Tag: yahvah
Hara Śiva, Hara Śiva (73)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Our native spiritual culture, as it would seem all the inhabitants of the country lying on the Vistula should know, is part of a larger Slavic community, which in turn belongs to an even larger community known as Indo-European or Aryan. This is the conclusion coming from the structure of…
Yahvah – The Lord God in Indian Veda
Yahvah – God in Indian Veda YHVH appears 41 times in 33 of the Rgveda’s 1028 hymns ~ in maNDala I (5x), II (2x), III (9x), IV (5x), V (5x), VI (1x), VII (4x), VIII (2x), IX (3x), and X (5x) ~ with forms of the masculine yahva appearing 21 times, and forms of the…