Tag: yantra

  • What is Mudra? (49)

    What is Mudra? (49)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Mudra is simply a posture or gesture in the sense of the arrangement of the whole body. Sublimated to perfection down to the smallest detail, āsana is MUDRA. This technique belongs to the group of exercises called sthula kriya and is the basic basis of Laya Yoga practices in its…

  • Learning About Chakras (43)

    Learning About Chakras (43)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next With great pleasure I share this lesson dedicated to the centres of fiery consciousness to all those interested in the topic of chakras (pronounce as ćakra, soft ‘chi’). I would like to mention that the knowledge contained in this work belongs to the system of vaidika laya yoga and is…

  • Mahasandhi – The Great Perfection (33)

    Mahasandhi – The Great Perfection (33)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The Great Perfection is a living embodiment of Mahamudra, i.e. the Great Attitude. Mahasandhi, the Great Perfection, is a practical vehicle for practicing of Laya Yogis. Mahamudra is the basis of this path, as is Samnyasa – the last vehicle of discipleship on the Laya Path. The commandment “Be perfect…