Tag: morality

  • Morality as the Basis of Spiritual Development (104)

    Morality as the Basis of Spiritual Development (104)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next All the masters of wisdom, yogis and magicians of all times taught that spiritual development, self-improvement, growth of Consciousness or journey towards Enlightenment and Liberation from the cycle of Samsara require people to adhere to more rigorous moral standards. Ancient sages, divine Rishis, enlightened Messengers of Heaven or Avatars and…

  • Nathsampradaya Hatha Yoga (46)

    Nathsampradaya Hatha Yoga (46)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next “Praise be to the Supreme Lord, Adi Guru Śiva, who has expounded the Wisdom of Willpower,known as Hathavidyam, to his consort Parvatigiving her the means of realizing the Ecstasy of Lightbody, Samadhi Mahabhoda!Glory to Adiśvara, the Supreme Perfectionfor expounding the teachings of the true way of Hatha Yoga.” This is…

  • The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Morality is an issue that raises a storm of controversy, not only in the circles of people who are interested in yoga, or practical religion, but also among ordinary, simple people, and even atheists. Ethics, or morality, generally deals with the attitude of a man to man, outlining sort of…