Tag: spiritual community
Spiritual Community (Morya Sangham) (76)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Here are a few words about the SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY (SANGHA), how to create it, what principles to base it on, how to participate in it and how to recognize a disciple from the Sangha, all this in the words of the Spiritual Master of Paksalam, Chohan Akbar Morya Khan, the…
Himalayan Spiritual Community (101)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next We are an Ancient Spiritual Community for spreading all secrets of Laya Yoga based on Chakras, and Life Science called Tantra, and for spreading most famous Ayurveda teachings for health and healing! The most known word SANGHA means Brotherhood and Sisterhood or may be much better as KINSHIP! We all are brothers…
The Great White Brotherhood (7)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Thank you for your eagerness in pursuing the eternal goal, as thanks to this PASSION in Your heart further issues of the “Hridaya” bulletin may continue to be published. If You are interested in any subjects, please write to the author of the esoteric lessons. This time I would like…