Tag: taxes

  • Philosophy of Lawmaking (99)

    Philosophy of Lawmaking (99)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Oh, how important is LAW, Good Law, and putting the Law into practice because the upbringing of the entire society and future generations depends on Good Law, yet God has established Ten Principles of Law-Making, which people must understand well. ṚTA (Rita) is the Principle of Law, something essential, and…

  • Timocratic Community (78)

    Timocratic Community (78)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Our Brotherly spiritual teaching flows from the Divine Worlds, from the higher planets, which are directed and organized in a timocratic manner beloved by God. When human individuals develop spiritually and truly connect with the Spirit of God, then their individualities connect with each other and merge, and the fusion…