Tag: pleiades

  • Pleiades and Fixed Stars in Astrology (100)

    Pleiades and Fixed Stars in Astrology (100)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Pleiades, Sanskrit: Kṛttikā, Bahulika, Arabic Al Thurayya, is a young, open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. The brightest main star is Alcyone, Eta (η) Taurus, known as Amba in Sanskrit, and Arundhati. In ancient astrology, the Pleiades were considered the Guardians of Heaven, the first object to pay…

  • The Son of God: Subramanya, Skanda, Kārttikeya, Sanatkumāra – The Shambala King, Pleiadian Head Master

    The Son of God: Subramanya, Skanda, Kārttikeya, Sanatkumāra – The Shambala King, Pleiadian Head Master

    (1) Sanatkumāra (Sanatkumara) is God’s Son, the Son of Śiva and Śakti, God and Goddess, and He represents the highest state to which a spiritual aspirant can evolve. He is said to have been born of Śiva from Pārvatî Śakti to destroy the evil demon Tārakāsura. Before conceiving Him, even these heavenly Parents of the World had…