Swami Śyam Lalita Mohan Baba-ji – Acharyacharya Swami Lalit Mohan G. K. Laya Yoga Master was born in February 1962 under the water tiger and air aquarius zodiac signs simultaneously. He has been involved in a vast range of activities associated with spiritual development, including esoterics, aikido, yoga and sufi, since the year 1975. In January 1983 He received his initiation into Laya Yoga from the hands of Swami Baba Shyam Charan Ananda Shiva from Darjeeling, through direct transmission (Dikshan – Darshan), which took place in the Holy Presence of His Guru. He was granted the right to spread the ancient teachings and practices in 1986, when he started conducting courses on chakras. Since 1989 he has also been imparting initiatory transmissions concerning the ancient path of Laya Yoga, as he is one of innumerous teachers in the West who have the full powers of transmission, covering the entire Himavanti path of Laya Yoga and Tantra. Read more