Tag: truth
Spiritual Development and Human Behaviour (96)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1). Many people who follow the spiritual path of self-improvement and development, mainly due to ignorance, fall into numerous sewers, side-blind alleys of spirituality, or even traps set by the ego or directly by the forces of evil residing on this planet! There are so many mistakes made by people…
The Golden Age of Truth
What is the Era of Truth, also known as Satyayuga or Kritayuga, or the Golden Age? The Millenium Kingdom, The New Age, the Era of Light, the Age of Aquarius. One thing that we can say for sure about the New Age is that it is undoubtedly the fulfilment of all biblical prophecies relating to…
Divine Faith – Eternally Living Religion (35)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The foundations of religious faith were given to humanity by the great Prophets sent by Almighty God to humanity. You will find them in the principles and practices of each of the great spiritual-religious traditions. They were taught by Shiva, Abraham, Rama, Zarathushtra, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Śankara, Caitanya and…
The Great Initiations (22)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The light of yoga will illuminate Your path, Pilgrim to the Truth. The chalice is a vessel of the heart based on the solar plexus and open towards the thymus. The first stage of the journey is the flower of the cardiac plexus blooming right up. The whole luminosity of…