And here is a short conversation about Love with the Angels of Love!
Question: Divine Angel of Love, Kamael, Kamadeva, tell us today what Love and the Art of Loving is according to Your Wisdom!
Answer: O Prophet, do you see people worthy of revealing the Mystery of Love, who, having tasted it, will not betray the Truth of Love and will not add their rebellion to the already heavy burden of their sins?
P: I see, O Venerable Archangel of Perfect Love, Kamo of the Angels of God!
A: Human nature, as you see, Prophet of God, on the one hand, longs for Love and desires Love, and on the other hand, destroys its Love by doing many things that ruin Love, which is against the Art. So let people first accept that they must understand how important Delightful Love is for them and firmly resolve every day to protect their Love, trust in Love and guard Love as a Treasure and a Secret.
Q: Can Love be compared to a Treasure, like a Jewel?
A: Prophet of God, you can compare Love to a very precious Ruby because it is truly a magical substance of the nature of a ruby flame that we ignite the Flame of Love in human Hearts because the Heart is the first and most versatile Organ of Love, and of course, the Heart of both Man and Angel is connected and coupled with the Womb and the ruby the essence circulates between the Heart and the Womb and also to the Head, igniting the human being with the fire of love desire, pleasure and excitement.
Q: Lords of the Angels of Love, do these three places, the Heart, the Womb and the Head, introduce any generation of Love, or is the Heart alone sufficient?
A: The heart is the place of the Fire of Subtlety, which generates the thread of sympathy and the desire to unite, connect and be a community, to stay together. The heart is the centre of dreams, experiencing beautiful, sublime, wonderful moments. Indeed, the heart is the centre of strict sympathy, and with the heart, we open ourselves to another person, to another being, as they are. The womb is the place to relax, unwind and achieve ecstasy. Womb experiences introduce a natural state of releasing all tensions, a state of blissful relaxation, which is the first type of higher ecstasy easily accessible to everyone. The combination of the energies of a man and a woman in the Womb reminds people of the secret and magical Divine Art of Creating Life, which the Gods, the Creators of Life, know and which they passed on to the First Parents, the Celestial Humanity in the Cherubim Paradise. The connection between the womb of a man and a woman is a sacred and magical Divine Art that should take place in the aura of only good and positive feelings, ideas, and associations! The Gods, the Creator-Creation, created the first Couple of people to enjoy the pleasure of the magical union of their bodies through the womb, souls through the Heart and minds, with a common thought, thus arousing great creative power because two so united inherit a great Blessing and the power to fulfil the common Will. The womb is the centre of wonderful, ritual magic, and the connection of souls with the Heart and their bodies with the womb releases magical, creative power so that the woman’s vital forces enliven the man and the man’s energy stimulates the woman’s creative power! The Head is the place of the third fire of this circulation of Love Energy inside the human being and an alchemical furnace producing a hundred beneficial substances in the bodies of two people devoted to the pleasure of mutual Loving and relaxation, nourished with the ruby substance of Love!
Q: Where is the best place for people to start a love relationship: the Womb, the Heart or the Head?
A: It doesn’t matter where the beginning lies, in the dreams of the Head, the explosion of feelings of the Heart or the delightful caress of two Wombs, what is important is that all three parts of the circulatory system of the ruby substance are activated and developed so that the Art of Love leads to our fulfilment. People prefer various types of initiating a Love Relationship, but none is better than the other and human beings must rather learn and develop mutual trust, fidelity, honesty, and responsibility like their First Parents and Angels of Love and then human Love will be true fulfilment, because in a relationship a man is for a woman and a woman is for a man. O Prophet of God, teach humanity the art of mutual relations and developing Love, teach women to take care of their man, and teach men to take care of their woman. It is even more important for people always to remember that Love between a woman and a man is created for them to give each other as much pleasure as possible and to care for each other’s pleasure with reciprocity because people are not animals whose wombs open only for reproduction, as that is what we call the consciousness of animals, beasts. Teach people that in a loving relationship, the woman should take care of the man’s pleasure and satisfaction, and the man should always take great care of his female partner’s pleasure. In this way, love magic will come alive and blossom in mutual fulfilment. People are too stuck in egotism and cannot fulfil themselves in Love because instead of caring for the other person, each side of the couple only cares about themselves and is often not interested in the other, except to create suspicions, which should not happen. Let the woman and the man take care of each other and look for a way to give the other even more wonderful, magical pleasure. This is the principle of achieving complete ecstasy.
Q: Does every person have a second half, assigned to themselves as the right man for the woman, and do you have to find the right person in life?
A: Prophet, you touch on the subtle issue of human existence, which in this fallen life is extremely complicated, like a dramatic tragicomedy with billions of actors. It is necessary to consider human tendencies and conditions from previous lives because people on the karmic plane of conditions and relationships are first attracted to those with whom they have already formed pairs and relationships in life. Again, in subsequent lives, they repeat the same dramas and roles until they exhaust themselves and burn out all erotic and Love relationships that were created in past lives. Most people are beings incarnating from incarnation to incarnation and are very lost in the meaninglessness of existence. If people learned to end their relationships, they would not have to recreate or repeat relationships in subsequent incarnations, let us add, burdened relationships, conditioned by pain, suffering and conflict. Nevertheless, in the memory of every human being, there is an image of the Love of the human couple Adam and Chawah, the Love they had for each other in Paradise, which resulted in the creation of many different souls, let’s add, perfect souls, who began to enter into relationships and also create Love Couples. Celestial Humanity created long-lasting relationships, and the memory of Human First Celestial Love lies dormant in the memory of every human soul. However, finding exactly the Being with whom you as humans have created a Love Bond is not easy in practice due to numerous human entanglements and karmic perturbations. It may happen to a human being living on Earth that the soul he is looking for is bound in the lower, demonic worlds and for this reason, there is no other half in the human world, or it may be that the other half of the Love Relationship has not succumbed to infection in the fall process and is alive in Paradise, among the Angels, and this is also the reason why is not on Earth. Of course, they can also wait for another incarnation among people, and being in the afterlife as a spirit does not enter the world of mortal people. Finding such a person among the disembodied human beings immersed in the Samsara Ocean is difficult. Some people even rightly feel that there is no one among people who would be suitable as a life partner, and for this reason, they indulge in fleeting relationships or prefer to remain alone, and neither of them is bad, as long as it does not harm anyone! Human couples that were created and born by the First Parents of Humanity, Adam and Chawah, born from their ardent and delightful Love, duplicated and imitated the relationship of their progenitors and remained together in Faithful Love. Yet, these were very long periods, and if you know, O Prophet, of the Four Ages, you must remember when teaching people that this is an ancient history. The first paradise Lovers were called Twin Flames, although many of them were torn apart due to the fall of paradise humanity due to the deception of Asmodaim. People dream of one great, true or first Love because it is the awakening of their natural feelings from the memory of the soul, and feeling and understanding with Heart and Soul can greatly help a person find their First Love, the soul of a close person with whom they lived in Paradise for millions of years of eternity.
Q: So finding your Twin Flame is not easy, dear Kamael, and yet some people are deprived of gender due to numerous defects or those who do not need anyone. Would you like to say something about these cases, O Deva?
A: Of course, each case is different, but a person with a damaged womb who is born crippled may have deprived others of their genitals or wombs in a previous life, for example, by castration or unnecessary surgery. If a doctor makes a wrong diagnosis, whether a person castrates cattle or humans, he or she may be born asexual or with degraded sexual organs, which is an unpleasant suffering. Yet some people castrate themselves because they want to change their gender, or in order not to have children, and then they are born in the next incarnation with their sexuality mutilated. Then, it is really difficult to find a twin soul in the Flame of Delightful Love. Yet, people are forced by the religious’ culture’, as it is wrongly called in your country, to live in a relationship with someone chosen by family or relatives, may, due to enormous suffering, develop an aversion to the opposite sex, sometimes their own and because of such a tragedy, in the next life he will hate the womb, sex, the opposite sex or his own. Help, Prophet, all such people to be free from their suffering, even for the next life, so that they can find their Living Love!
Q: O Deva, Angel of Divine Love, can you tell us a little about crimes and sins against Love as the Gods of Heaven perceive them?
A: The first sin against God’s Majesty is to suppress and destroy the awakening fountain of love, feelings, aspirations and desires in yourself or others. When human parents destroy and kill the living Flame of Love awakening in their adolescent children when a human child is stigmatized, repressed or condemned for Love. Waking up to the pleasure of Love is also a time to seek fulfilment of emotional, intimate needs. The second sin is betraying the person to whom we make love oaths, vows and promises, and people call betrayal and dishonesty in Love adultery! The third type of sin is called fornication, and it is pretending to love, pretending and simulating Love for the sake of earnings, profit, benefits or social position, pretending to love contrary to one’s real desires and needs. Repression, betrayal and fornication kill the ruby essence in a person and disrupt the entire circulation of Love Energy, stripping the Art of Love of the Magic and Charm that Love possesses. Prophet, teach people to allow their children to freely and responsibly seek and find their Love guided by the Voice of the Heart and the need of the Womb, and not by superstition, ignorance and superstition, as people do. Prophet, teach people to be guided by Fidelity in life, and if they make vows and promises, let them keep them and not break them until they honestly end their current relationship! Teach people that pretending to be happy for profit or position, taking advantage of someone to make a living because of their poverty or difficult situation or because of peer pressure, is a terrible thing that should not happen. Faking Love for the sake of having a house, a car or money is a crime against Love, against the Laws of God that require Honour, Honesty and Consistency of Pursuit. The basis of Love is mutual and sincere consent to experience Pleasure together by a Woman and a Man. Pretending is cheating, lying, and betrayal is breaking a vow, and all this hurts, extinguishes and kills the Ruby Essence of Love in people who live in such relationships! Teach Fidelity, Honesty and Truth because this is what the Bonds of Love are based on!
Q: What to do about needs such as self-abuse or masturbation?
A: Experience pleasure because, in principle, there is nothing wrong with it, and it can be used creatively to strengthen the organs of pleasure, discover the needs of your own body and refine the Act of Pleasure, especially when we slow down and prolong the entire process. Through skilfully conducted masturbation with appropriate gentleness, intensity and rhythm, you can learn not only to prolong the erotic act but also effectively treat ailments such as impotence or frigidity. Gentle masturbation between partners often helps in the treatment of various inhibitions, complexes and shyness which, like a hideous plague, has possessed the human race. Through self-masturbation, young people can learn to enter more and more deeply into the act of delightful experience and extend its duration, as well as strengthen and awaken their wombs to fully function in future love relationships. Mutual, tender, gentle and long-lasting caressing of each other’s wombs by a woman and a man in a relationship should be taught in young people as an element of erotic culture, an element of the Art of Love in relationships, and showing how we give ourselves some pleasure must be considered natural in the process of partners getting to know each other in mature Love Relationship. Masturbation alone stimulates the ruby essence, especially if this type of self-caress is prolonged, but when a woman and a man use such caresses and give them to each other, their stimulated ruby essences exchange and strengthen each other, awakening the Flame, the Heat of Love Pleasure. When children begin to mature, this is the time when they can stroke, caress and massage their intimate organs and thus give themselves pleasure and delight. This is a natural need, and there is nothing wrong with it, and its repression and suppression are socially harmful. People should be taught how to develop the Art of Love at the stage of self-caressing, which is physiologically nothing more than a healthy type of self-massage, although it is usually caused by the Head Centre in which appropriate needs and desires accumulate in the form of mental images, imaginations and dreams.
Q: Doesn’t talking about erotic caresses in terms of massaging reduce their charm or reduce Love to only a bodily dimension?
A: Absolutely not, O Prophet; human beings live in their bodies and experience Love through their senses, and the sense of Touch is most closely related to the Heart and mutual touching, embracing, stroking, and kneading in a delightful way stimulates and revitalizes the Heart and opens it, facilitating mutual communication, and feeling through the Heart. Through tender embraces and hugs, Woman and Man open their Hearts to each other, which leads to feeling and understanding Souls, revealing their Depth, Inner Being, to each other. It can be said that tenderness is an entirely spontaneous erotic massage, which is, however, an Art and two people as a couple cultivate the pleasure of Love with mutual consent because they mutually desire the tenderness of Love. The entire body contains places and areas whose tender stroking, scratching or intense kneading brings a delightful, erotic stimulation of the ruby essence. Male and Female Angels of Heaven also cultivate the pleasures of caressing with hands, hugging, and embracing to connect and unite in pairs into one hermaphroditic being. The repression of tactile massaging, hugging and stroking communication between a woman and a man, the lack of prolonged and intense caresses, is an actual social pathology in the human race that destroys many relationships of Love. The utilitarian and instrumental treatment of a woman as a reproductive female serving only for fertilization and giving birth is a true nightmare of human existence, a deformation of the very essence of humanity.
Q: So, bodies should interact with each other in a blissful way without taboos?
A: Yes, Prophet, there is no taboo, and shame is rather a harmful thing here because lovers should be satisfied with each other with all their senses, without any limitations, inhibitions or complexes. Intimidating children who are spontaneously exploring their bodies is harmful and often disrupts their ruby essence, and it is the responsibility of parents to properly educate their children when their fascination with the erotic nature of the Art of Love awakens. Caressing, touching and kissing allow the Heart and the emotional nature to awaken, to better understand the Heart’s tendencies and to free oneself from taboos, limitations and complexes artificially imposed by demons because the soul of every human being, striving for salvation, must burn down all artificial and harmful curtains anyway, bonds and barriers of inhibition. It would be better if young people learned delicacy by bathing in a common bath, where washing the back or legs while being naked could be an effective therapy that frees people from all neuroses and psychosexual fears that humanity has karmically accumulated and which can be particularly pathological in individuals. Bathing or showering together for partners who want to enter into a closer relationship of Love can teach both of them a lot and be a good preparation for the greater rapprochement of bodies, hearts and souls. Rape is a crime, but shame and relationship complexes are even worse because they ultimately lead to the destruction of many promising Love Pleasure relationships.
Q: Exactly, O Master of Divine Love, are people destined for each other in pairs, or can we create a Pleasure relationship with any person we like?
A: There are no obstacles as long as a man and a woman like each other and can choose to build a Love Bond with the other person! However, the karma of past lives, the repression of upbringing various prejudices and phobias, and sometimes the degree of lack of hygiene are often barriers for people, as are the preferences and tastes of the era that are instilled in a given subculture in which a person lives. But all this is nothing more than a veil of barriers and limitations covering human souls. Prophet, teach people to get rid of barriers and make Love between men and women universally accepted among people. If the couple does not harm anyone by cheating, if no one is raped or coerced, if there is no cheating or treacherous infidelity, then Love is always good and useful, creative and educating, regardless of whether the relationship lasts long or short and fleeting. We see that about 4/10 of humanity enter into long-term relationships with the first Love they meet, resulting from having their heavenly Love in their memory. We also see that almost as many create ephemeral relationships, finding more lasting Love only after long searching. The rest either do not create relationships of Love at all or experience only one-time acts of Love, to which even 1/20 of the human population devotes itself! Love with the depth of the Heart, which is a deep communion of both bodies and souls, undoubtedly constitutes the greatest wealth of impressions and experiences, sensations and pleasures. People who have experienced a love relationship that has fallen apart must learn to end their Love and untie, separate their desires from the current person in order to transfer it to a new person and engage deeply, of course with reciprocity, and then nothing can interrupt it nor destroy and many people whom, although the Love bodily dies, yet they continue to love in life, without interrupting the Love. Many couples find each other from incarnation to incarnation and, in each subsequent life, create a delightful relationship of Love and Family, but the modern humanity of the Age of Kali does not have many such relationships in incarnations. Everyone who finds their First Love and First Heavenly Love will strive to perpetuate it and preserve it permanently, but it must also be remembered that a large part of the offspring of Adam and Chawah in Paradise cultivated what you people call polygamy, where one woman is in Love with several men or one man is with several women and then you as people may feel lost when you love more than one person at the same time with the feeling of Delightful Love. Each such form is Good and Blessed by God as long as all its participants openly agree to it and approve it without reservations and none of the parties to the relationship is deceived, betrayed or harmed. Moreover, many famous people, including the Prophets, lived in such communities of several people. Even today, there are pious cultures and religions on Earth that successfully cultivate polygamy or plural marriage. In many ancient Temples, people preserved reliefs showing the alcove of erotic pleasures of the Art of Love in such a large family. Of course, people who do not desire Love in such relationships should not be persuaded or forced into them, and the partners should clarify and agree on their Love at the very beginning!
Q: According to the Teaching of God, the Lord of Heaven, how will we determine the age limits for entering into love relationships?
A: The limit is mutual Love, inclination towards each other, devotion, honesty and consent to Common Love Pleasures, both short-term, one-time and long-term, for the rest of your life! It does not matter whether Love blossoms between a 13-year-old boy and a 40-year-old woman or between a 9-year-old girl and a 70-year-old man. Still, it is known that everywhere on Earth such relationships of Love can happen to people. Sometimes, they are still examples of Love from which others learn the Art of Love in an exclusive way, healing themselves from various complexes. It is evil and sinful if two families force their daughter and son to start a family and suffer in a relationship against their will because such filthy, sinful pathology is everywhere on Earth. It is nothing else than the rape of the Heart, conscience, feelings and body! Being in a relationship and having sexual intercourse with reluctance, disgust, under duress and for bread – all this is a terrible evil and a pathology of the intimate life of the human race. Selling children, especially girls, even sexually mature ones, to have sex with someone they are unable to love is terribly demonic and evil. Parents are not the owners of their children but only guardians, and they are not allowed to decide about the fate of Love or the desires of the Heart and Soul of the children they bring into the world. This must become a basic principle for humanity that everyone seeks Love and must be very responsible for Love. The only limit to Love is the lack of desire and inclination towards it, and sometimes disability due to defects of nature that make it impossible, although such people sometimes find their sympathy for at least partial intercourse of Hearts, Bodies and Souls! Compulsion and prohibition are evil, as is any harm. Women and Men must also remember the reproductive limit of women and the fact that if they want to have offspring born of Love, they should reserve the age of 16-25 to help their children achieve maturity and complete independence in life. Prophet, teach human youth responsibility for begetting offspring and the Art of Love so that no unwanted child comes into this world, and yet preventing the begetting of unwanted offspring is part of the basic Art of Love that we constantly give to people because what is possible is not always necessary or desirable. Your world, O Prophet, is already overpopulated and is slowly running out of water, and You should make sure that no human child dies of hunger or thirst because this is inhuman evil!
Q: Angel of Love, Kamadeva, tell me the difference between supporters of monogamy, polygamy, and singleness. Who is most pleasing to God?
A: We, the inhabitants of God’s Paradise, make no difference as long as everyone acts in harmony with their nature, with the voice of their soul and conscience, and as long as they do not force anyone to their concept, lifestyle and do not harm anyone with their ideas. Good Law prohibits harm, violence, and coercion, so each of these three natures should look for the right company to develop and fulfil its needs and aspirations for love. After the exile from the Kingdom of God, from the Garden of Eden, people were placed on the Earth where you are present, O Prophet and supporters of all lifestyles were present among them. They always had equal rights, and the sacred histories of the human race show that it has always been so. Cheating is cheating, whether you have one wife or five wives to whom you promise fidelity and Love as a human being, and they agree to your plural relationship full of Love. We should not betray those to whom we have promised Fidelity, Love and Support only. Yet, those who have decided to live in singleness and wander the world alone often vow only Spiritual Love to God himself and then return to the Love Life with someone other than the Spirit of God, which is also a betrayal. The First Parents burned with ardent Love for each other, reflecting the Love of God and Goddess, the Creator and Creation, who created everything but also remained in ardent Love, until the evil Asmodeus misled Chava and, after consuming a type of narcotic fig fruit, she was intoxicated and unconscious, she was raped by Asmodeus and conceived an offspring, Cain. The thoughtlessness of getting intoxicated by narcotic fruit and the involuntary conception of offspring without Love and against the will of Chawah is the mistake and depravity that the falling angel inflicted on the first human couple. You should not get intoxicated and, in a state of narcotic unconsciousness, have sex with a random person against the feelings and desires of your sober and rational consciousness. All the more so because the offspring of Asmodeus and Chawah was evil and corrupt, and it was Cain (Cain) with his hatred for the God-fearing and righteous Abel, whom he finally murdered cruelly, leading to a kind of escalation of the evil that Asmodeus did to the First Parents of humanity. Offspring conceived as a result of an act that is not Love but only drug, alcoholic or similar intoxication is usually depraved and prone to many criminogenic acts, and we say about such people they are like Cainites, fratricides, sowing death, destruction and mischief. Encourage people, O Prophet, to be of sound mind when begetting children and not to degenerate the human race by begetting and unconsciously giving birth to thousands of new Cains with criminal tendencies, with the crime gene that unfortunately arises as a result! People should decide whether they will live in celibacy as monks, in single male-female pairs, or in plural unions, but honestly and faithfully, without cheating those to whom they offer their Love. Teach truth, honesty and faithfulness!
Q: When can a woman and a man start sexual intercourse, and what should accompany it?
A: Whenever one proposes and the other willingly agrees to indulge in the pleasure of Love together and neither of them harms anyone, because for a new relationship of Love if we are together in Love with someone, we always need the consent and approval of the person with whom we are in a Love Relationship of pleasure and no other. Cheating destroys and kills our Love, and through cheating and even through erotic dreams and fantasies hidden from the other sex in a relationship with someone other than the chosen person, partnership love between people falls apart and is destroyed, except when we dream of an ideal that does not refer to any real person known to us, and this is the ideal-memory of our Original Paradise Love. When the desire for this ancient Love is very strong, it happens to such people that they live only in the sphere of love dreams, and no person suits their relationship. They know from first sight that this is not the person or the soul they dream about until, over time, this ideal that such a person dreams of is found among people! Love pleasures should be accompanied by the desire from a sincere Heart and a conscious decision to be in a loving relationship and to devote oneself to pleasing the other. The good of the other person is the basis of Loving, and all tenderness with hands, lips, breath, tongue, womb organs and touching should accompany each act of Loving, which should not be too short or deprived of the enchanting charm and delightful magic that usually accompanies a Loving relationship, both in long and short relationships. Attention to the fulfilment and pleasure of another person should be a measure weighing what should accompany Love, and there are countless things in life that can be done for the good of another person, who is a source of pleasure for a person! It does not matter whether it is a man or a woman who initiates the relationship because it is the role of the person who desires a love relationship and even wants to win over the other person to awaken and revitalize their ruby essence.
Q: Ah, Ratiela, Angel of Loving Pleasure, do you agree with what has been said about Divine Love?
A: Oh yes, Prophet of God, our minds and thoughts are common, for in Love we have One Mind and what is Kamael’s is mine and what is my thought is also Kamael’s thought, for there is no discord in Love, only unifying understanding because our minds fill each other and penetrate each other, just like the feelings of our hearts. In God’s Love, we are inseparable and indivisible, and this is what I wish for all human children because it is the fullness of ecstasy, the fullness of Love Fulfilment!
Q: I give you heartfelt thanks for this Knowledge of God, our Father and Mother of All Things, and may the Almighty Bless You with His Grace and strengthen You in Eternal Love!
A: And may Your children of Light be always blessed with God’s Love, eternal and unique, and may happiness and Love spread everywhere on Earth thanks to You. HUUNG!
Q: And now I should ask you, O people, whether you want to continue learning Love from Angels, God’s Love? If so, start reading this conversation slowly and carefully from the beginning because such conversations don’t happen to you often! AMEN.
Aćarya Paramahansa Lalita Mohan G.K.
(This publication contains only fragments of the original esoteric-hermetic lesson of Hridaya. The entire material of this lesson is available in the book edition, available at workshops and trainings of tantric yoga for adepts and supporters of the Himavanti Confraternity Order and Kaśmiri Śaiva – Kashmir Śivaism.)
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