Tag: sanskrit

  • Mysteries of the Egyptian Cross (93)

    Mysteries of the Egyptian Cross (93)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next Many researchers of mystical symbolism and Hermeticism are looking for the meaning of the essence and origin of the so-called Egyptian Cross, which is, in fact, a combination of a capital letter “T” with a circle or an ovalO-shaped egg painted above it, which gives us the image of the…

  • Celts, Druids, Mithra, and the Union of Europe! (74)

    Celts, Druids, Mithra, and the Union of Europe! (74)

    Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. The solar disk was the sign of the noble, royal Aryans, and their ideas were carried by Celtic priests throughout Europe, especially in Gaul, i.e. Central Europe. The cult of Mithra, or Mitradeva, was popularized by the new wave of the Aryan Mission, which spread from Iran to Europe,…