Egregors (spiritoids), elementals(egoids) or creations of astral matter (emotions) and mental matter (thoughts) are some of the important essential topics in mystical and esoteric fields with which contemporary transpersonal psychology also works, although under different names. Elementals in esotericism and occultism are, on the one hand, a type of spirits of individual elements, fire, water, earth and air, and on the other, this term is used for individual, strong thought creations of a person or other being and in this sense this concept will be used in the context of egregors. An egregor is an astral thought creation formed from emotions and thoughts common to a group of people, a family, tribe, company, movement, party, association or denomination. An egregor is, therefore, a sum of mental-emotional elementals created by individual human beings or other beings combined into one cloud. It is worth remembering that neither an egregor nor an elemental are beings the same as demons or angels, nor are they spirits of deceased people or animals. However, strong elementals and egregors behave similarly to how animals behave, i.e. according to the general laws and principles of animal life, and can even become dangerous beasts or monsters.
Demons and angels sometimes influence elementals and egregors if their energy, quality and aspirations seem useful to them in some way. People can also affect, modify and cooperate with egregores, but usually, they have to learn a lot about egregores and elementals, as well as about demons and angels of God. Confusing these beings and phenomena is also common in movements that are seemingly esoteric, occult, or related to spiritual development. Confusing these concepts, phenomena, and invisible beings increases the double terminology in the case of elementals, and it is necessary to distinguish when we are talking about elementals of the elements and when about elementals or egoids as ordinary creations of thoughts, ideas and emotions produced by the man himself and his mind. According to esotericism or occultism, both elementals and egregores are divided into those in which the material of the four sub-planes of the lower astral world (low and primitive emotions) predominates, those that are dominated by the material of the three sub-planes of the higher astral world (feelings such as love, beauty, other higher feelings) and those in which the even more subtle material of the four sub-planes of the mental world predominates. Beings with awakened, spiritual or divine consciousness, active on the causal plane, do not create elementals or egregores because they are consciously connected in a direct way, which applies to both angels(devas, deities) and enlightened spiritual masters, saints, gurus, avatars, etc. Therefore, there are no egregores or elementals of enlightened masters or angels, deities of heaven, saints or avatars unless such persons create them for some purpose by feeding the feelings and thoughts of their sympathizers or followers. They then concern a group of disciples or devotees rather than the master, saint, guru or avatar himself, who seems completely independent and unrelated to such a creation belonging to the egoic world of kamarupa or, more precisely, kamamanas. Their thoughts and feelings generally immediately become a reality, materialize or are completely annihilated if they turn out to be unnecessary, which gives the impression of a void or emptiness of the mind of such a person in the astral or mental world known to the general population. Studying the mind or state of mind of such a great spiritual higher consciousness encounters a void or emptiness impassable for psychics, psychotronics and clairvoyants.
Elementals or egregores are not etheric doubles or ghostly bodies, vital sheaths, known in Greek esotericism as eidolon, and in Sanskrit terms linga śarira or prana-maya mana-kosa, the pranic body. Elementals or egoids are creations located on the basis of subtle bodies such as eidolon or etheric double of a human being. There can be many elementals in one human being, and from the etheric body of the double, they draw, as far as they can, the life forces supporting the actions, the influences of such astral-thought creation of thought and emotion of a certain kind. In Kabbalistic magic, the creation of a very distinct and strong elemental is known as the problem of creating a golem, creating and animating a strong egoid. Golem, in Hebrew גולם, is a creature created from clay in the shape of a human being, but deprived of a soul that understands neshamah and higher elements, and therefore also the ability to speak. Golem is an artificial material form animated by strong thoughts and emotions, i.e. by the elemental of a single Kabbalist magician or the egregore of a group of magicians. The most famous legend about the golem speaks of its creation by Rabbi Jehuda Löw ben Bezalel of Prague, born in Poznań, also known as Maharal. In the second half of the 16th century, attacks on Prague Jews intensified, who were accused of ungodly practices and occultism, although they practised ancient Kabbalah. According to Kabbalistic legends, to defend himself and others, Rabbi Maharal fashioned a large human figure from clay, which he then animated with the help of secret rituals and prayers, finally writing on the forehead or putting it into the mouth of the golem a parchment with the word Emet, and in Hebrew, this word, אמת, means “truth”. Erasing the first letter created the word ‘‘met’’ (in Hebrew, מת means “death”), which took the life of the being. According to others, it could also be the word Adam, or “man”, while after erasing the first letter, ‘‘dam’’ remained, which in Hebrew means “blood”. However, the being created this way was mute and mindless because it was not created by God using higher, causal elements of consciousness or monads; it could only follow orders and work, having no will of its own or the power of decision. According to one version of the legend, after defending the Jews from the attacks of the population, the golem goes berserk and begins to murder those it served, but Maharal takes the parchment out of its mouth and, by crossing out the first letter of the word Emet, causes the creature to become a clay statue once again. In another version of the legend, after completing the work, Maharal immobilizes the golem by taking the parchment with the word from it and then hides it in the attic of the Prague synagogue. Versions of the golem legend have great didactic value for Kabbalists, as they show different possible aspects of events that can happen to people who try to control egregores or even their own thought-provoking, egoids, elementals. Empires and dictatorships are often such colossi on clay legs, golems of a cleverly controlled collective, which quickly become dead and harmless, although just before their overthrow, they were dangerous and threatening, and even highly harmful to their nation.
The ideas people believe in, the thoughts people consider right, the desires, needs and imaginations that are identical, very similar, and close to each other – all this creates a kind of emotional-thought energy field, an information field that leads its independent existence in space. Such entities created as a cloud of human thoughts of a similar or even better identical type have their own life and even have the power to attract similarly thinking individuals from distant corners of the earth. A typical cloud of thoughts is a cloud of beliefs of a given religion concentrated over a specific temple or area inhabited by followers of a given belief system, also if these are social, national or political beliefs but based on strong trust, belief and strong convictions. Modern psychotronics, following the slightly older Western occultism, esotericism and parapsychology of the interwar period of the 20th century, has called clouds of common and similar ideas and emotions the term EGREGOR, MYŚLODUCH or DUCHOID. This concept is derived from aggregation, or the accumulation of ideas, information, beliefs and views, which creates a type of collective ego with a more energetic structure, giving a sense of strength and community than a conscious or intelligent soul. An egregore can be considered a type of subconscious ego, a type of lower collective self, based on a community of views, convictions, aspirations, goals, opinions and emotions behind the belief system. The strongest egregores accumulate established superstitions around themselves, such as grabbing a button at the sight of a chimney sweep or avoiding a black cat to cancel bad luck, but it must be remembered that the power of this mental magic depends on the number of people (living and dead) who strongly believe in the occurrence of certain phenomena or effects in a given area, i.e. in a population centre. Thoughts depend on the people living in a given area and on what the people living in a given area, region, or town produce, such as beliefs, convictions, aspirations, and views. The more followers of an ideology or worldview system in a given town, area, or country, the stronger the egregores of these ideas are, and the more they can even have the power to subjugate society on a mass scale. Seers observe these clouds of thoughts that make up egregores or spiritoids and judge the human mass in a given agglomeration by their quality.
Belonging is a very important designation of the egregore’s activity, but it is about belonging to an idea flowing deeply from the heart and the recesses of the mind and not about formal belonging. The power of the egregore lies not in formalities but in living and deepening beliefs to which people give their hearts, minds and energy. It is, therefore, about a significant, actual, true belonging, such as a person experiences not only on paper but in feelings and represented ideals. The egregore is created by those who are its devoted enthusiasts, lively followers, by people who are completely devoted to the ideology and actively represent it. This can be seen in the circles of human hobbies and passions, in the circles of sports clubs or various interest groups, including street gangs or urban mafias of interest. Circles, clubs and associations of dowsers, occultists, magicians, tarot readers, energy therapists, shamans, healers, spiritualists, druids, theosophists, Rosicrucians or psychotronics are only a small part of what fills the mental and astral world in the form of various, better or worse egregores. People generally belong even unconsciously to their family, clan or tribe, nation and state, professional, sports or academic group; they belong to various organizations such as trade unions, political parties or denominations. People, willingly or unwillingly, belong to races designated by skin colour and language groups and to larger philosophical trends such as atheism, agnosticism or theism. Such classes of great and basic egregores fight to gain more and more supporters and missionaries. People, defining their beliefs, views or convictions, open themselves to specific classes and individual types of egregores, thought-emotional teams in space. If we want an egregore to really support us, if we want to spread some ideals, we need to absorb a given system of beliefs strongly and fervently represent it, feel one with it, develop a strong ideological bond, a bond of community of views. Various forms of work and activity in the mental body of an egregore are shown by examples of people living with and for their family, as well as examples of athletes devoting their strength and time to a specific team within a given sports discipline. We also see an egregore of dedication to the nation and state in the form of people practising traditional ceremonies of dedication to the service of the nation and the fatherland. Holy faithful martyrs who sacrificed themselves for their faith are also servants of a special egregore of a given denomination, which without such people usually has little strength to develop, grow and act. Without fervent people devoted to a cause, there is no strong egregore, and the more people stop devoting themselves to some ideals “completely” the more the egregore of such ideas or beliefs weakens.
Egregors are responsible for recruiting and attracting more talented people to their ranks, people with innovative ideas, creative and inventive, as well as for depressing and strongly destroying or even eliminating inconvenient scientists or inventors. Innovators and inventors who try to implement some really useful and friendly technological solutions for humans or discoverers of new phenomena in nature, who try to acquaint the world with their truths and reliable scientific discoveries, are well aware of this. The progress of science and technology is generally a constant battle of new beliefs and views with old and beaten paths of human thinking to which the so-called dark masses stuck in previous egregors have become accustomed. It is believed that the most negative and socially harmful are egregors of conservative religions and religious communities, although this is not always the case, and only when some religious belief systems, such as Christian ones, are blatantly at odds with the progress of scientific knowledge that is made on the scale of successive generations of researchers. Soviet and Russian psychotronics, like the French occultists of the 20th century, were wrongly convinced that, in addition to religion, the strongest egregores are created by those secret societies of the “Invisible Power” that they believed they represented. An egregore depends on strong and charismatic, convincing emissaries or preachers and millions and billions of ordinary people who share a given conviction or belief, even if this belief is based on scientific knowledge. Egregores become strong, independent clouds of thoughts and ideas that can captivate and join larger and larger crowds and, with the help of people willing to help them, fight beliefs different from those of which they are vitally composed. It can be said that the so-called collective unconsciousness in psychology is precisely the mental-energetic life of thought clouds, which occultism, parapsychology and psychotronics have called egregores, a kind of thought giants powered by the thinking and emotions of thousands and millions of human beings convinced of given ideas. While individual beliefs create weak egregores, groups of ideas related to each other can create very strong egregores, which absorb large numbers of people who only maintain part of their system of ideas and beliefs. A person can function within several or several dozen egregores as long as they do not clearly fight any of them with their thinking.
Members of informal communities of interests, associations connected by common aspirations or ideologies, if they are not familiar with esoteric or occult philosophy, usually speak of an ideological bond or a community of faith, as well as a sense of belonging and drawing strength from common thoughts, beliefs or views. We thus have egregores as certain mentally connected threads of beliefs and appropriate emotionality, local patriotism or community of interests, and types of mental or psychic brotherhoods. Various totems, signs, flags, emblems, coats of arms and similar designations of connections express numerous egregores of ideological associations. In the narrowest, specific sense, the term “egregore” refers to the ideological level of bonds and belonging in such a way that we share identical or similar and non-contradictory views, opinions, beliefs or ideals with others. An egregore is a type of collective personality or group soul, but a psychic soul, a lower soul based on emotions and thought forms, and not on the spiritual element originating from the divine spheres responsible for creating and maintaining existence on all planes of existence. Over the centuries, an egregore has been enriched by long-standing customs, traditions, and ceremonies, which enrich and greatly strengthen the entire egregore movement or organization if animated by activators serving their egregore. A movement without a code of honour, ceremonies, anniversaries and customs is usually weak, and its egregore does not have much power to expand its circles of influence, even if it has a good external sponsor or promoter. Avoiding certain ceremonial magic within the persons constituting an egregore rather weakens than strengthens the operation of such a community of thought or interest. Even small celebrations in the form of foundation anniversaries, the founder’s birthday or annual marches for some purpose cause the egregore to unite, clarify, better recognize its members and activists and attract novices who deign to support the entire structure. Occult circles under the pillory of the church inquisition were more concerned with weakening the egregores of the dominant religions, both Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox in Russia, that they forgot to work even on better use of this knowledge to strengthen their circles and secret traditions. These issues in the field of the fight against threatening egregores seem to confuse the world of circles of paranormal phenomena, the confusion that loses sight of basic principles such as the mutual non-aggression pact within one’s community between its members-fans. Small conflicts of interests or ideas between members of one psychotronic movement cause not only divisions on the physical plane but also mutual destruction of antagonized groups, which competitive and hostile egregores diligently use to disperse members and practically eliminate the occult organization. Dowsing, psychotronic, occult or allegedly magical circles should remember not to waste energy on conceptual disputes between themselves or doctrinal polemics and antagonisms but always unite forces and energies and energize the egregore of their movement, community or association so that it grows and develops well. Instead of polemicizing and arguing at every opportunity, it is better to jointly research, read, study and deepen the understanding of theoretical knowledge already possessed, strengthen oneself in the knowledge of metaphysical ideas and theories because even despite minor mistakes, it is closer to the great achievements of the entire circle than from quarrelsome jostling and verbal juggling, which only predict the quick disintegration of the structure and self-destruction of another club of “para-things” gathered around a few activists.
There is a division of egregores according to the energy that builds them into bad and good egregores. A good egregore of a family, home, tribe or clan will strengthen the bond between family members, spouses and children. A good egregore will not allow violence, betrayal or quarrels, will alleviate conflicts and promote love. A bad egregore of a home will be powered by the thought and energy of violence, quarrels and betrayal and will not allow for love, loyalty or joy to be permanently in this home. The more bad the egregore of a family, tribe, clan, community or nation, the more predatory its subjects are, the more violence, perversions, crime, poverty, oppression and even natural disasters it generates. Considering what egregore this “other half” lived and was raised in when entering into love relationships is worth considering. The family egregore may demand that the “other half” act according to the patterns of the egregore to which it belongs, and it takes a lot of strength and goodwill on both sides of the new love relationship to overcome the bad egregore of origin. The new family should create a new egregore, but if their family egregores are strong, such a task may be too difficult, causing the new family to break up after a few years. A common phenomenon is the entry into the egregore of this “other half” family, especially if one lives with in-laws or parents, maintains very frequent close contact with one of the parties or depends on it financially and professionally. The egregore is created by people’s thoughts, actions, emotions, desires, prayers, aspirations, sadness, regret, despair, joy, a sense of injustice, and stress. The egregore also feeds itself with people’s energy within reach of its “power”, and the better the energetically nourished egregore, the greater its strength. Ideals or feelings alone do not yet provide a strong egregore. The strongest egregores are powered by the energy of life, prana, through their followers, and one of the ways to power an egregore is through sacrifice and dedication. This means that the more people who devote themselves completely to an idea, “to the death”, and even give their lives for an idea, the more powerful the egregore of such an idea will be. This also works when two people, by their own choice, sincerely devote themselves to their family, because in this way they will create a strong family egregore, the seed of a powerful family or even a family clan. It is, therefore, worth taking care in life to consider whether we are really devoting ourselves to good things and causes worth it. We must examine each egregore’s goodness and reject devoting ourselves to bad egregores.
The sense of nation, character or national mentality, phenomena such as crowd psychosis and crowd reaction, religious fanaticism or Inquisition, military wave and cat mutilation, all these are only partial images showing what an egregore can be, an aggregation of related ideas in a space hanging over human minds and brains. Egregores resemble giant energetic amoebas that swim in the great pond of the world psychosphere, and when they encounter other amoebas-egregores, they either devour them or are devoured by them. This shows from the inside what wars and frictions between social and political ideologies such as Nazism, fascism, socialism, communism, anarchism or liberalism are. It also shows the friction and wars between religious belief systems embodied as world religions, cults and denominations, as well as the struggles between progressive and conservative trends in science or technology, where subsequent great theories do not want to leave their place in the minds and hearts of millions of people in favour of newer, more accurate and truer theories. Some egregores have the power to last for centuries and millennia and even to be reborn after periods of temporary disappearance with subsequent incarnations of people who hold identical beliefs or even sets of closely related beliefs. The egregores of the occult-type mystery and mystical schools are indeed very strong, but the egregores of many ideologies and religious denominations are often much more powerful, as if some invisible power had joined them from the world of the dead, living as ancestors in the plane of existence usually called the astral or astro-mental, or perhaps as if some truly demonic force, from the so-called astral Eighth Sphere (Hell, Patala, Naraka) had connected to the egregore and intelligently controlled it on the other, invisible side of existence. One can imagine what bloodthirsty demon controlled and still controls the essence of the genocidal and murderous egregore that we know under names such as fascism or Nazism. Only the Christian Catholic Inquisition showed a more bloodthirsty egregore, at whose hands more than one hundred million people were brutally killed in acts of genocidal slaughter, including the native Indian population of both Americas. It can be said that, in general, egregores of the ideologies behind the great powers or empires that have arisen in history, also such as the empire of Alexander the Great, the empire of the Roman Empire or Hitler’sHitler’s Third German Reich, are some very sick, bloodthirsty and genocidal astro-mental beasts that destroy everything and everyone that stands in their way, beasts of ruthless exploitation, terror, enslavement and brutal genocidal murder.
Egregors are divided into four general categories, in which the basic type of egregore of ideas and emotions alone, i.e. thought forms with accompanying emotions, predominates. Such egregores are not controlled by any invisible beings with a higher organization than the power of a unified thought or thought-feeling. There is also a more interesting second category of egregores, with which people currently residing in the afterlife, in the land of the dead, are associated, and this is when some of the people associated with the egregore die and belong to it in the afterlife, as if without a physical body, only with thoughts and emotions, and therefore more totally. In such cases, we are talking about an egregore supported and often controlled by the power of its ancestors. Egregores of great families or multi-generational families with traditions and places of cultivating the memory of the deceased, especially heroes, are an excellent example of a group community with numerous souls of ancestors as managers and co-owners of the egregore. Many esoteric schools and movements also belong to such egregores because the family of invisible members who have died in the movement for centuries and millennia is much larger than even the visible part currently living. In such schools and traditions, it is already worth learning a bit of healing or magic because you have additional protection and support that cannot be extracted from currently emerging egregores of various authorial courses and newly invented methods of developing personal power. The greater and more outstanding the ancestors were and the better the living traditions of the ancestors were maintained, the more powerful the strength and power of the egregore, and consequently the family, school or secret movement is. One ancestor who is strong and powerful ideologically and energetically can maintain such a mystery for several or a dozen generations, and 7-10 generations is already a decent norm for a family with traditions. There are known whole generational companies and institutions in which in the office of the current director or president hang not only portraits of his predecessors but also lavish altars with urns of ashes and trinkets of those predecessors to whom the current “first” turns for advice, protection, help and support, which in its essence means the magical movement of seeking advice from the egregore himself and older, physically invisible ancestors of the institution or ordinary company. Such methods are very popular in Asia, including Japan and China, where knowledge of introspective psychology and esotericism seems even more common and obvious. If we want to practice martial arts in a more serious way, it is always better to look for those whose line of great ancestors is at least a few or a dozen generations old and the list of adepts who have distinguished themselves as brave heroes reach hundreds and thousands, than to experiment with products such as the newly created new European karate or Israeli self-defence hastily invented by people who may be ambitious and brave but not very understanding when it comes to egregores and similar phenomena of a metaphysical type. People who create their new styles of “something”, including martial arts, usually do not realize that their ambitions and ego are very weak compared to a strong egregore supported by many victorious ancestors. Egregores of styles and methods from which they borrowed something and, in fact, stole something for their purposes will forever pursue them for theft and illegal use of what is not their property. Hence, such creators of new styles often ended up very badly, finished off by an egregore from which they simply copied their patents. Then we have the great masters of their own styles who got high, drank themselves to death or quickly died from an accidental arrow or injury. In such styles, even if they survived, it is usually not worth practising if you have long-term goals, big improvement and great superhuman power in the perspective of future achievements.
The third type of egregore is an astro-mental thought form connected to and controlled by demonic beings that exist in the astral-mental world in the East called kamamanas. Demons are satanic spirits in their nature, fallen, dark and deceptive, usually very malicious, but existing as various forms of dark beings in the depths of the darkest eighth sphere of the astral plane, from where they can operate in the entire astral and mental space. Taking over an egregore useful to such beings is nothing extraordinary, and using people associated with it to achieve desired results on earth is a common cause of the deformation and degradation of many initially good and useful social, political or freedom initiatives. Every demon loves to have as much power as possible, so first of all, demons hunt for egregores that influence power or can actually exercise power. Egregores of politicians and their powerful parties, egregores of political movements striving for power and social change, and egregores of ruling, royal and noble families are in the crosshairs of demons. All movements, groups and organizations with the causative power to provoke an aggressive war and cause some genocidal slaughter, corporations that can greatly destroy the planet or nature, these are the targets for demonic beings, for astral demons and devils with sufficient intelligence and power to exercise power through tools that enable subtle enslavement or paranoia. In esoteric and magical circles, it is said that the power of this world lies in the power of the evil one because it has been known for centuries that demons like to take over egregores of even very nice and progressive movements striving to improve or reform the socio-political system, as well as to revolution and introduce more humanitarian and humane governments. As it turns out in practice, we know from history and the dark pages of every political power’s history testify that their egregores have some dark, very nasty sides. In the context of such movements and organizations that may be or clearly are in the power of satanic, demonic forces, we talk about liberation from the possible influences of their egregores and sometimes about psychological defence against such demonized egregores. Externally, it is the self-defence of thinking people against these more enslaving, brutal and harmful aspects of the currently ruling party, i.e. the political and economic system. Of course, there are also psychotronic or occult movements dominated by the influence of demons, which have taken over the egregores of such schools, as is the case with the entire world Satanism, Luciferism, Setism or a new form of grey Luciferism in the form of lightworkers-ism from the politically dark and increasingly genocidal USA. In general, however, an esoteric movement is not attractive to demons or the lords of darkness if it does not revolve around the centres of power and domination of the world with its influence. More attractive is the dominant religion, whose representatives exercise political, economic and military power over society. That is why demons prefer to take over the main religious systems of countries in which some religion has a clear influence on political, economic and military power. In demons, the ego hungry for power calculates the takeover of egregores by the degree of usefulness of the egregore and the team of people and ancestors standing behind it for exercising real political power. Psychospiritual or magical protection of an organization entangled in real military, political and economic power is not easy, and yet we can clearly see in history how many religious and spiritual systems, including Christianity, have failed miserably in this field, becoming completely useless, and even harmful to the spiritual evolution of humanity or the salvation of souls.
There are also spiritual egregores of the divine fourth type when they are directed consciously by great individuals, by great souls sent by God the Creator for the purification, enlightenment and liberation of people from the material bonds of the world to which people as samsaric souls must return many times in subsequent incarnations or lives, through the Gate of Birth and Death. Egregores of the divine type, as if due to the connection with the divine souls of prophets or avatars, occur extremely rarely and last as long as a given great soul, mahatma, avatar or prophet sent by God actually sustains them. It is usually assumed that when a period of decline comes in the teaching of such a divine belief system and the end of the maintenance of the spiritual tradition by the Master Founder, distortions appear, teachings that are completely opposite to those given at the beginning, and the main ideals and patterns of conduct are lost. It is said that the teachings of the master Gautama Buddha lasted for about a thousand years, and then Buddha stopped patronizing Buddhism because people who considered themselves his followers stopped living according to his teachings and practices, began to eat meat en masse, drink alcohol, smoke opium or tobacco, monks stopped wearing even the bright yellow robes required from the beginning. The former egregore of the master of light was replaced by some dark, fallen being, which is also shown by the inclusion of local demons, such as the demon Vairoćana in the Buddhist pantheon. This is how the egregore of a religious denomination becomes distorted and bewildered, and its founder, from a divine sphere higher than the astral or mental, ceases to support and inspire it, causing that system of beliefs to become a dead form of fallen faith due to distortions and errors. Spiritual seekers should connect not with the egregores of Christianity or Buddhism as a whole but with undoubtedly sublime beings such as Jesus Christ or Gautama Buddha and under their original, native names by which they were well known during their lives and activities. There is a much greater chance for the proper spiritual development of a person under such patronage of a name and an initial egregore, perhaps still supported by the former Messiah or Avatar. Attempts to return to the initial and primary teachings of Buddha or Jesus can be very helpful and fruitful, but only in times when the movements called great religions that have arisen around them have generally reached the moral bottom, collapse and denial of what they were at their beginnings. It is even better to find a spiritual tradition or school that has existed in a generally untainted form for centuries and millennia and does not have collapse characteristics. Deities usually do not duplicate their work, and especially not the Revelation sent by a prophet or avatar, so there are not too many truly great souls on the scale of Krishna, Zarathustra, Buddha, Elijah or Jesus on Earth at the same time, or even in the same century.
In any case, egregores are great and powerful supra-personal, supra-individual powers against which human beings without support are usually helpless and by which they can be attacked and destroyed, even by the very power of their mental, psychic impact, not only by active members of some egregore for whom a given person may be inconvenient. This destruction of inconvenient individuals is carried out as can be seen in the lives of many dissidents of the Hitlerite or Francoist regime, as can be seen in the lives of many reformers and religious thinkers who proclaim religious views considered heretical by the Catholic or Christian religion in power. Not only the actions of the Inquisition or the secret police destroy people with a different system of beliefs, but also the mentality and behaviours of ordinary believers or members of the system in which millions of people are entangled through everyday aversion, imposing symbols and beliefs and behaviours or through a specific deprecation of an outstanding individual with different and incomprehensible views. This social ostracism, aversion, and rejection from the local society beyond the pale destroys many creators, artists, writers, scientists, researchers and philosophical or theological thinkers. The most ideologically powerful egregore ruling over the minds of people or even entire large states, nations and societies is always guilty of ideological crimes. People are often so dependent on the great egregores of the system that they are, in part or in whole, their insane puppets deprived of will, servants obediently carrying out orders, impulses and reactions flowing from the depths of the astral and mental collective unconsciousness. Egregores are sometimes more or less openly destructive, although sometimes it seems that they should only serve entertainment, which is clearly visible in the example of the egregore of football fans. Egregores based on lower and primitive astral emotions are more openly and maliciously destructive to any competition that threatens them, and egregores based on high and purer mental ideas are more delicate and cunning in defeating their energetic competition. While in the first case, an egregore on low astral vibrations will kill and physically exterminate all the followers of the competing belief system by burning them at stake or slaughtering them with a sword, a mental egregore of a more subtle type will work out and eliminate the competition “quietly” by spectacularly converting the main thinkers and leaders of the competition to its side so that they will publicly confess their “errors and sins” and become zealous servants or missionaries of the victorious egregorial “amoeba” in the skirmish.
The psychology of the egregore is a complex matter, as is dealing with the collective unconscious. The egregore is a powerful personification of emotional (astral) and mental bonds. The egregore is only as strong and active as the emotions, thoughts and vital energies that power those bonds. If the emotions are weak and the energetic supply weak, the egregore reflects that weakness. The egregore exerts a negative influence when a change in the relationship is not recognized but is not accepted, denied or resisted. On the other hand, the egregore exerts positive, supportive power when change is recognized, accepted and openly dealt with. When both parties in a love relationship can recognize the egregore and are willing to learn from it, it can become a tool for facilitating change and growth. The egregore will reveal what each party needs to discover for the relationship to flourish and for each party to flourish independently, and it will help eliminate weak points of disagreement. An egregor is often composed mainly of subconscious feelings and less of conscious ones. Most human communities, groups and relationships are based to a large extent on the matter of the lower astral plane, i.e. on lower emotions, hence mutual animosities, grudges, jealousies and resentments between human communities, which have great power to cause incidents, including wars and conflicts. An egregor is a power that holds given people together – stemming from one’s own unknown, subconscious feelings and motivations. To dissolve an egregor, one must completely break every emotional and mental bond, both with members of the group or family and with its deceased, which is usually unrealistic. In other words, it is very difficult to do, but one can change the relationship with large egregors by changing certain relationships with the environment. Usually, an egregor or its reaction to a person will simply change instead of truly dying, as imagined in their fantasies by various homegrown psychotronics, occultists or magicians. Completely severing ties with society, family, or community is usually not advisable because, at best, it leads to eccentricity, autism and lack of contact. Many negative egregore relationships fade spontaneously over time, including our relationships with friends from kindergarten, school, studies, and former work. However, the more developed human consciousness, the more subtle the egregores are, and the cooperation between the egregore of the spiritual community and individuals is more harmonious and supportive. Strong and developed consciousnesses can unite around lofty ideals, energize them and set them in motion, winning many supporters for lofty aspirations. Then mystical or esoteric spiritual schools, lines of yogic transmission or lofty spiritual brotherhoods are created, to which the egregore almost himself brings practitioners, and the people cooperating with him act very subtly to improve the human lot on this earth. However, one should always remember the possibility of taking over, especially large egregores, by the forces of darkness, always hostile to humanity and planet Earth. Demonic contact channels also appear, posing as masters, i.e. claiming to channel messages from masters or angels of God, although masters teach simply through the incarnation and real teaching of adepts as avatars (prophets) and not through channelling. All messages from mediums generally come from demons, who like to pretend to be divine, sublime and angelic forces to entangle the naive and create a poor egregore pretending to be a spiritual or occult school. It is better to avoid such demonic channels, and sometimes their egregores are of a primitive and aggressive type, even as at the beginning we experience the so-called “love bombing”. The more trance-like the channeler, the more demonic his sources usually take place in fallen beings with a hellish mentality, although usually also of considerable refinement, emotionality or intelligence.
The most common mistake of people trying various paths and trends of spiritual development is the lack of acceptance of the egregore of a given tradition and school of thought, i.e. the lack of total agreement with the entire system of beliefs and beliefs of such a development method. Then the egregore of a school or path of spiritual development will fight, weaken, and even destroy a person who negates even a part of the beliefs, convictions and ideas that are important for the system and duration of the egregore, which not only prevents progress in development but often also frustrates and destroys the person. It is interesting how people from environments supposedly focused on self-development and improvement, knowing a lot about the impact of egregores and, more generally, masses of thought or astral influences, thoughtlessly ignore these important principles and laws in the field of practising regular methods and disciplines of internal or spiritual development. Such people supposedly know that certain principles apply, and certain phenomena such as egregores exist, but they do not accept that they also apply to them and their work and efforts. While systemic conformism and compliance with prevailing political and religious systems were demonstrated by occultists in the Third Reich or psychotronics in the Soviet Union, in the field of undertaking spiritual practices within well-defined ideological schools or mystical-spiritual traditions, these same people have completely failed and still fail in many environments. One such spiritual tradition with a strong egregore is Yoga, for example, and many people very selectively accept some things from Yoga and completely deny others, which in them causes obvious counter-reactions from the egregore of Yoga, established by thousands of years of constant practice and dissemination of the same ideals important for spiritual growth. Then such people, especially from the psychotronic and psychotherapeutic world, complain that Yoga is harmful to them and many other people or that its selected practices simply do not give the results that Yoga predicts. And so it will be as long as these people are in disharmony with Yoga as a whole system of beliefs, views and convictions. It is very important to learn the basics of the entire system well at the very beginning of its practice, as well as the full, total agreement with the ideals, goals and methods that a great system with traditions such as Yoga contains. Only under the penalty of such full acceptance of the entire system can one expect real results of the soul’s progress on its personal or spiritual development path. People who treat great spiritual systems that have a soul and, in an obvious way, the egregore selectively, negating important teachings, practices and ideals only harm themselves and the people they deceive in terms of their ideas and pseudo-reasons. The egregore will always fight and devour those who negate, reject or ignore the vital parts of its existence. If someone practices Yoga and, instead of worshipping the Deity Śiva with full respect, worships Jesus or Mary, then unfortunately, they may have more harm than good from such an immoral attitude of an ignorant person. We do not separate the teaching from its creator or the spiritual tradition from its founder. It is similar to important practices, such as mantras, even the simplest ones like Om, and yet we see clever guys full of ignorance, who utter absurdities, that for them Yoga is asanas and not things like vibrations of some sounds in the form of Om. Meanwhile, the practice of Om is one of the important pillars on which the entire system of spiritual development, which is Yoga, is based, and such vital things cannot be omitted if we want to benefit from practising the Yoga system. We see similar vulgar errors in the approach to spiritual development practices in many environments, especially psychotronic ignorant people and haunted and schizophrenically crazy pseudo-thinkers of the New Age movement. Many mental disorders in pseudo-spiritual leaders of the New Age movement, mixing everything that comes their way, result from perfidious stupidity consisting in ignorance of phenomena such as egregores and egregorial reactions to individuals and haunted groups that are destructive to systems of ideas and beliefs.
Eregor is a superpersonal source of power and might, a support that creates circles of people with similar goals, ideas or aspirations, but also an egregor is a guardian of the inviolability of what has been sown, grown and blossomed in its field. Modifying egregors is possible but requires prudence and calm, slow action lasting even centuries. A group force field or psycho-energetic field of thinking groups, as egregors are called differently, is a phenomenon that strengthens the longer a given system of convictions, beliefs, or views develops and the more active thinkers have supported, developed and enlivened it. From the point of view of spiritual development and enlightenment, the best systems of spiritual development are those that last relatively the longest, and their ideals, concepts and methods have been practised and developed by as many people as possible, especially those who have reached the final stages of this development in the form of spiritual Realization, Enlightenment and Liberation. Every new system still in its infancy is at least hopeless because no people have tested it in practice, and it is not even known whether the homegrown creator of the supposedly new method of spiritual development has achieved anything in the metaphysical reality. Spiritual development is guaranteed only where the Path is actually practised, and its adepts in history have achieved the final results as often as possible, feeding the egregore and paving the way for the next ones who want to come. From this point of view, all the original inventions of homegrown courses and creators of the supposedly new and modern or rapid spiritual development and enlightenment, so numerous in the environments of psychotronic and parapsychological demagogues, are only harmful products of the sick fantasy, ignorance and lack of knowledge of their authors, who, even if they know the concept of an egregore, do not understand or do not want to understand this concept and the whole machine of the mechanisms of mental-astral energy-force fields, which egregores are in their essence. Just as an abstinent is not well-tolerated by the egregore of drunkards, and a drunkard by the egregore of those cultivating a sober life, so the egregore of those who have established a spiritual path because they have been there is not in harmony with the egregores of those who are trying to create their own paths but have not yet taken the Path to liberation and ascension, because they blatantly violate its basic principles.
In Europe, in the 16th century, thanks to the famous magician John Dee, the word egregore became a permanent part of the “occult dictionary”. The word egregore comes from the Greek egerio – to be aroused, to be alert, to see, to look, and egregeros literally means a seer. It appears, for example, in the magical treatise Thesaurus Temporum, published in 1652 and translated from Greek into Latin. In occult circles, however, it became widespread only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, gaining new content closer to contemporary mentality while at the same time losing its “ancient expressiveness”. Egregore means a collective, communal, magical astral, astro-mental bond. The egregore bond is created due to energy values and qualities directed towards the common desire to emit energy of both living and dead beings and even inanimate objects. We can, therefore, speak, for example, of a Christian egregore and within its boundaries, the functioning egregore of, for example, the Catholic Church; of the egregore of Polish patriotism; of the egregore of a family, tribe, clan, religious community, etc. In esotericism or occultism, secret knowledge, the term egregore, means “an astral being, essentially empty, devoid of a divine soul, sometimes stealing energy and souls from people who have made it an object of dark worship”. The term itself was created by a portmanteau of the Greek egregoroi (‘‘watchful’’) with the Latin ag-gregare (<ad-greg-, ‘‘to gather together’’). Egregors are neither gods (angels) nor demons, as is sometimes claimed by people who have no idea about esotericism and invisible beings. An egregor is an artificial, soulless, mechanical being, an astro-mental product of the nature of the elemental described in theosophy. All human groups have their egregors: nations, tribes, clans, families, places, professions, political parties, clubs and associations, and social groups. There is no such community that does not have its own egregor. Astrologers and esotericists also have them, and the latter, in particular, can be nasty, but not because esotericism is bad, but because the vast majority of people who deal with it are irresponsible fools, narcissists and cranks who do not understand its principles. And these unaware people, dabbling in vampirism, black magic, summoning evil spirits, casting spells, subordinating people, the Catholic Inquisition, gaining clients, killing saints, summoning lizard demons from Orion, predicting the end of the world, insulting gurus or spiritual masters and other harmful things have bred such an egregore that it is scary…
An egregor is an energy-information object existing in the subtle, astral-mental world, associated with specific ideas, concepts, states, desires and aspirations of people. The most outstanding Russian esotericist of all time, Danil Andreyev (1906-1959), in his monumental work “The Rose of the World”, defined an egregor as: “An immaterial creation arising from certain psychic emanations of humanity, tribes, states and religious groups, devoid of monads, but possessing a temporarily concentrated volitional charge and the equivalent of consciousness.” In turn, Vladimir Bogdanovich, a Russian esotericist who lived in a later period, born in 1947, calls egregors “the basic unit of the subtle world.” He believes that an egregor first appears in the subtle world, then creates specific conditions on Earth and opens an energy-information channel for the chosen ones, and then a collective, an ethnos, community is created. This is debatable, but it seems that Bogdanowicz describes the reactivation of old egregores through the rebirth of social groups that existed in the afterlife as deceased spirits. Carlos Castaneda put it differently, claiming that “an egregore is created on Earth, on the physical plane by people, and then its equivalent is formed on the subtle planes.” It is also worth mentioning that egregores are created by people and nature – animals, rivers, mountains, etc. When they reach a critical mass of consciousness, they connect with the general egregore of planet Earth. In the energetic sense, elementals are created as thought forms, arising from the thoughts and emotions of a single person, while egregores are a collective creation of the thoughts and emotions of many people, i.e. the so-called collective consciousness. If a group of people do something together or believe in something, they thus create an egregore, the power of which depends on the number of followers, the strength of their faith and the emotions and feelings that take part in this process. This can be compared to an incubus, a being that is a product of someone’s individuality. There are people who, with the power of their minds, create such incubuses (often unconsciously), which become even semi-intelligent and can harm not only others but also their creator, deliberately causing him to produce energy (thoughts and feelings) of the same vibrations from which it was created. Most people are unaware of what elementals are created in their homes, work, political parties, churches, or associations. Such an elemental, although an astral-mental artificial creation, at a certain point, when it is already charged with the appropriate amount of vital energy, begins to live its own life and even seek out other elementals and connect with them in an egregore based on the law of similarity. If positive emotions created it, it is good and nice, providing support and help. If it was created by malicious, deceitful, fearful people or people who constantly complain about their hard fate, their elemental will be like that, too. The human mind has a great power. Thought is a very subtle energy, and hard matter is nothing more than concentrated energy, and as we know, matter consists mainly of empty spaces. If a large group of people feed their mental energy into some, even completely abstract idea, it may happen that the energy of their thoughts will take on a material form, even in the physical world. It is worth feeding progressive, lofty ideals and real yet innovative technological proposals, but of course, you can also pray for the resurrection or reincarnation of Karl Marx, Ilyich Lenin or Felix Dzerzhinsky and consciously feed the egregore of their views and concepts.
An egregore created by the common elementals of people complaining that the company is poor and work is uncertain, when it is a fully independent being, at some point will contribute to dismissing those who complained so much about their fate. However, it will not be its fault; it is simply how those who complained about the company, work or earnings created it. It is worth adding that these beings live for 200-300 years, and even much longer, for several thousand years. From the very beginning, they “load” themselves with the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of the group of people who created it, and they do so with the same energy in the astral and mental world that matches their vibrations. The more such energy around these beings, the bigger and stronger they are and the longer they live. The human mind theoretically has great power, although people consciously rarely use it because they do not know how to use it. Thought is energy, and hard matter is nothing more than concentrated energy, where matter consists mainly of empty spaces in which threads of energy vibrations and force fields appear. If a large group of people feed their mental energy into some, even completely abstract idea, it can happen that the energy of their thoughts will take on a material form even in the physical world. Creating specific elementals is very useful in charities or companies and is sometimes practised, usually secretly, by employees in large corporations that rule the world. Such practice can have an ordinary dimension of strategic planning in the development of the corporation if it is carried out by people dedicated to the company who have great dedication consistently and unambiguously. It then looks like a magical action, and a sense of markets through experience and professional intuition helps greatly in this. Positive elementals of individual people can very well affect team integration, motivation, efficiency, and the ability to increase employee competencies and achieve specific set goals. According to the first postulate of mathematical group theory, in every team, there needs to be someone around whom everything revolves like the spokes around the axle of a cartwheel, someone who integrates, connects, unifies and inspires people. Otherwise, without such a One in a team or group, the team is not a team, is not united and does not function fully effectively or efficiently. The life and soul of the party are needed even at an ordinary social event, not only in work teams or business councils of a company.
Contacts with egregores of states and nations, to some extent, resemble work with the souls of living people. The egregore of a state sometimes represents hundreds of millions of souls, and if it reaches a person with a matter (e.g. for support or information), then this is already a specific expectation and a specific will. We perceive egregores as more stable, sensible thinking, especially those more numerous among citizens who seem to seek positive solutions. Egregores experience and learn cooperation and respect, mutual support. Egregores of states sometimes learn and experience through the suffering and pain (bleeding out) of the entire nation. The course of their fate is, after all, variable and depends on the souls that temporarily incarnate in the area of a given state but also on the souls that live in the afterlife on astral sub-planes of existence. The consciousness of a nation is sometimes personified by the figure of a ruler such as Octavian Augustus and sometimes also as Caligula, Napoleon, Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet or Hitler. Some egregores are, therefore, imperially destructive and harmful to certain groups of citizens and to foreigners, so one should be very careful before living in the territory of their countries and influence. Earthly wealth can change at any time and even disappear completely due to wars or catastrophes. The egregore of a state lasts in the same area for a long time in relation to the time of human life, and these are hundreds or even thousands of years, e.g. for India, China, Assyria, Egypt, Rome, Greece, and Russia. Therefore, their tasks and the time they have at their disposal are different from that offered to the earthly personalities of our souls, and small countries and nations must be very careful and clever if they want to mess with the egregore of a much larger and older empire such as China, Russia, Turkey or Germany. Egregores, just like human souls, learn over time that they bear all the consequences of their actions, but not all citizens understand the concept of the karma of a nation, the karma of a tribe or a clan. Living or being a guest in any country, we are always under the influence of its egregore, sometimes less and sometimes more. The statistical majority of citizens never rise beyond the energetic structure of their egregore, sometimes becoming a mindless mob, an angry crowd to which nothing reaches. The consciousness of the nation, i.e. the egregore of the state, represents its interests outside in relation to other egregores. In spatial form, it can have a character similar to a person mature in age, as well as an adolescent or a mentally disabled person. Russians say about their own homeland Mать Россия “Mother Russia”, and such is the Egregor of their State – an elderly woman mother with a scarf on her head. In India, there is a custom of bending deeply and touching the feet of older, venerable people with their hands, and their egregore is an old and experienced woman, whom they symbolically call Bharata. If one nation has grudges against another, especially mutually, a lot of time and energy must be devoted to eliminating these negative emotions from the space and form of the egregore, also in a personal, individual way, through forgiveness and requests for forgiveness over past incarnations for everything that happened. The egregores of the Tutsi and Hutu nations seem to be like two young boys punching each other in a sandbox. In the material world, these nations bleed profusely because of mutual animosities and hatreds fuelled by the Catholic clergy. The egregore of Israel is a very old and battle-hardened wandering soldier, similar to the egregore of China. Years ago, the egregore of Serbia wanted to impose its principles on the neighbouring nations in a united Yugoslavia. The egregore of Germany is still tough and deceitful by nature, and it is reluctant to make friends with strangers. The character of the nation, the mentality of the nation – this is a good initial image of the egregore, but excessive anthropomorphization can make it difficult for the seers to depict the original form of the egregore itself, which floats above a given country, like a kind of astral-mental cloud of elementals interconnected in so many ways and mutual relations that it can be a real planetary monster. An example is the young monster, a relatively young beast in the form of the USA, which consists of the souls of Indian and Negro slaves and their conquerors and oppressors, who created the USA as a result of conquest and criminal robbery, imperial conquest, for which they are still eager like a child playing in a cruel and insidious war for domination of the entire world.
Some teachings devoted to spiritual development divide the elementals produced by individual people into two sharply separated categories: the elemental of evil and the elemental of good. The elemental of evil is, of course, made up of bad, harmful, destructive thoughts that a person has within himself, both towards himself and towards other creatures. The elemental of good is the network of all good thoughts, assessments and wishes that a person has towards himself and other creatures, as well as towards the world as a whole. However, traditional secret knowledge of many cultures does not discuss these general structures as passionately as modern Rosicrucianism or some psychotronic schools because some bad thoughts serve good if, for example, they are positive criticism or serve to stop evil, and some good thoughts serve evil, especially if they are covering up mistakes, flaws and harmfulness with the help of which harm will be done to others or betrayal or infidelity, perversion or other moral corruption will be committed. Speaking well of someone perverted, praising lies, theft, or immorality can be evil, although it looks like good. One’s own bad or good thoughts are neither a demon nor a guardian angel, and only an astral demon can attach itself to human bad thoughts, and then the individual will be ghastly evil to some extent. Similarly, thanks to good thoughts or the image of their sum, it is easier to obtain the intervention of a guardian angel from the divine level of existence, with the difference that angels guarding the fates of people, clans, tribes or nations do not possess them or take possession of them, so the angelic influence is clear, but less noticeable, fickle. Demons are easy to summon and difficult to drive away from their prey, and angels are difficult to summon and very easy to lose. This is a general rule, which is why we avoid easy successes and quick practical results in spiritual development because these usually come from demonic, satanic, Luciferian or, in other words, asuric forces. Angels are like beautiful princesses that knights constantly strive for and court, but with no guarantee that they will experience their gracious smile or gaze, while demons are like street whores that anyone who pays can have for an appropriate, but ultimately small, price. That is why when we hear that someone goes where they offer “quick methods” of clairvoyance, instant enlightenment in fifteen minutes, we know that they went to a demonic whore of the satanic type and got screwed up by playing the harlot with demons or demonesses, copulating with the evil of this world that stands behind such a method and its usually channelling practising leaders. One must earn angelic gifts and interventions with a high level of morality, including honesty and sincerity, truthfulness, faithfulness and ethical and mental purity. Guardian Angels are reluctant to connect with dirty elementals or egregores of people, and the work of their summoning must be truly great and often ascetic-mystical, performed with dedication and strong purification. Guardian Angels are the true Guardians of the Threshold, who decide whether someone is ready to cross the Gates of Heaven and experience connection with the spheres of higher consciousness. One’s bad thoughts, and their elemental groups or demons are neither angels nor Guardians of the Threshold; at most, they are pests and harmful enemies malicious to both the soul and angels.
Egregores are not just imaginary elements of creative energy that arise as a result of professing false beliefs and worldviews, as is usually the case with mental illnesses and during the passage of drug visions. Egregores are often like animated “zombies” that take on shapes and appearances corresponding to the aggregate beliefs of the beings who create them. Many good and useful egregores are worth befriending and even consciously supporting to improve the world. If we can feel well the egregore of, for example, the Polish Nation, it is worth sensing its progressive and developmental tendencies and needs and supporting the development of science, education, technological progress, inventions serving the good of society, the growth of knowledge and prosperity of our compatriots or all the features serving mutual help, unity or support for the weaker. Egregores arise due to mental-astral creation and are not real entities in the sense of having a divine soul; hence, they are not angels or deities. However, their nature is such that they can engage and even absorb living divine beings (Souls), with whom they have created energy connections in the space of kamamanas, i.e. on the astral planes (seven spheres of existence) and mental planes (four spheres of existence). The divine being, i.e. the divine Soul, absorbed by the egregore, is immersed in the field of the absorbing cloud of thoughts and emotions that create the egregore and cannot find an exit towards the light, i.e. the real fields of consciousness of the divine origin. Egregores “hang” in the space between the world of the kingdom of the spirit (causal, sutrama manas) and the imaginary existential space of our reality, feeding themselves with the energies of their creators. The most terrible egregore in the history of humanity is the egregore of the so-called Inquisition in Catholicism. It is an angry and punishing demonic pseudo-astral-mental entity with a terrible face, which has so far consumed in a bloodthirsty way at least one hundred million human beings, including over 10 million through torture and burning alive at the stake, an entity that has harmed at least a billion people. Another great egregore among humanity is the egregore of broadly understood atheism – it is an energy “hole” that “sucks in” all believers, creating a strong and swirling vortex of beliefs of godlessness, deviation and nihilism. Another known great egregore is the egregore of capitalism, and in total exploitation and economic slavery – it is an astral-mental entity resembling a reptilian being, a beast with many heads and a bloodthirsty expression on all muzzles. Egregores often resemble large trees that transform into animals, similar to an amoeba or an octopus with many legs, which, when calm, look like the roots of a tree. Some egregores resemble a large cloud or mushroom, usually with many branches or a complex internal structure. Ancient Egyptians who followed local trends of white magic associated with the goddess Hathor idealized the egregore as a figure of the Sacred Cow, who, on a higher level, was under the care of the goddess and, on a lower level, was associated with the needs and aspirations of people. We thus have an ancient example of the magical association of the egregore in a friendly animal form and the care and support of the deity, both for the egregore and the followers of this old magical cult in Egypt associated with it. Among interesting and highly influential egregores with a global reach, we have, for example, the dark-grey egregore of apocalyptic movements of belief in the end of the world or a “spiritual” transformation into a higher dimension or another density, which reactivates every dozen or so years. The egregore of the end of the world and apocalyptic transformation is powered and moved, activated from time to time by strong astral demons from the so-called eighth sphere (separated hells in the astral world), including Lucifer, which usually blinded followers of another apocalyptic sect do not even want to hear about. They wake up later getting a proverbial “short end of the stick” when the demon gives up for a while and stops supporting those confused by ideologies such as 1914, 1948, 1975, 1984, 1999 or 2012 and sucking out their life energy, as on the occasion of the year 2012 it does to its lightworkers on whom it parasitizes, disturbing their minds and emotions and destroying their divine souls so that they usually regress in the development of consciousness by at least a few incarnations. Their dark-grey egregore finds the most such apocalyptic movements of the end of the world and rapid transformation on Christian soil because the initial, very weak Christian egregore was largely taken over by such dark, bloodthirsty structures as the aforementioned Catholic Inquisition.
It is necessary to say and know that egregores are living, thinking entities, mental and astral-mental beings, who live their own individual lives, fight with each other, interfere with each other and people or help each other and people. Every thought that people create flies away from the area of their individual minds and feeds the common energy field of similar and identical thoughts. It is similar to thought emotions, i.e. thoughts connected with emotions of the astral world. Identical and more similar thoughts stay in the common space of the psychic field of thoughts and emotions, creating psychic constructions, which, if they start to connect more strongly with each other, become living thought-forms, egregores functioning in the spaces of the human unconscious according to the rules of life of simple biological forms such as amoebas. The most similar and identical thoughts merge into one mental body, into a large thought form, and we have a ready egregore, which can then seek its own supporters and eliminate its opponents in various ways, as if based on the collective intelligence of the thought mass. People who think in the area of one egregore of ideas, beliefs and views additionally charge it with their life energy, their biofield, feed the idealistic creation with which they are associated, but the egregore itself also supports and nourishes as needed those who are its faithful allies. Each egregore can energize and support a person who is loyal or deserving towards it. You can easily merit the egregore by gaining more supporters for its system of beliefs or ideas that create its structure. In its essence, whenever we convince someone of something, we have merit towards some egregore of identical or very similar ideas.
Creating a new egregore is a very interesting and complex task that requires not only a strong, energetic creator who has the power to power and feed such a mental-astral creation with his bioenergy for many years, or even centuries but also requires acquiring many new enthusiasts for the team of ideas, who will fervently devote their lives to disseminating and strengthening the egregore. Many authors of psychotronic patents for healing and spiritual development believe that they have sufficient power and influence to do this, but in time, it turns out that their creation becomes only the beginning of the end of their existence, and they disappear without an echo in the depths of centuries. This is how smallness aspiring to greatness is not enough to create something great and lasting for many generations. It is similar to many temporary but erroneous and confused ideas sold at modern esoteric fairs from the Californian New Age, which started well but clearly went astray after thirty years. The entire so-called psychotronic and occult movement is usually classified as a great egregore, informally called the “Invisible Spiritual School”; however, in general, most activists belong to one of the first three main types of egregore, and very few to the fourth category, which is fundamentally good and the most lasting, but difficult to find because of the angelic or heavenly principle of secrecy. The worst and, unfortunately, the most numerous part of the movement are the groups or rather hordes of psychotronic sorcerers and black magicians, whose egregore is, unfortunately, similar to the case of fallen political religions, dominated by darkness and the forces of darkness in the form of various astral-mental demons. One clearly distinguishing sign is the aversive dislike and hatred towards all deities, goddesses and gods of Heaven, God as the Absolute, angels, devas, and especially towards good and proven traditions of the East such as Yoga and its fully realized Masters of Wisdom. Individuals who have become vulgarly entangled in such psychotronic Satanisms have imagined the need to fight God and everything that represents God, the Absolute, the Creator, and anyone who represents the Masters of Light. They even create real psychotronic machines to, for example, remove God YHVH or the Eastern movements of spiritual development generally called Yoga from the area of their country or a differently understood but imaginary zone of influence and rule. The clear disease of power and marking of a territorial zone of rule is also a very dangerous sign of the takeover of a given psychotronic or occult environment by satanic forces of darkness and gloom. The devil does not provide a zone of influence for divine white magicians or messengers given by angels of God from the Heavens of Enlightenment and Realization of God.
People more familiar with these types of psychic astral-mental beings, such as esoteric egregores, will easily apply psychic, energetic and spiritual defence and protection against satanic egregorial aggressors, which does not mean such protection is easy. Egregorial persons acting on behalf of the egregore are divided into two categories: those who are completely unaware that they are being used by a greater being in the form of the egregore and the forces behind it, such as deceased ancestors and progenitors of the movement, demons from the dark side, and angels of heaven from the light side, and those who are already aware that there are superpersonal forces of great power and consciously work both in the area of the egregore and higher angelic beings or at least with the tradition of the ancestors or there the line of transmission of spiritual masters, as is the case in authentic lines of Yoga. The first type of person, those who are completely unaware, can at most be inspired in some way by those who are aware of what is happening to ritual actions or practices that strengthen the movement, community or spiritual development group. The second type of person, conscious collaborators and servants of higher heavenly powers can activate divine help and intervention and win over as many co-practitioners as possible to actively participate in various works, rituals and practices that protect all members and sympathizers of the egregore. Usually, however, no specific actions are taken directly against the competition that fights us unless some spiritual unit of well-trained warriors is formed who can fight on the astral and mental planes, and not just with their mouths at meetings and fingers on the keyboard. One of the very helpful protective and defensive actions against aggressors from demonic groups with a satanic trait of degenerate psychotronics is the ordinary yet sincere practice of dedicating oneself to the spiritual service of well-known and certain masters of the spiritual movement, deities with whom one cooperates within the egregore of the spiritual movement or surrendering to the spirit of the community, in essence the spiritual, mental and psychic energy that the entire egregore of the community accumulates in itself. The more sincerely and fervently we dedicate ourselves to the service of the spiritual brotherhood, deity or master, the more the entire egregore of the spiritual community spontaneously protects us from demonic attacks by Satanists and dark psychotronics, from egregores directed by demonic beings. The egregor supports and protects egregorial people, i.e., its devoted activists and those who sincerely desire to serve themselves by realizing the ideals and goals written in the egregore. This is such a magical-mental law of the subjective world that we speak of as the collective psyche of human groups and communities, the collective unconsciousness or even the group soul. In the tradition itself, which is Yoga, in the most general sense, it is enough to sincerely, from the bottom of one’s heart, offer oneself to the spiritual service of God Śiva and the community of spiritually realized Yogis. Giving oneself with one’sone’s whole self to the more important known Masters of Wisdom, such as Rama, Krishna, Vasishtha, Patanjali, Śankara or Sainatha, also quickly brings similar results as offering oneself to God Śiva, the first master and king of all yogis and yoginis.
Conscious and mass cultivation of egregorality in a given movement or community through the work of dedication and offering oneself for service not only increases the spiritual security of the staff or activists in a given movement but also supports a qualitative leap in the development of the entire spiritual community, including its weaker points, such as novices who are not fully committed to practice. Group magic likes magic numbers such as six or twenty-eight, and if only we manage to gather such a small number of capable activists consciously engaged in working with our community egregore and egregorality, the effect will increase to such an extent that it will be possible to speak of the magical effects of a simple spiritual protective practice against the aggression of demonically controlled egregores. Group work and occasional gatherings of a larger number of workers on the spiritual path are excellent opportunities to develop the foundations of spiritual group protection for those who already practice with us and for those who will join us as kindred spirits in the future. One should not be afraid of metaphysical work with egregores in advance, but one must be more careful, attentive, and researchful in such work. One can positively influence the egregore of one’s nation or the egregore of the local community or metropolis. One must demonstrate good intuition and tact and not spare one’s own energy or working time for purposes useful to the whole community. Practising yoga, tantra, martial arts or another type of spiritual practice or healing or spiritual development from India, China, Japan, Israel, Persia, Siberia, Egypt, Hawaii or Polynesia, it is worth knowing well and feeling the original language in which it was transmitted and the numerous old masters and experts of a given school, style, tradition or method, including magical emblems, coats of arms and similar signs, which greatly facilitate work with the ancient egregore, as well as with local deities who still watch over the old traditions and chivalric moral codes. It is worth remembering that if a person begins to free themselves from ties with the egregore of a nation, tribe or locality, the egregore itself may consider such a person unnecessary, unneeded and harmful and therefore destined for destruction. Many pathetic esotericists, under the pretext of liberation, harm both themselves and the multitudes of their ideologically entangled admirers and disciples with such ideas. On a good path of spiritual development towards higher levels of consciousness, one must learn to understand various structures such as the egregore and cooperate well with them, and even efficiently direct them for the benefit of all beings within the range or influence of such an egregore.
Swami Paramahansa Lalitamohanji G.K.
(This publication contains only fragments of the original esoteric-hermetic lesson Hridaya. The entire material of this lesson is available in a paperback or book edition, available at workshops and trainings of tantric yoga for adepts and supporters of the Himavanti Confraternity Order and Kaśmiri Śaiva – Kashmiri Śaivism.)
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