Tag: mind

  • Spiritual Development and Human Behaviour (96)

    Spiritual Development and Human Behaviour (96)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1). Many people who follow the spiritual path of self-improvement and development, mainly due to ignorance, fall into numerous sewers, side-blind alleys of spirituality, or even traps set by the ego or directly by the forces of evil residing on this planet! There are so many mistakes made by people…

  • Swami Vivekananda – The Nature of the Soul and Its Goal

    Swami Vivekananda – The Nature of the Soul and Its Goal

    The earliest idea is that a man, when he dies, is not annihilated. Something lives and goes on living even after the man is dead. Perhaps it would be better to compare the three most ancient nations – the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the ancient Hindus – and take this idea from all of them.…

  • Brahmacharya (Celibacy)

    Brahmacharya (Celibacy)

    Article by M.P. Bhattathiri, Retired Chief Technical Examiner, to The Govt. of Kerala The importance of Brahmacharya is clearly explained in Yajurveda. In this modern life very few only understand this and practice it. All Vedas and other scriptures of Hinduism lay great emphasis regarding Brahmacharya. In vedic period a student is also known as…

  • The Art of Confirmation (21)

    The Art of Confirmation (21)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The power of thought and power of will are two pillars of spiritual yoga training. The first is the basis of the second. The seed of the future will power develops out of the power of thought. However, one needs a mind with pure and calm thoughts. You can call…

  • The Royal Path of the Initiation of Heart (20)

    The Royal Path of the Initiation of Heart (20)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The familiar concept of raja yoga means colloquially the royal unity and is identical with the form of spiritual practice considered to be the highest and most perfect path of development. Sufi tariqah simply means the path of purity or wisdom, because the concept of sufi comes from safa, which…

  • Mansa Yoga – Practice of Mastering the Mind (16)

    Mansa Yoga – Practice of Mastering the Mind (16)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next What is ‘mansa’? It is yoga of modern era, in the spirit of the times. It helps in controlling the chaotic mind and in overcoming the stream of running thoughts. “Mansa” is a healthy person and a healthy human psyche. This is the common name for the basic system of…