Tag: morya

  • The Journey of the People of the Book of Life (82)

    The Journey of the People of the Book of Life (82)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. It is said that inscrutable are God’s judgments and unpredictable are God’s ways, i.e. the ways in which the Creator works! If I remind you that in the Book of Eternal Life, where the Immortals are written down, there are 144,000 cards, then will you understand how God reads…

  • Spiritual Community (Morya Sangham) (76)

    Spiritual Community (Morya Sangham) (76)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Here are a few words about the SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY (SANGHA), how to create it, what principles to base it on, how to participate in it and how to recognize a disciple from the Sangha, all this in the words of the Spiritual Master of Paksalam, Chohan Akbar Morya Khan, the…

  • El Moryah – Mahatma Himavant

    El Moryah – Mahatma Himavant

    Master El Moryah – Chohan of Blue Flame  For western esotericians ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of God’s Blue Ray of Protection, Power, Faith, and the Will of God. He was embodied or focused as the Patriarch Abraham and as King Arthur of the Camelot Sagas. El Morya, Chohan of the first, blue…

  • Basics of Agni Yoga (65)

    Basics of Agni Yoga (65)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Om Śanti, Śanti, Śantih! 1. Sometimes we are looking for the Temple of Wisdom of Kalkin – Maitreya, among Christians called Christ – the Messiah. We can take a closer look at the teachings of Himavant Master Morya, which undoubtedly lead to our Śigatse Temple, although they are also very…

  • The Ancient School of Yogis (38)

    The Ancient School of Yogis (38)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The term Himavanti is the feminine form of the word Himavant or Himavat, which is used firstly to describe the massif of the highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas, and secondly to define the Spirit of Wisdom of these mountains. It is understood that Himavat means the mountain range…

  • The Brotherhood of Purity and Practice of Spiritual Devotion (27)

    The Brotherhood of Purity and Practice of Spiritual Devotion (27)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Iśvara-Prani-Dhana – Saćinda – Spiritual Devotion Iśvarapranidhana means Submission to God’s Will. The practice of Spiritual Devotion is the training of Purity and Humility. SAĆINDA is the cultivation of pure being, pure awareness and pure happiness. The practice of Spiritual Devotion aims to achieve the state of original purity of one’s…