Tag: om namah shivaya
Spiritual Development and Human Behaviour (96)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1). Many people who follow the spiritual path of self-improvement and development, mainly due to ignorance, fall into numerous sewers, side-blind alleys of spirituality, or even traps set by the ego or directly by the forces of evil residing on this planet! There are so many mistakes made by people…
Om Namaśśivaya – Glory to the Graceful One (53)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Om Namah Śivāya – Glory to the Grace, Śiva, Lord and Teacher of the worlds of men and angels. Glory be to the Destroyer of all error, sin and threefold selfishness (physical, mental and spiritual Ego). Glory be to the Person of the Holy Spirit, the One who grants countless…