Tag: prema

  • Om Prema Śanti – The Way of Discipleship of Lingam (85)

    Om Prema Śanti – The Way of Discipleship of Lingam (85)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Beginners often wonder where to start their development and work on themselves and do not always receive sensible information on this subject, but sometimes they manage to start their spiritual journey well without taking wrong directions at the beginning! We really have several spiritual Ideas that we need to follow…

  • Bhakti Sadhana of Śri Rama (18)

    Bhakti Sadhana of Śri Rama (18)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next In several previous issues of the bulletin we discussed the subject of the act of veneration, devotion, adoration and fervent adoration of the spiritual ideal, deity or God. This process is called bhakti in yoga, and Sufi call it ashika. It belongs to the mantra yoga mantra as a completely…

  • The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    The Fundamentals of the Ethics of Yoga and Religion (11)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Morality is an issue that raises a storm of controversy, not only in the circles of people who are interested in yoga, or practical religion, but also among ordinary, simple people, and even atheists. Ethics, or morality, generally deals with the attitude of a man to man, outlining sort of…