Tag: power

  • Toxic Ideas of Pseudo-Religions (88)

    Toxic Ideas of Pseudo-Religions (88)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next As a specialist in the field of psychology of religion and mental therapy of people indoctrinated by toxic and destructive sects widely known in the world, I will say a few words about a few toxic ideas that distort reason and destroy the spiritual life of an individual, leading him…

  • Timocratic Community (78)

    Timocratic Community (78)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Our Brotherly spiritual teaching flows from the Divine Worlds, from the higher planets, which are directed and organized in a timocratic manner beloved by God. When human individuals develop spiritually and truly connect with the Spirit of God, then their individualities connect with each other and merge, and the fusion…

  • Trataka – Foundation of Focus (32)

    Trataka – Foundation of Focus (32)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Focusing, also called concentration, focusing attention or narrowing the field of consciousness, has its own special dimension of practical work in yoga. Mahavatar Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras calls the focusing of consciousness the term satkara. It refers to a state in which our whole mind is merged, absorbed in…

  • The Art of Confirmation (21)

    The Art of Confirmation (21)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The power of thought and power of will are two pillars of spiritual yoga training. The first is the basis of the second. The seed of the future will power develops out of the power of thought. However, one needs a mind with pure and calm thoughts. You can call…