

  • Studying Holy Scriptures

    Studying Holy Scriptures

    Holy Scriptures of all religions and spiritual traditions interpreted through the prism of the unity of goal that all spiritual trends represent, may especially become a subject of esoteric studies. Proper interpretation of Holy Scriptures cannot be an arbitrary interpretation and teachings contained it them particularly ought not to be used in the defence of…

  • Laya Yoga – The Essence of All Religions

    Laya Yoga – The Essence of All Religions

    Yoga means ‘ Oneness ‘ and constitutes the essence of every possible religion, the gist of every creed and the core of every spiritual path. In ancient India yoga was practised by such sages as Shiva, Rama, Krishna or Vyasa. What Krishna teaches Arjuna is not Krishnaism but just Yoga ! The root of jainism…

  • What is Laya Yoga?

    What is Laya Yoga?

    The term laya means dissolution, melting of all karmic conditioning and limitations that have accrued as result of various occurrences and incidents which took place in the course of one’s entire lifetime. The barriers of a preconditioned life become gradually dissolved, until the soul sees the enlightening world of freedom and salvation (Kaivalya). Layah means…

  • Himavanti Confraternity Order – Ancient School of Yoga

    Himavanti Confraternity Order – Ancient School of Yoga

    The Himavanti Confraternity Order is an esoteric secret school for men and women of the contemporary times who have the intention to explore the great synthesis of teachings conveyed by ascended masters – these few ones, who had their triumph in each epoch and who now belong to the circle of our brothers and sisters on…

  • Cultivating the Spiritual Path of Laya Marga (55)

    Cultivating the Spiritual Path of Laya Marga (55)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The ability to follow a spiritual path of life is a rare divine gift. Especially during the Kali Yuga period, this gift is extremely rare and therefore more valuable. The breath of the divine spirit makes you a person called to enter paths of the spirit. Many are called, but…

  • What is Mudra? (49)

    What is Mudra? (49)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Mudra is simply a posture or gesture in the sense of the arrangement of the whole body. Sublimated to perfection down to the smallest detail, āsana is MUDRA. This technique belongs to the group of exercises called sthula kriya and is the basic basis of Laya Yoga practices in its…

  • Transmission Meditation (47)

    Transmission Meditation (47)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Let’s try to take a look at the practice technique popularly known as TM, or rather Transmission Meditation. Master Djwhal Khul Khan (known as D.K. or the Tibetan) mentions a particular form of Laya Yoga practice that will be the yoga of the coming New Golden Age of Truth. It…

  • Laya Yoga – Verses of Ancient Teachings (45)

    Laya Yoga – Verses of Ancient Teachings (45)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We will try to reflect on the teachings of Laya Yoga contained in ancient treatises on yoga. “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” written by Rishi Swatmarama contains some essential verses about the state of Laya and the practice of Laya. Of course, these are only auxiliary issues on the path of Hatha…

  • Virāt – Path of Mahadevi (42)

    Virāt – Path of Mahadevi (42)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next “True religiosity appears in protecting and caring for the treasures of Nature, the beauty of nature, and respect for Mother Earth. By protecting the beauty of Nature you protect the divine spark that lives in your heart. We get to know the Sage through his life in unity and harmony…

  • The Ancient School of Yogis (38)

    The Ancient School of Yogis (38)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The term Himavanti is the feminine form of the word Himavant or Himavat, which is used firstly to describe the massif of the highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas, and secondly to define the Spirit of Wisdom of these mountains. It is understood that Himavat means the mountain range…

  • Mahasandhi – The Great Perfection (33)

    Mahasandhi – The Great Perfection (33)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The Great Perfection is a living embodiment of Mahamudra, i.e. the Great Attitude. Mahasandhi, the Great Perfection, is a practical vehicle for practicing of Laya Yogis. Mahamudra is the basis of this path, as is Samnyasa – the last vehicle of discipleship on the Laya Path. The commandment “Be perfect…

  • Yoga – an ancient spiritual path toward enlightment and liberation

    Yoga – an ancient spiritual path toward enlightment and liberation

    Introdution to Yoga  There are a lot of different types of yoga today, but only 12 lineage of yoga are true, so if you are starting out and feeling confused, you are normal. It is best to start with a type of yoga that is appropriate for your own level of fitness, physical and spiritual…

  • Abhyasa Prathamakalpika – The Work of Adept of Laya Yoga (14)

    Abhyasa Prathamakalpika – The Work of Adept of Laya Yoga (14)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Let’s take a look at the first stage of practice of yogis, whom Master Patanjali calls those, who apply the exercises, ie, using the original name, Prathamakalpika. This indicates the nature of the beginners mind, which becomes empty of any activity, and this process is called purification in yoga terms.…

  • Laya Yoga – Introductory definitions (13)

    Laya Yoga – Introductory definitions (13)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Laya Yoga is a path of chakra’s purification and development. It contains all sadhanas of yoga i.e. methods of practicing. It particularly introduces internal structure of human being and all it’s substances. Laya is well-known for presenting ways of purifying chakras and this what we call aura, an energetic sheath…

  • Laya Sadhana – Apprenticeship Leading to Prathyaya (12)

    Laya Sadhana – Apprenticeship Leading to Prathyaya (12)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next During our first practical lesson of yoga we will concentrate on daily practice for everyone, who wishes to develop closer relationship with the path of Laya. This material can be particularly important for those, who had already taken part in some courses or trainings of Laya yoga, tracked as a…

  • How to Develop Spiritual Practice (10)

    How to Develop Spiritual Practice (10)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next I would like to thank all those who suggested that I discuss this marvellous Topic. I hope that it will prove useful to all people who practise on the Path. Teachers continue to focus on the importance of constant practising. Let me quote a few points that are important, or…

  • The Foundations of Laya Marga (9)

    The Foundations of Laya Marga (9)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Laya is primarily the PATH OF ABSORPTION. The Higher Self, the divine material element, absorbs the substance of ego, transforming the entire material projection into a subtle shape which is a perfect reflection (image) of the Ideal Human Being (PURUSHA). The Path of Absorption (LAYA MARGA) is characterised by three…

  • Selected Aspects of Initiation (3)

    Selected Aspects of Initiation (3)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next What is the essence of the process of giving and receiving the initiation? What profundity is hidden in it? Undoubtedly it is a blessing, one that appears in four inter-related, or blended forms. Initiation is a blessing given by a spiritual leader (Hierophant), it is a blessing bestowed by the…

  • Jewels From the Hands of My Guru! (2)

    Jewels From the Hands of My Guru! (2)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The Venerable One! The one who is reading this work! It does not serve the purpose of reading, but the purpose of meditating upon. Each thought is a signpost that shows the way to the Light of the Self. These are the words that my Spiritual Master and Leader, Guru…

  • Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (1)

    Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (1)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The first issue of the esoteric magazine obliges us to clarify its title and the mission that it has been designed to fulfil. It is wholly contained in one beautiful and simple word: HRIDAYA. I hope that this magazine will attract the attention of all CHELA: disciples, aspirers and students of yoga,…

  • Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (2)

    Self-Realisation of the Jewel of One’s Own Original Self: HRID (2)

    The first issue of the esoteric magazine obliges us to clarify its title and the mission that it has been designed to fulfil. It is wholly contained in one beautiful and simple word: HRIDAYA. I hope that this magazine will attract the attention of all CHELA: disciples, aspirers and students of yoga, so that they can follow…

  • Hridaya Circle – Introduction

    Hridaya Circle – Introduction

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The mind of a man is filled with confusion owing to to his free choice to separate himself from divinity, separate himself from the source, or the roots of his own existence, from the real endowment with everything that a human being truly needs. As a result of his drowning…