Tag: revelation
Vedic Rules of Practice (57)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Verses taken from the work of Manu Svayambhuva (Only Begotten Son) entitled: Manusmriti, lesson two (fragments) of a systematic lecture by Rishi Bhrigu. The term Guru means a spiritual guide or spiritual master (Master Teacher of Dharma). The term aćarya means a teacher or messenger, an apostle of the Guru.…
Nine-Level Classic Laya Yoga (28)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Essential Concepts Let’s try to look at laya yoga today in its traditional, classic approach, in a form that always invariably begins with practicing the principles of YAMAH and NIYAMAH. The term LAYA derives from the verb LAY, which means “to go”, “to move”. The word LAYAH carries such meanings…