Tag: vibhuti
Śaivism as the first monotheistic mystery cult (107)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1) Śaivism, in the original Śaiva, more precisely the Śaiva Sampradaya, is the oldest, most ancient spiritual, mystery and religious tradition of India, Kashmir and Tibet. Śaivism is strongly associated with the practices of tantric yoga or, as some prefer, yoga, tantra, and the so-called kundalini yoga. Śaivic tantra is…
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by BonGiovanni
The Threads of Union 1. Samadhi Padah – on Contemplations2. Sadhana Padah – on Spiritual Disciplines3. Vibhuti Padah – on Divine Powers4. Kaivalya Padah – on Realizations Before beginning any spiritual text it is customary to clear the mind of all distracting thoughts, to calm the breath and to purify the heart. Part OneSamadhi –…