Tag: love
Conversation with Angels about God’s Love (97)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next And here is a short conversation about Love with the Angels of Love! Question: Divine Angel of Love, Kamael, Kamadeva, tell us today what Love and the Art of Loving is according to Your Wisdom! Answer: O Prophet, do you see people worthy of revealing the Mystery of Love, who,…
Om Prema Śanti – The Way of Discipleship of Lingam (85)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Beginners often wonder where to start their development and work on themselves and do not always receive sensible information on this subject, but sometimes they manage to start their spiritual journey well without taking wrong directions at the beginning! We really have several spiritual Ideas that we need to follow…
Wheel of Eight Sins of Perdition (83)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. We have no lack of time, desire or inspiration to write our hermetic and mystical lessons, but we know well that too many do not read deeply and do not contemplate our Teachings, even though they could gain so much. We give more Spiritual Teachings when there are many…
Short Course in Spirituality (77)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The spiritual idea for the human race is good and helpful at all times, and each lesson of Light, Love and Power, Truth and Simplicity or Harmony and Beauty must be read, studied and contemplated many times until the Spiritual Ideals are written on the Matrix of our Hearts and…
KAMASUTRA – Ancient Love Handbook – Spiritual Art of Sexual Life for Humanity
Love is probably the most important in human lifes. Angel or deity of love and sex is Kama Deva. Spiritual practice with Kama Deva help for love. The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, might be called a treatise on men and women, their mutual relationship, and connection with each other. It is a work that should be studied by…
Bhakti Sadhana of Śri Rama (18)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next In several previous issues of the bulletin we discussed the subject of the act of veneration, devotion, adoration and fervent adoration of the spiritual ideal, deity or God. This process is called bhakti in yoga, and Sufi call it ashika. It belongs to the mantra yoga mantra as a completely…
The Great White Brotherhood (7)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Thank you for your eagerness in pursuing the eternal goal, as thanks to this PASSION in Your heart further issues of the “Hridaya” bulletin may continue to be published. If You are interested in any subjects, please write to the author of the esoteric lessons. This time I would like…