Tag: ignorance

  • Spiritual Community (Morya Sangham) (76)

    Spiritual Community (Morya Sangham) (76)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Here are a few words about the SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY (SANGHA), how to create it, what principles to base it on, how to participate in it and how to recognize a disciple from the Sangha, all this in the words of the Spiritual Master of Paksalam, Chohan Akbar Morya Khan, the…

  • Practices of Black Path (68)

    Practices of Black Path (68)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. There are many ways in which a soul evolving along the path of initiations may fall and begin the process of involution, a process of spiritual decline called the path of darkness or the black path. There are only two paths on what is known as Jacob’s ladder. One…