Tag: wisdom

  • Raja Yoga – Fundamentals of Royal Yoga of the Masters of Wisdom (106)

    Raja Yoga – Fundamentals of Royal Yoga of the Masters of Wisdom (106)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1) Raja Yoga is a spiritual science and art that explains more esoteric topics such as ćakras, the role of the Guru, Vedic astrology, nadis or energy channels in the subtle body of man, aura and halo, awakening and development of charismatic supernatural abilities, development of willpower and methods leading…

  • JNANA YOGA – Brahman, Viveka, Advaita Vedanta and Jnana Mudra

    JNANA YOGA – Brahman, Viveka, Advaita Vedanta and Jnana Mudra

    Jñāna Yoga – in Devanāgarī: ज्ञान योग; the pronunciation can be approximated by jnyaana yoga” –  “path of knowledge” is one of the types of yoga mentioned in Hindu philosophies. Jyâna in Sanskrit means “knowledge”. As used in the Bhagavad Gita, the Advaita philosopher Adi Shankara gave primary importance to jyâna yoga as “knowledge of…

  • Shigatse Temple

    Shigatse Temple

    Wisdom is not something that can be learnt. Wisdom is an attribute of the soul and it appears naturally as a way of manifesting the soul through personality. Knowledge is something that can be learnt. Wisdom is loving understanding, wisdom is knowledge enlightened by personality. Wisdom comes from above, from the formless plane of the…

  • Trataka – Foundation of Focus (32)

    Trataka – Foundation of Focus (32)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Focusing, also called concentration, focusing attention or narrowing the field of consciousness, has its own special dimension of practical work in yoga. Mahavatar Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras calls the focusing of consciousness the term satkara. It refers to a state in which our whole mind is merged, absorbed in…

  • The Royal Path of the Initiation of Heart (20)

    The Royal Path of the Initiation of Heart (20)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The familiar concept of raja yoga means colloquially the royal unity and is identical with the form of spiritual practice considered to be the highest and most perfect path of development. Sufi tariqah simply means the path of purity or wisdom, because the concept of sufi comes from safa, which…