Tag: padmasana

  • Nathsampradaya Hatha Yoga (46)

    Nathsampradaya Hatha Yoga (46)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next “Praise be to the Supreme Lord, Adi Guru Śiva, who has expounded the Wisdom of Willpower,known as Hathavidyam, to his consort Parvatigiving her the means of realizing the Ecstasy of Lightbody, Samadhi Mahabhoda!Glory to Adiśvara, the Supreme Perfectionfor expounding the teachings of the true way of Hatha Yoga.” This is…

  • Establishing Inner Guidance (30)

    Establishing Inner Guidance (30)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Let’s try to go today to a real spiritual practice, thanks to which it will be possible to easily establish contact with the so-called Inner Voice. Our inner self, the voice of the heart, or if you prefer, the voice of silence, can begin to speak clearly and distinctly within…