Tag: relationships

  • Conversation with Angels about God’s Love (97)

    Conversation with Angels about God’s Love (97)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next And here is a short conversation about Love with the Angels of Love! Question: Divine Angel of Love, Kamael, Kamadeva, tell us today what Love and the Art of Loving is according to Your Wisdom! Answer: O Prophet, do you see people worthy of revealing the Mystery of Love, who,…

  • Spiritual Development and Human Behaviour (96)

    Spiritual Development and Human Behaviour (96)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next (1). Many people who follow the spiritual path of self-improvement and development, mainly due to ignorance, fall into numerous sewers, side-blind alleys of spirituality, or even traps set by the ego or directly by the forces of evil residing on this planet! There are so many mistakes made by people…