Tag: sins
Wheel of Eight Sins of Perdition (83)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. We have no lack of time, desire or inspiration to write our hermetic and mystical lessons, but we know well that too many do not read deeply and do not contemplate our Teachings, even though they could gain so much. We give more Spiritual Teachings when there are many…
Sectarianism and Other Demonisms in the Pure Spiritual Teachings (72)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1) The transmissions of spiritual teachings that humanity received from their guides, sons of God, saints and prophets, avatars have always been pure and perfect, without any toxic or destructive ideologies that are often talked about recently. It is worth realizing what kinds of ideas, views and ideologies constitute a…
Practices of Black Path (68)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. There are many ways in which a soul evolving along the path of initiations may fall and begin the process of involution, a process of spiritual decline called the path of darkness or the black path. There are only two paths on what is known as Jacob’s ladder. One…
About Mistakes in Practice (48)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Today let’s answer the question what are the most common mistakes in practicing spiritual development. This is a frequently raised issue by all those seeking a spiritual path. Many people wonder if they are practicing properly or if their efforts will be wasted. It’s surprising how many people love to…