Tag: niyama

  • Yoga – gymnastics or philosophy? Why did the West fall in love with yoga and asanas? (102)

    Yoga – gymnastics or philosophy? Why did the West fall in love with yoga and asanas? (102)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next If, in a street poll, we ask passersby whether they know what yoga is, the majority will confirm. Some will say it is a form of gymnastics, like stretching and Pilates; others will associate yoga with Hinduism and Buddhism, and still others will describe it as personal development. The latter…

  • Nine-Level Classic Laya Yoga (28)

    Nine-Level Classic Laya Yoga (28)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Essential Concepts Let’s try to look at laya yoga today in its traditional, classic approach, in a form that always invariably begins with practicing the principles of YAMAH and NIYAMAH. The term LAYA derives from the verb LAY, which means “to go”, “to move”. The word LAYAH carries such meanings…

  • The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Morality is an issue that raises a storm of controversy, not only in the circles of people who are interested in yoga, or practical religion, but also among ordinary, simple people, and even atheists. Ethics, or morality, generally deals with the attitude of a man to man, outlining sort of…