Celts, Druids, Mithra, and the Union of Europe! (74)

1. The solar disk was the sign of the noble, royal Aryans, and their ideas were carried by Celtic priests throughout Europe, especially in Gaul, i.e. Central Europe. The cult of Mithra, or Mitradeva, was popularized by the new wave of the Aryan Mission, which spread from Iran to Europe, and from which the so–called Christianity got inspiration. Each old and historic church stands in the place of ancient Celtic, or rather Aryan, cult. We use the term Aryan in the original and we say Aryans, and in this way we also better demonstrate why one of the Christian groups was condemned. The Aryan Brothers in Christianity were supposed to cultivate the old ideals of the Celtic chariot culture, because they were creative missionaries from Central Asia and they deliberately settled in the middle of the continent, in the middle of the islands, in the middle of the lands, to have the best possible conditions for missions due to the means of communication. The spiritual centre in the centre of a given country is very important, as in Poland, it is Łódź, Zgierz, Piotrków and the surrounding area, as well as at the highest point, i.e. in the highest mountains, where from above it influences the entire country. The solar disk with sun rays is a sign of the solar God Mithra, it is a sign of the religiosity of the solar race, the entire culture, which was robbed of ideas and places of worship by Christianity, creating temples in places where there were mithraeums, cult centres of Celtic Mithraism, where the druids stayed.

2. Four–caste Celtic communities were a typical settlement of the Aryans, who came to Europe certainly during the first half of the first millennium BC, i.e. already 1 thousand years before the birth of the Jewish Essene prophet, Yeshua Messiah. Today’s healers, astrologers, shamans, occultists are reincarnations of souls who already lived in their area at a time when Celtic culture was flourishing, when non–Celtic, Aryan religiosity was developing around God – the Savior, Mitra–Deva, the Angel of Friendship, Kindness and Brotherhood. It is Mitra (Sanskrit writing) that awakens Maitri, the spirit of friendship and kindness, sympathy and mercy, and this is the basis of all Yoga. We should encourage everywhere to seek inner connection with the spirit of Mithra, because it is one of the highest twelve archangels who are the Rulers, the Board of Heaven. Arya (Aryan) means Noble, Noble-minded and it must be remembered that the ideal of Nobility in Europe comes from the Celtic culture, whose ideals were the basis for the creation of the entire European civilization. God Mitra, from Iranian Mithra, is the Archangel Savior, Friend and Protector of good people, who willingly manifests himself through prophets and messengers. We need to be filled with ideals of practical goodness, and yet we know that Kindness is Sādhu, and this is what the Saints of God are called in India, the embodiments of Goodness. We do Good if we act in accordance with the requirements set by Heaven, whether in the purely cultic and sacrificial field, or in the economic field. It was the Aryan Celts who initiated the Iron Age culture throughout Europe over 3,000 years ago, developed metal ore mining and the basics of metallurgy and blacksmithing.

3. When Celtic spirituality and the principles of free citizenship were strongly fought against in the areas led spiritually by the Aryans, support came from the area of ​​former Iran, Persia, through the dissemination and massification of the Cult of God Mitra, in fact one of the Twelve Most Holy Vedic rulers of Heaven, the Adityas, the sons of Aditi – Mother Goddess of the Planet mentioned in the Rig–Veda. Entire generations were inspired by golden thoughts and the practical education of young people, and even the Christian ignorance of the Middle Ages and the barbarism of the Roman Inquisition failed to eradicate the true spiritual and cultural heritage of all Europe. The original Etruscan culture of Italy was an even older wave of immigration that came from Asia Minor, from the Mesopotamia area and had a proto–Aryan character, but it was degraded under the influence of the barbaric and bloodthirsty Romans, whose ideals were only massacres and conquests, which was shown in the 20th century by the heir to these murderous ideas, a certain Roman Emperor Adolf Hitler. The Romans gave Europe everything worst, including legislation, disintegrating and destroying not only the culture of the Etruscans and Greeks, but culminating their barbarism in two world wars of the 20th century and suffering defeat!

4. Although the founders of the city of Roma were spiritual and brave heroes, Remus and Romulus, somewhere in the 8th century before the Christian era (C.E.), later the entire empire was consumed by corruption and a bloodthirsty lust for power and the destruction of all good influences and social reforms that could have civilized Rome many times in the history of this empire, also in the times of Christianity, which became barbaric and full of violence. What is good in Christianity, like the mysticism of the oriental Desert Fathers, everything comes from the Celts and the Priests of God Mithra, because Christianity itself, not understanding and cutting itself off from its spiritual Semitic roots, had nothing to offer to the societies of Europe. The Aryan Celts taught the principles of Forgiveness and Atonement, and the law did not allow punishment for those who repaired damage or made amends for the wrong they had done. The barbaric and murderously retaliatory Roman law contaminated all peoples throughout Europe with its ideas and spread like a plague around the world, serving as an apparatus of police–military terror and oppression of entire nations. The honour of the Aryans and their high culture did not allow for deprivation of liberty, but only for banishment and forced settlement in a designated area.

5. The Celts, also called Gauls and Gallatians, have always been the source of all national liberation struggles for freedom and independence, throwing off the yoke of Roman slavery, the source of revolution and the fight for the just rights of classes or social groups excessively oppressed by Roman and post–Roman political and military terror. Celtic culture, the culture of the ancient Aryans in Europe, although warlike, was based on the popular movement and a well–developed economy, trade and agriculture, caring for peaceful ideals. Celts are free settlers with a high culture, peaceful attitude, extensive and comprehensive knowledge, based on spirituality such as the cult of Mithra – the God of Friendship and Salvation. It is time to restore and renew all traditions and social customs, and even legislation, in accordance with the norms and principles of the ancient European, Celtic–Mithraic culture. It is time to make deep and revolutionary changes leading to the implementation of such basic Celtic ideals as Freedom – Equality – Brotherhood. Of course, Celtic freedom was not Freedom to Murder and Destroy, but Freedom to Live and Direct Democracy, where voters recalled their representatives if they betrayed the purposes for which they were elected.

6. Arya always supports spiritual awakening and the growth of culture and technology, Arya moves with progress, but does not lose harmonious contact with the life of all Nature, which is important. The more civilized and humane the law, the higher the level of development of society as a whole, which is why every person must oppose criminal mafias as well as police terrorists and military oppressors. Borders are not needed and must be abolished, guaranteeing freedom of movement and migration, and the absolute right to preserve life and the inviolability of the body must be respected from the same Mitra Spirit of Freedom. Divine principles command us to respect the body in which the divine soul lives, hence all torture, mutilation or long–term imprisonment in the Roman–barbaric cage system are contrary to the Order of Nature established by Heaven as the Order of Harmony, Goodness, Beauty or however Love and Mercy are sometimes pompously called. A spiritual society modelled on the Aryans and Celts can only be created by well–educated, versatile and open to Divine Knowledge spiritual leaders, such as those known in Greek as Druids. Not only wearing an appropriate energetic, long white robe, but also comprehensive knowledge learned by heart and understanding the universal values ​​of the Brotherhood of Souls is very necessary. The true Brahman (Priest) is immersed in the Divine Spirit, in Brahman (the All–Spirit), and understands that all living creatures, not only all of humanity, are immersed in the One Holy Spirit, which is the Higher Self of all living things. Whoever does not understand the Spirit of Life and the Sanctity of Life will be a barbarian cannibal eating his lesser brothers and destroying the Divine Social Order.

7. The Celts assimilated local languages ​​and the names of local deities for the purposes of spreading a higher spiritual culture, but they gave the deities more universal and humane dimensions, just as it is true of the true Gods who inhabit the Heavens, the Higher Worlds that were created and endowed with life. The peoples of Europe do not have to learn the basics of Vedic science only from India or Persia, it is enough for them to realize the spiritual heritage of the Mithra cult or the Celtic Druids in the reality of the Hotars and Brahmans Aryans, a caste of people of the spirit with the highest Knowledge, Wisdom, Culture and Spiritual Power. The astrological, herbal and geomantic knowledge possessed by the surviving Druids, the heirs of Celtic, Gallic Europe, comes entirely from the ancient Aryans, whose teachings were long ago written down in the Books of Veda – the oldest sacred writings of Euro–Asia, so this knowledge is always available to be renewed and recovered. The noble division of functions called castes in their original dimension was nothing more than a description of the natural structure of every society, where the Masters of Wisdom (Brahmans) constitute the leading core, being doctors, teachers, priests and hermits full of powers and abilities today described as psychic or supernatural. The Kshatriya caste, not so hermetic at all, included noble knights capable of ensuring the safety and basic rights of all free citizens within their area of ​​influence and residence. Kshatriya is a caste of brave, heroic and intelligent people, capable of wisely and effectively guaranteeing the existence of the community and its rights. The humanitarian power of the entire Aryan culture, called Celtic in Europe, was based on these two elite castes, as on the two wheels of the Battle Chariot. Arya were effective Warriors on par with the Guardian Angels of the Planet who create the Kingdom of Shambhala (Samballah), but they were also wise Advocates of Peace, Understanding, Agriculture, Mining and Metallurgy, Freedom and Human Rights to Life, and today the entire Union of the Europe is trying to be based on these ideas since its creation. Not Roman barbarism and degeneration in the image of a bloodthirsty Beast, but free and sovereign societies with authority with a human and humanitarian face, peaceful, although capable of defending their existence and all social achievements. True Aryan democracy was behind the culture of ancient Greece (which came from Aryans), and as we know, the Greek population is one of the ancient tribes of northwestern Bharata (Great India), which emigrated to southern Europe, beyond the Caucasus. Celtic culture flourished both in Greece and in today’s Turkey, where the Gallatian state was known, and it is nothing other than a land organized according to the freedom and brotherly ideals of the Aryans called Celts. Druids as Brahmans (Priests) were bound by solidary secrecy, and they passed on deeper knowledge to talented and selected Disciples, as is the Vedic ideal of spiritual teaching. The Druids did not leave many writings or notes requiring rote and practical learning of what the Master of Wisdom taught in his Hermitage Temple. The nonsense written by the barbarian Romans about the Celts was nonsense written at the political request of donkeys who did not even know the basics of European geography, hence it would be difficult to demand the perspective of the emigration of Celtic settlers from the Heart of Eurasia in the Himalayas or Persia.

8. The revival of Aryan spiritual culture that is taking place shows that Souls well–learned the principles and laws of Divine Knowledge return even after thousands of years, take on new incarnations and show that what has already existed will be resurrected to show the Path of Peace and Progress. The power of reincarnation, i.e. the resurrection of souls to life in a new body, is great, because souls recreate knowledge and skills if only they are allowed time for reflection, reflection and meditation, if they only reach deep inside or see what they once had! What we today call the knowledge of the Vedic scriptures, including explanations, was taught by the Celtic Druids to multitudes of their students by heart, so that it would survive even death in the depths of the soul, because what souls learn with understanding is their legacy in subsequent incarnations, a legacy that is a subject to reincarnation, renewal with the next life of the soul rising to life in the body in another new rebirth. The science of the incarnations of the soul was repressed by the thugs of Roman Christianity, but we must remember that it was Jesus Christ who gave his human life for proclaiming to the Jews the truth about the reincarnation of souls and the cult of the Savior full of Love and Friendship, which is Mithra! The influence of oriental, Vedic traditions, such as Mithraism or Tantra on the teachings of Jesus Christ is obvious, even taking into account the custom of baptism in the Jordan, which is a transfer from India of the custom of the annual Baptism in the Ganges, and yet the Vedic teaching says that sins decrease for every person who at least once in his life will wash and be baptized by immersing his body in the waters of the Ganga. It is not the fault of the prophet Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) that the Roman empire perverted His Mithraic spiritual and social teachings by creating a kind of religious Beast based in the Vatican, with all the barbarism of the Inquisition. It is the souls of Jesus’ Apostles and Disciples, incarnating in groups, in waves, a total of about 3,000 souls, that create the seed of subsequent reformations of Christianity to restore its original peaceful and merciful face, which is based on the Eternal Good Law known in the East as Sanatana Dharma. You can see in history how subsequent attempts to renew the teachings of Jesus Christ are inspired by the Celtic teachings of the Druids, the religion of the benevolent and peaceful Mithra, or directly reach back to the Aryans and their ancient civilization of Bharat–Great India!

9. You should know that there were periods of the existence of the Great State of Bharat when in the north it reached as far as the Urals, in the East as far as Indonesia (Bali Island), and in the West we have traces in Egypt and Libya. The influence of Aryan culture and religion and civilization is much greater, and where there are Celtic influences, there we have all hope for the rebirth of souls carrying the burden of the spiritual progress of the peoples of Euro–Asia. Today, we support the creation and development of a united Europe without borders, because the Mughal emperor also revived Great India under the name of Jelaluddin Muhammad Akbar! Creating a federal, EU empire with a human face and humanitarian values ​​is absolutely worthy of support and recommendation, and absolutely worth supporting by all spiritual people. Ideas of unification based on bloody conquest always end badly for a society that starts barbaric wars, and peoples can truly unite only in freedom and peace, mutual respect and through economic and cultural exchange. It is important that the social sector owned jointly by employees is quite strong and well–managed, because only private or only state ownership, on the other hand, lead to the degradation of the system and socio–economic crises. Group ownership, democratically and sensibly managed, is a good and strong element stabilizing the economy, while private ownership in individual hands is an extreme, causing misery and destruction of society. In particular, the collective agriculture sector should always be strong and well–developed to guarantee comprehensive satisfaction of the needs of the entire region, the entire nation or the local community. True priests and spiritual people of society care about a healthy life, good nutrition, proper education of young people and guaranteeing legitimate civil rights. Whoever oppresses another person in the name of profit or the desire for power over souls is not worthy of the right to priesthood, becoming a barbarian inquisitor, which is a disease of the fading and moribund Roman Christianity called Catholicism. Even in the opinion of the reformers of Christianity, the entire Catholicism does not deserve to be called a religion or spirituality, due to its bloodthirsty history, which leads Catholicism to total destruction and perdition. Created evil ultimately turns against the system that created it and kills its creators, this is the law of nature, hence the general disappearance of Christianity and the disappearance of Catholicism in the last century. The process of disintegration and self–destruction of Catholicism is an inevitable historical consequence, the law of return of what was created in history. Today, people are looking for true and honest spirituality, not hypocritical church attendance, which takes time but does not provide any real spiritual food. Whoever awakens to life in God runs away from popes and priests, escapes from the stench of censorship and the Catholic Inquisition, and turns to the roots of true religiosity, which he finds in the teachings of druids, lamas and Vedic Brahmans teaching yoga, astrology, tantra and overall harmony and unity with Nature and in a healthy, vegetarian life!

10. The Aryan priesthood is based on great knowledge, wisdom, healing, the ability to make sacrifices appropriate to the circumstances, but also on Freedom and Brotherhood, and not on military coercion as in the Roman degeneration! Honour, honesty and truthfulness characterize authentic people of the spirit, and no gay or sodomy perversions or drunkenness can be tolerated among people of the spirit, among the Priestly Caste truly created by God. The Roman freedom to corruption and barbarism, the freedom to kill and torment the weak by the strong, is contrary to the natural order given by Heaven and has never had a place in a society led by Enlightened Priests. The Arya had war chariots, steel swords, spears, axes, and even boats and crossbows, but this served to guarantee the freedom and liberty of the individual, and served to defend against attacks, for example, by Roman barbarians, who betrayed even their own Gods for poor profit and to satisfy their desires. The elimination of war and barbaric primitiveness is the goal and norm of the entire Vedic spiritual culture, which gives rise to the tradition of the Celtic Druids in Europe, and Buddhism and Taoism in Asia, so popular among people sincerely and openly seeking spiritual progress and inner transformation.

11. Every revolution begins with a change in the patterns of human thinking, and yet building a better and healthier body for all generations requires parents to take care of sobriety and healthy eating. The culture of agricultural crops in the lands of Celtic settlement shows that it was a more herbivorous, pro–vegetarian or semi–vegetarian culture, avoiding hunting or carnivory. Signs of degeneration appeared mainly under the influence of Roman barbarism, which murdered not only for knowledge of occult knowledge, herbalism and magic, but also for refusing to eat the corpses of murdered animals, treating vegetarianism as belonging to a religion other than Catholicism. Today, it is possible to civilize society by promoting sobriety and a life based on a strictly plant–based diet, but it has been known from experience and observation for millennia that vegetarians live longer, and all vegetarianism is a diet of health and longevity. A real doctor first recommends a healthy, vegetarian diet, emphasizes the foods necessary for recovery, and adds other types of medications. We know from history that proper nutrition is the basis of health medicine, which even Hippocrates taught a long time ago and nothing has changed in this matter. Children and grandchildren of alcoholics or pathologically addicted drug addicts have a lot of degenerative mutations, developmental defects and damage, of which mental retardation and foetal alcohol syndrome or ADHD are among the most common, including autism. Carnivory habit of parents generates many diseases and pathologies in childhood, hence shamans still recommend optimal plant and vegetarian nutrition, and animal additives, if allowed, are only dairy products or honey, what animals produce as food, and not what comes from slaughter. Narcotic plant poisons should also be excluded if they lead, like alcohol, to addiction and pathological disorders of reason and senses. Everything used in excess leads to pathology, so you should limit the consumption of what is harmful. Every intelligent person will limit food poisons such as meat, so as not to eat them more than twice a week, in the monthly amount of a maximum of as many decagrams as the kilograms he weighs. Who weighs 80 kg should not eat more than 80 dkg of meat (birds, mammals, fish) in a month, which gives a maximum of 20 dkg per week, two meals of 10 dkg of meat product each. Otherwise, the human body will degenerate and become more and more sickly, and civilization diseases are eloquent evidence of this. In general, it is best to avoid products based on the slaughter of animals, which the norm of the divine law of the Celestials allows only as a substitute on the occasion of some great crop failure, normally recommending vegetarianism!

12. The Celts were considered brave, formidable and valiant Warriors, becoming the legendary basis of what was considered the heroic and just Knighthood, the Kshatriya state, that ruled the community administratively and maintained order. However, legislation was the responsibility of the Druids – Holy Priests and Teachers of Wisdom, Shamans who were the final council of spiritual and moral authority. Judgments cannot be passed out of the desire for profit, retaliation or revenge, hence Druids, like Brahmans, do not carry weapons if they are to guard the order of laws and heavenly order in human society. The priesthood as a spiritually healing and teaching caste cannot be polluted by battle killings, although it can defend itself, it cannot and should not act for profit, and hermits best reflect druidism. And such shamans were generally listened to by Celtic communities, following the example of those who did not care about profit for birthday, initiation, wedding or funeral rites. The priest accepts gifts and donations with joy, but he is not greedy for profit, nor does his service to the community depend on profit. If a priest wants profit, he deals with his own farm or craft, e.g. weaving if he wants income, and he deals with the spiritual field on spiritual principles. One can become a disciple by showing qualities such as perseverance, diligence, faithfulness, deeper understanding, and not for a fee or for political reasons. Only such spiritual selection guarantees an appropriately high level of knowledge, skills and ethics of Priests of the Brahmanic Rite. Not every person haunted by some pseudo–mysticism can be a spiritual authority for society or a judge ruling in accordance with the Law of Heaven, and yet it happened in the history of the Druids that 15–20 years of educating a talented student did not yet give satisfactory results, although sometimes 10–12 years were enough to educate a priestly–shamanic soul, as long as it does not have too many evil tendencies.

13. Spiritual cleansing is not just a single treatment of the patient’s aura, but the permanent eradication of evil and harmful tendencies and the correction of the mind towards universal and humanitarian human values. The Aryan levels of priestly spirituality included at least four great levels of initiation, symbolizing the natural order of life in nature, such as the four seasons or the four directions of the world. The Priest – Shaman gathers knowledge from the four corners of the world through his liberty and freedom from negativity, but also collects the experiences of the four seasons by observing and fully experiencing the four cycles of life. The quadruple also symbolizes the fourfold social order resulting from understanding the secrets of Nature, an order of which the modern Asian caste system is a certain caricature, as everyone has equal rights to earn social status and there is no reason to assign castes by birth. A person becomes noble through personal virtues and qualities, such as heroism, intelligence, sacrifice, and not only because of being born into a noble family. A drunkard or drug addict pathologically loses his noble qualities, perhaps irreversibly, without the possibility of regaining them in this life, so that he will begin his next incarnation with a more degraded, dimmed consciousness. The Celts sentenced such pathological individuals to banishment so that they could learn to fight bravely for their sobriety, vigilance and survival in an unknown land, and it was often because of such a pathological margin that those sentenced to banishment and expelled people were perceived as high civilization of the era and culture of the Iron Age. However, the margin does not indicate the whole, unless one clearly understands what the actual community is cleansing itself from, so as not to be degraded, or not to succumb to the cannibalistic tendencies of the barbarian tribes that appeared as the original population on the lands of Europe. It was the Celtic tribes of Indo–European Aryans, for whom Sanskrit was a liturgical language, carefully guarded, who civilized the primitive European wildness and laid the foundations of the modern civilization of peace and brotherhood that is trying to be reborn throughout the area of ​​uniting European peoples. Sanskrit word–formation roots in all European languages ​​show not only their Indo–European origin, but also the Celtic origin of the entire economic, political and spiritual sphere of culture and civilization.

14. Aham Brahmāsmi – the ancient spiritual idea of ​​union in God is the motto of most who sincerely seek what is divine, although in this form it belongs rather to those who have realized the process of discovering the Spirit and uniting with the Divine to a consciously enlightened degree, so as to be able to say: “I the Divine am”. The phrase shows both the goal and the stages of achieving it, and the first stage we see is the search and revealing the Self, the true Self! This is what “AHAM” means, showing “I”, “SELF” as open and spiritual, purified and refined, understanding and willing to learn anything. The second stage is the process of getting used to the ideal of “BRAHMA”, the idea of ​​God, and this must be practical, experimental knowledge involving all powers and skilful means of a more than sensual nature. In the third phase, the usually turbulent process of “ASMI” takes place – becoming and being, and it is essentially a process of merging one’s sense of “I”, “AHAM” with what actually is, i.e. with God, “BRAHMAN”, because Brahman is the term for the Higher Spiritual All–Existence, the All–Spirit, God. Only then comes the fourth stage, when the student “IS”, “ASMI”, with the help of the entire Self, with his entire Self, the student is God, Spirit. The beginnings of this awareness are more conscious dreams, phenomena and premonitions in which a human being understands that he is not in fact a body, but only an inhabitant of the body, pre–birth memories from life in other worlds or further incarnations are awakened, and externalization is experienced. These are the beginnings of awakening to immortality and resurrection through conscious rebirth in new human bodies in subsequent incarnations. This is a very instructive process, but it is not a matter of theory or philosophy, because spiritual development is always a matter of PRACTICE, and this is experiencing changes with understanding. All those souls who talk with such enthusiasm about the search for their own Self, about the realization of their Self, about connection with the Higher Self, whatever they try to say, should remember that they are only in the first quarter of the realization process, in the AHAM phase. This knowledge has been taught by Druids and Druids for 3,000 years in the lands of Europe, starting from its centre, because the first Aryans reached the area between the Sudetes and the Alps, settling on the Danube in the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, southern Germany and Eastern France – from where they spread as far as Ireland, Spain and Turkey.

15. Indo–European folk religions include both Slavic and occult cults of the Germans and Greeks, but all of them refer to the beliefs of the Veda, which is the source, scientific Holy Scripture for all of Euro–Asia. The Veda writings form the foundations of many different cults of both God and Goddess, and also provide precise insight into the principles of operation of the Celestial Courts and Pantheons. Thanks to Vedic knowledge, it is possible to effectively recreate many lost, partly Celtic Druid rituals, and also understand the purpose of, for example, pillars with the faces of Deities or quadrangular pits for sacrificial ashes and cremation burials. Higher spiritual culture disposes of the bodies of the dead by burning the corpses, because the awareness of being a soul or even the knowledge of it ennobles a person so much that he is unable to practice the necropolitan cemetery cult. The revival of the tradition of burning corpses should be supported and promoted everywhere so that humanity can move away from the stage of graveyard death, which poisons the earth and groundwater with corpses, revealing that it neither believes in the existence of the Soul nor has any consciousness at the level of Enlightenment, which as an era of more scientific insight was initiated by secret Brotherhoods and Lodges that preserved the treasures of the ancient Wisdom of God, eagerly spread by the Aryans. Whoever has had any experience of the existence of himself as something other than just a body, should try to deepen such deep knowledge with the help of a Guru, Shaman, Master of Spiritual Life, because the laws of life usually do not give many chances if a person does not use properly what he has. Let druids, in the way of spiritual people, sitting cross–legged with a straight torso, be role models in all groups and communities. The search for a proto–language for common communication, such as the one initiated by the creator of Esperanto, should be carried out with reference to the Celtic ARYAN pre–culture, from which United Europe is created! The spiritual emptiness, barrenness and atheism emerging on the ruins of barbaric Christianity corrupted by the Inquisition shows the disorientation of Souls on the path of their search long suppressed by the darkness of the Middle Ages and the entire beastly machine of the satanically murderous Inquisition of the last 1,500 years of history. An atheistic period in the lives of individuals and societies is necessary to forget all the cancerous distortions introduced by Christianity, which served mainly the purposes of the Roman Vatican imperialism. And souls must free themselves from this baggage, forget the betrayal of God with the Vatican by delving into purely scientific materialism and barren atheism, they must undergo such an experience in order to be able to turn towards the Spirit again. It is better to start a spiritual search from the position of atheism and discover the Divine without prejudices and morbidly erroneous Vatican dogmatic ideologies, which even corrected and distorted the Gospels themselves, supposedly the source of Christianity. Meanwhile, the true texts of the Apostolic Gospel were known and kept in many Eastern monasteries, such as the currently Buddhist monastery in Hemis in Tibet. Such spirituality, as if of a freshly cleansed soul, is very shamanic and directly enters the first phase of exploring the Self, searching for the Self, AHAM. In the next stages of one life or more in subsequent incarnations, such a soul will enter further stages and, if it does not succumb to erroneous ideologies, it will find the Way, find the Master, master the Dharma and finally achieve God Consciousness, the realization of Oneness with God, become the Divine part of the entire Divinity of the Spirit. Aham Brahmāsmi is a great and universal spiritual ideal indicating both the goal and the stages of the Path that leads to this goal, not necessarily through just one life, but usually through 3–4 incarnations or more, which we call the Path of Preparation. The four phases, four stages, sides, or four seasons are the image of the Centre of the Root Lotus of Mulādhara Ćakra, which is symbolized as a Four–Petal Flower. It is a symbol of the basic stage of development of human society in which four layers or castes of society develop naturally, but in combination with all progressive and spiritual values ​​of a universal nature!

16. It is important to awaken the historical awareness that the main trends of European culture are very strongly Indo–European, Aryan and Mithraic, due to the traditions from the beginning of the Iron Age in Europe, an era that was initiated by the Aryan peoples, carriers of Vedic culture and science in the years 1000–500 B.C. The Aryan Shield, the solar disk of God Mithra, should patronize the unification of Europe, just as the symbol of the Rooster accompanied the Great French Revolution, and it was the symbol of the Gauls, under which name the Celts hid, the Divine Nobility initiating progress everywhere in agriculture, mining, metallurgy, and progress in legislation and moral ethics of everyday life, and more profoundly, progress through clairvoyant insight into both the past and the future. No one is a clairvoyant who sees only the future, because all real art of divination about the future is based on real premises based on the historically known and correctly interpreted past. Clairvoyance and prophecy and insight into the past and future, seeing changes based on the law of cause and effect and understanding the ideals that societies strive for. Understanding where Europe as a whole is heading and where it should be heading must be based on understanding the tendencies that the souls of generations bring from previous generations as their experience, both defilements and aspirations.

17. As people of the spirit, we support the best tendencies of the uniting European subcontinent and we see how much the Turkish nation belongs to Europe, because there live many souls of the former Gallatian state, i.e. the Celts, of which today’s Ankara was the former capital! We understand that those who in the past emigrated from Europe to northern Africa as settlers to colonize those countries, now return in subsequent incarnations, looking for their European homeland, although their skin colour and place of rebirth have changed. People usually reincarnate in the area where they died or passed away, and in the next incarnation the soul obtains, it has habits and desires that direct it towards its original homeland, although after centuries it may no longer be what it was in known times, but the closeness remains. Soldiers who died during the period of conquest were reborn in the area where they died, which ensures continuity of life and experience, but when reborn they could feel alien and intuitively look for the homeland of their soul, because this is the most important, and the ease of learning languages ​​ you already knew remains, religion feels close, the teachings one received, cultural customs, entertainment or ideas are close to a person. The Celts and their Aryan Druids are reborn throughout Europe, making a stubborn libertarian stir, often of a revolutionary nature, in order to ignite and resurrect deeper spiritual and social ideals and authentic divinely derived values ​​and directions of progress. Mithra as the Benevolent Savior has many incarnations, whenever a soul appears, sporadically reforming religions, dominating towards a more human face, towards purity and asceticism, towards mysticism and contemplation. The duty of a shamanic priest is to pray powerfully magically for the removal of all unholy evil from his people, for scientific progress, material and spiritual progress, praying both for spiritual development towards enlightenment for all and for the guarantee of peace, prosperity and faithful and honest love in his community. Such duties were the norm for magical priests of the Celtic community, just like among the Aryans from the areas around the Himalayas and Pamir. The Ainu found locally in Japan are remnants of the old Vedic settlement, and it is a well–known fact that the Ainu are more similar in beliefs and rites to the Vedic Aryans and Indo–Europeans than to the people of the yellow race who later colonized the islands of present–day Japan!

18. The rebirth of an increasingly united Europe is supported by free souls accustomed to respect life and all civil liberties and freedoms, and yet the more free and pure the embodied souls are, the more they eliminate all unnecessary and anachronistic restrictions, barriers and pseudo–racial divisions. Humanity as a whole is a separate Kingdom of Nature, although typologically humans can be classified as mammals, human beings do not have much in common with the Animal Kingdom and its customs, if only for the simple reason that the number of chromosomes in the genome of humans and animals differs from each other, showing fundamental difference beyond comparison. The shamanic sense of deep unity with all humanity promotes the recognition of both what unites and what divides the Kingdoms of Nature: Mineral, Vegetable, Animal and Human, and this is the Celtic experience. Alienated people, isolated both from the spirit of humanity and from the spirit of life of all Nature, often violate the natural law of life, violate the principles of nature, committing all kinds of perversions and deviations in social behaviour, nutrition and other types of isolating self–degradation. The more morally degenerate the generation, the more sick it is, plagued by epidemics, crime and disasters. Even by the typical ailments of a given generation of an existing civilization, one can recognize the defilements that the souls of people brought with them to Earth in a new incarnation. Many diseases and sufferings of contemporary European civilization result from the drunkenness and carnivorous behaviour of previous generations, as well as from irrational dogmatic beliefs, the ignorance of which obscures God from subsequent generations, favouring their atheization. There is also an important factor of direct reversal, the return of karma, the return of the suffering and pleasure, good and evil that souls incarnating into a new earthly life created in previous incarnations. Those who once murdered a lot in their current lives may have their accounts evened out, for example by sudden accidents, disasters, epidemics or natural disasters! The harm created in the past and repaid in the next incarnation falls on souls, even if they do not remember their previous incarnations. Real memory awakens with awakening at the level of Soul consciousness, and this also means memory of incarnations and no fear of losing life due to the continuity of consciousness.

19. The rays of the solar disk, the disk of Lord Mithra in a purely Odiran manifestation from the local Indo–European tradition, show the successive degrees of spiritual initiation, which is expressed by the number of 4, 8 and 12 rays. Each ray is like a call, a vocation or an inspiration for some deeper learning, study and transformation. Mention is made of 12 incarnations of the soul, during which it is transformed and perfected in subsequent human incarnations until the degree of Archon, the Perfect Spirit, is reached and the possibility of further development in the human form of existence is exhausted. Such most perfected souls often undertake either great mass works such as socio–religious revolutions and reformations, or, for a change, deeply esoteric and mysterious hermit activities for selected initiated souls who are close to the end of their evolutionary human life course. Modern people should be encouraged to gaze with fascination at the figurines of ancient sages and heroes immortalized as sitting cross–legged in contemplative reverie, or on obelisks as faces crowning a vertical pole! The ancient spirituality of Aryan is not only about mistletoe used for medicinal purposes or a measuring instrument that allows for better and more precise recognition of paranormal messages of intuition, i.e. a dowsing pendulum. It is knowledge and awareness with a very deep insight into the past and the future, and therefore deep responsibility before the Great Spirit called God or the Absolute, knowledge constantly deepened through joint meetings of spiritual and initiated people, meetings and mutual learning, and contact with Masters. Meetings in the Sacred Circles at the ritual Fire amid offerings, prayers, contemplations and prophetic prophecies are not only a Slavic or Hellenic specialty, but are much more suited to the rhythms of Irish or Scottish music, which is a remnant of ancient Celtic culture and art. It can be recalled that the well–known Kabbalistic idea of ​​the Tree of Life comes from ancient Vedic beliefs and is taken from the Celtic Sages, and only then developed in Hebrew form by Jewish Mystics. The fire of the popular Agnihotra ritual burned in the pyramids is also nothing more than a renewal of the old Vedic ritual that has always been cultivated by the Celtic Aryans throughout Europe, even on a larger scale, because sacrificial places were built in the form of appropriate fireplaces in the ground. The popularity of many oriental rituals or forms of practice is closely related to their spread among the Indo–European peoples of Europe and their Aryan priestly layer or Warrior aristocracy. Mystical martial arts are more popular, as mystical martial arts were highly valued not only in Celtic culture, and although the Good Lord Mithra did not recommend fighting with the sword so as not to have to die by the sword, the practical protection of farms and residences was always necessary, and for many, modern housing estates in large cities are more dangerous, as are former fortified towns. The symbolism of human skulls or severed heads in Celtic culture has so far been incomprehensible even among fans of Celtic or Aryan culture, and it is not an encouragement to kill, but information about the births and deaths of many incarnations that the human soul goes through before rising from the dead, achieving final liberation from the circle of worlds of birth and death. This is the symbolism of the oldest forms of the Śaivite Vedic tradition, probably the most Vedic one, where spiritual power is exercised by Mahākāla and Mahākāli, the God and Goddess of Time and Death. Skulls and severed heads, however, are a clear symbol informing about the cycles of incarnations and what we learn about life and death and rebirth when the soul’s memory awakens and the continuity of enlightened consciousness begins between incarnations. Then with the soul we see the truth about the multiplicity of incarnations and subsequent transformations in subsequent lives of the human form of being!

20. The Secret Brotherhoods of the Druids guarded their secrets well, but secrets taken to the grave are reborn and renewed with the subsequent incarnations of the initiated soul into a new body. You have to wait a while, but souls tormented by some satanic Vatican or other inquisitions, when they reincarnate, begin to continue the work of the spiritual revolution with increased strength, because they leave the spiritual world after some rest to continue their life, work and mission that was interrupted. Those who killed the saints must die before their eyes in the next wave of life, and this death is sometimes cruelly inflicted by the forces of nature! Killing or imprisoning highly spiritual people, saints, somewhat hinders the process of evolution and harms thousands or millions of people and therefore brings a whole lot of additional suffering to the perpetrators of such evil, not only the simple retribution of the law of karman for interrupting the course of human life. It is good to observe such spiritual phenomena in order to better understand the laws and mechanisms that actually govern the fate and destiny of the world. Sometimes evil souls are reborn in animal bodies to experience the suffering they inflict on the animals they kill or torment, and the invisible Guardians of the Planet, the Angels of Nature, ensure that every punishment is carried out. Such metempsychosis concerns hunters who hunted deer, wild boars, falcons or badgers, and then have to experience the life of a hunted deer or wild boar, or an ordinary pig, and thus become zealous and radical defenders of animals to initiate various useful movements and organizations. Karman of those who had harems with a large number of wives was many short–term and rather shallow relationships with the inability to find their true love, because for leaving and abandoning those who loved us, we ourselves were abandoned a certain number of times!

21. The Celts assimilated local cult forms, the names of local deities, but also coins, although they also issued their own, but the assimilation of a spiritual idea always resulted in universalizing a given cult form or pointing to its correspondence with the great Vedic deities, well known from spiritual memory transmissions from the Master – Priest to initiated disciple. Basic agricultural, mathematical, astronomical and metallurgical knowledge was passed on, as well as esoteric and occult knowledge about the Underworld and Angels. Druids and their disciples among the nations of Europe, like the Priests of the Lord of Mithra, have always inspired the independence and sovereignty of national–linguistic communities, such as the Scottish state of Alban or Galicia, as well as peaceful coexistence. Libertarian tendencies must always be supported, especially if it is a social uprising or rebellion against excessive exploitation, oppression or tyranny, and the current state of the world, even of the European Union, still requires many efforts to guarantee the right to life and freedom of migration and many other rights such as the elimination of forced fiscal exploitation and other restrictions on fundamental freedoms. Freedom and Equality will always be the two pillars of the banner whose head is Brotherhood. A lot can be written and said about the spiritual, mystery ideals that the initiates put into practice and spread in people’s hearts to transform European nations and direct wild, barbarian tribes into a more civilized community of the European Commonwealth of Nations that was emerging at the turn of the second and third millennium.

22. All of Europe should look more closely at the East, where the spiritual centre of Indo–Europeans is, the Great Ćakram around the Himalayas, from which entire nationalities and great civilizations originate, a Ćakram with a diameter of a thousand kilometres. Even making music on the harp supports the development of spiritual civilization in Europe, because the harp itself is actually an Indo–European instrument of the Aryans, especially the Celts. Looking for musical inspiration in the spiritual music of old Persia or India greatly supports human spiritual development, and yet it is scientifically known that music is perceived by humans in a very specific way, through a specially designed part of the ear and separate nerve channels to the parts of the brain responsible for the sense and musical taste. Children should be exposed to spiritual music so that human development takes place in the right way, because music stimulates the correct direction of human evolution and cleanses the soul of old defilements, causing psychological and karmic release. Especially religious cults and cult brotherhoods should take care of good, harmonious and sublime music for the purification of the soul and development even in the cerebral dimension, where good music stimulates the ability of neurons to create new bonds, new connections, which enables and facilitates the processes of learning and remembering. Learning to grow plants, vegetables, fruits and grains also involves the use of shamanic music, as well as the use of fire rituals to aid the harvest. Shamanic rituals should not be divided into some familiar and foreign, because the entire European culture has common roots and they lead to the sources, which are the heroic, brave and highly spiritual Aryah from the heart of Euro–Asia, from the foot of the Himalayan Roof of the World spreading the Message of Peace, Friendship, Freedom, Mercy, Nobility and Liberation of the Soul! The Enlightenment of societies always triggers liberatory and liberating tendencies, because every Enlightened Soul strives to throw off all bonds, to free itself from all oppression such as the inquisitorial yoke of Catholic fascism, to free itself from tribute and exploitative servitude. A free soul works for itself as well as for the community and will never accept any oppression or fiscal exploitation. The land belongs to its inhabitants and the house belongs to those who live in it. These are the eternal rights of freedom that flourish in the consciousness of people whose souls are cleansed of the darkness, sins and mistakes of the past. When the eyes of the soul open, the soul begins to see the evil of this world and work intensively for the betterment of entire societies, regardless of the loss of its own life in some attack of inquisitorial ignorance or other fascism!

23. The idea of ​​forgiveness as one of the elements of purifying one’s psyche was most widely spread among the peoples of Europe by the cult of God Mithra, the God of Friendship and Compassion, the Merciful God. Forgiving yourself always has the dimension of dissolving all egoic pain and suffering down to its deep causes, which are human judgments, beliefs and attitudes. People do many things that produce results and return effects that are neither beneficial nor pleasant, hence the iron rule of self–forgiveness as the basic dimension of letting go and freeing oneself from everything that brings unpleasant or unwanted results. We should spread the habit of self–purification by forgiving ourselves of all wrong thoughts, words and actions leading to unfavourable or undesirable consequences. Forgiveness is the wise removal of the poison deposited on the surface of the essence of humanity, which is the human Self, the Soul, and it corresponds very much to the first phase of spiritual development, because in the first quarter of the Wheel of Evolution there is a search for the Higher Self. Forgiving yourself has the dimension of apologizing to yourself, to your own soul or self, understood as the core or essence of a being living in the body and acting through the senses. In the Sanskrit language, the concepts of apology, forgiveness and release are synonymous, demonstrating a deep and comprehensive process that must be properly understood and comprehended in order to be effectively applied. You need to feel deeper inside yourself, you need to turn towards the centre and the source of your own existence, establish something like an internal dialogue with the Divine Soul directing the body and mind, and then the process of self–forgiveness can be initiated in an effective way. The Soul or Self is in the initial period of feeling as “the depth of self behind the veil”, hence this convention, and its practice will begin to remove the veils woven from errors and dark consequences of past actions, so that one achieves Soul Consciousness, awakening to a reborn spiritual life. Please remember that the process of forgiving yourself is not the only spiritual exercise, and the training in spiritual development must be comprehensive and, most importantly, directed by the Good Master! KSHAMYATĀM can be used as often as possible, to the interior or depth of what a person is in his essence, and it means calling “Please forgive”, “I’m sorry”, “Forgive”, being a request for freedom from everything that has defiled and polluted oneself in the sense of creating karmic deposit seeds. We apologize to what is Divine and Spiritual within us in such a way that at the same time it is propitiation of the inner being perceived as our “own” Soul or Self and apology to ourselves. The Kshamyatām process can be very profound and liberating not only for the individual, but also for a large community gathered to offer rice and clarified butter on a ritual fire, accompanied by spiritual dances, chants, music and deep meditations. Many ways of carrying out such a treatment to cleanse the field of consciousness of weeds usually give a better and more lasting effect, and a person must learn to carry the torch of freedom from all evil and wickedness both through external actions and through such internal processes aimed at cutting off the harmfulness at the root.

24. Evoking the ideal of God Mithra or Mitra as it is written in Sanskrit, directs the heart and man towards the spiritual ideals of Friendship and Kindness, towards mutual Sympathy and Mercy, and this is a seed that needs to be further reinforced, strengthened and spread throughout Europe in order to reduce the number of various inquisitors, fascists and similarly ignorant psychopaths who are a drag on the natural development processes of European civilization. Maitrī is a basic spiritual quality, the first of the higher feelings that appear when a person begins to grow towards the Spirit of the Planet, towards God or Divinity on the spiritual Path of Life. Maitrī is Kindness and Friendship towards one another, quite selfless when developed, but it is not a feeling of blindness that deprives Warriors of vigilance or presence of mind. The general feature of higher feelings, the feelings of a purified Soul, is sharp attention, vigilance and presence of mind, and blindness is a feature of erotic emotions. God MITRA, the solar essence of radiance, stimulates in people the development of this higher feeling which is Maitrī in an obvious way, and all those in Europe who live this feeling and strive for mutual sincere and close Friendship could have had experiences related to the religiosity of Mithraism at least in one of their previous incarnations, when the great religion of God Mithra was spread by Celtic as well as Iranian missionaries, priests and hermits. The Vedic origin of the cult of the solar Deity, which is Lord Mitra, indicates that all spiritual teachings and rituals related to solar spirituality were spread, and hence not only the popularity of forgiveness processes or the search for brotherly spiritual groups based on deep and lasting Friendship, but also the popularity of solar yogic exercises such as “Sūrya Namaskara” series of 12 – here are the “Sun Salutations” exercises, which are practiced by millions of people all over Europe. Magical signs of solar healing, such as those used in the original Japanese Usui Reiki, are also gaining popularity, but one must remember the source connection of Usui Reiki magical methods with the ancient Vedic Ayurveda. It is known that authentic Japanese stamps were based on the secret art of magical healing, well known to practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine.

25. Today, however, based on numerous premises and guidelines, we can effectively support and promote the development of everything that the Satanic anti–cult mafia, in the frenzy of ignorant hatred, humiliated and destroyed through the structures of Vatican apologetics and the Inquisition, and this is a type of racism and fascism destructive to progress and spiritual evolution of the civilization to a higher level of development. We support and encourage all solar by nature, vanguard cult and meditation groups so as to always promote religiosity, spirituality or magic independent of the Roman hydra. In fact, every deep religiosity contains levels that are more or less charismatic, arcane or occult, as well as magical. The prophecies point to the inevitable end of the false and sectarian, ritually formalistic but internally empty Catholic sect, which has forever befuddled and suppressed the living Celtic, Aryan religiosity in the spirit of Europe. The end of Catholicism results from the crimes committed by this system on millions of people, but on these ashes, although they seem atheistic, are already beginning to sprout what is the true spiritual Path for every normal person. That is why we support vegetarian and ecological movements as primroses of a deeper spirituality of Aryans, and this is the essence of the Celtic tradition of all peoples of Europe, if we look at the issue more deeply, even only from a historical perspective. People should be encouraged to give up burying bodies in favour of burnt offerings and pouring the ashes into sacrificial pits, as it is also healthier for the entire Nature, for the earth and groundwater. Corpses burned with fire, preferably on the eighth day after death, help the human soul to be free from a given incarnation and continue its journey in the afterlife. There is no need for souls gathered at cemeteries or frightening hypersensitive people, which only increases the number of mentally ill and possessed people. Reducing the number of the possessed and mentally ill through the ancient prevention of burning corpses is exceptionally simple, cheap and useful, and caring for the health of society must always be the primary goal of every social system! Supporting what connects, purifies, unites and heals, what builds Peace, supporting what builds friendship and kindness between nations is the Work of Mithra!

26. Jesus Christ was born, lived and acted during a certain culmination of Celtic culture, the culmination of the spread of the religion of God Mitra, therefore it is good to remember that all the revolutionary ideals introduced by this prophet and saint are taken from the East and come from the Aryan culture, from the teachings of Veda (Vedah). Jesus Christ was double hated, on one hand by Jewish orthodoxy, and on another by the Roman colonist and occupier, because both of these forces suffered and still suffer from a sick hatred of the spiritual culture and religious Wisdom from the East. The Catholic religion is organized as an extension of the Roman Empire, although it is increasingly losing its political influence and hypnotic addiction in the form of a government of souls that is becoming weaker and slowly dying, heading for the inevitable end of this hypocritical and demoralized system. Catholic activists lack Mercy and Kindness towards every manifestation of spontaneously reborn spirituality, and yet it is common knowledge that druids, mad in their Love of God, used many methods that today remind us of the techniques and exercises of yoga, rebirthing or dancing dervishes. People in Europe should often meet around fires lit in stone circles, meditating in a connected circle of hands, dancing shamanic dances, listening to sublime music, singing spiritual songs and making offerings of grains of rice, barley or clarified butter. Mithra as a solar deity with subsequent degrees of initiation, with the sign of the solar shield, can and should become a symbol of a united European Union, as during the subsequent waves of the flourishing of his cult, he was a unifier of international auxiliary forces among non–Roman legionaries and assimilated and purified other local solar cults, enriching faith and spiritual knowledge. Mitra is the embodiment of such qualities as fidelity, loyalty, honour, truthfulness, bravery and brotherhood based on eternal and kind friendship. The God Mithra was worshiped in rock caverns and caves, where there was always a bas–relief of the personal figure of a young deity in a Persian aristocratic–priestly costume taming a bull, as reflected in the fights of young boys with bulls in some regions of Europe. However, the real cult of Mithra treated the sacrifice of a tamed bull as a symbol of the taming of the sensual animal nature by the higher, solar elements of the Divine Self.

27. The Mithraic tradition, following the Aryan or Celtic model, provides for a long, multi–stage novitiate ending with initiatory baptism by full immersion in the waters of the river, after which the novice had access to liturgical meals consisting of blessed wheat bread and red grape juice. The communes or communities of worshipers of Lord Mithra were divided into seven student degrees of initiation, which refer to the mysteries of the holy warriors of Aryan. The first rank was the so–called “Raven”, and the divine qualities of this sacred bird, such as longevity, secretiveness and prudence, were deeply considered and studied. The second level of initiation is “Married”, and the third is “Soldiers”, where the basic duty has always been the active protection of cult centres, the sanctuary, as well as priests and the community. Whoever does not actively defend the Path and the Temple or the Master cannot be called to the third initiatory circle of the Path of the Sun, also known as the Way of Mitra. The fourth level is “Lions”, that is, spiritual warriors with a heroic and bravest character, those who can both preach and defend spiritual teachings and sacred rituals. The higher three stages were called respectively “Persians”, “Messengers of the Sun” and the highest, seventh degree of discipleship known as “Father” (Bāba, Abba). People with the seventh degree of initiation have an eternal obligation to take care of younger adepts of the spiritual state and to maintain and propagate the entire cult and tradition, building new “Mithrea”, sanctuaries! High moral requirements, long novitiate, deep ritual mysteries, emphasis on performing good deeds and accumulating karmic merit, spiritual teaching to accelerate the victory of universal good in the world are the general features of the entire cult of God Mithra.

28. Mithra is the ideal of the “Invincible Sun God” who unites the peoples and languages ​​of Europe into a great and peaceful superstate. The day of the winter solstice is in the solar calendar the Day of Revelation, Birth and Descent of God Mithra, although the date on which this time fell several centuries ago, i.e. December 25, is often mentioned. Jesus Christ was considered a partial incarnation or manifestation of the God Mithra, like many other saints, prophets and bards throughout Europe. The cult of Mithra, spread as a kind of knightly spiritual brotherhood by the soldiers of the Roman legions, it particularly united various local Celtic cult forms of the Deities of Light and Brightness, such as Lugos or Grannos, as well as Secullus or the Roman Apollo. Eastern cults were accepted in Europe thanks to the metaphysical philosophy of Greek Sages such as Pythagoras or Master Zeno (Stoicism), who supported divine knowledge about the astral world, afterlife, achieving ataraxia (calmness) and reincarnation of souls. The aversion of the politicians of the Roman Empire, and then Roman Christianity, to the culture of the East increases the attractiveness of the solar cults of the East to this day as a refuge for the forces of revolution against Roman oppression and ideological dictatorship! The cult of Mithra teaches about the salvation of the soul as a result of good deeds accumulated in a pious life and as a result of the ultimate grace that frees and cleanses from sins, just as a ray of the spring sun can melt even the strongest ice. The Cult of Mitra teaches about the purification of the Soul and the life of the Soul through subsequent incarnations, until it achieves total liberation from the need for rebirth and entry into a higher, heavenly world, where there is no shadow and darkness.

29. Avestan and Vedic ideals had their greatest overt flowering in the 2nd – 4th centuries, with an expansion in the 3rd century CE. and we should expect such an intensification of the activity of reborn souls who accepted that seed of God’s Truth and maintained it on various stages of the Seven–Spirit Path to which crowds of Europeans are spontaneously attracted today. A good selection of candidates admitted even to the first degree of initiation is important, otherwise the entire spiritual Path of the Seven Spirit can easily be degenerated. Mithraism, or rather the joyful and mysterious Mitra Marga, is gaining supporters today also through certain secret, healing rituals related to watching Sunrises and Sunsets or lighting ritual fires at these times, which are cardinal for solar mysteries, of the meeting of day and night. We wish the nations of Europe as many “Lions” as possible, invincible warriors of the solar cult, and it is widely known that it was God Mithra who introduced the Celtic ideas of heroic and noble warriors and knights – priests of the “Invincible Sun”. Although some of the ideals of Mitradeva’s Aryan traditions were absorbed by Roman Christianity, European nations must free themselves from the ideological occupation carried out by various anti–spiritual and Soul–darkening dogmas of the Roman ideology of false religion, which, as Vaticanism, wanted to take over the world by imperial methods by making people’s minds dependent. In fact, the entire Catholicism, which originated somewhere in the 4th – 5th century AD. as an enemy of true European religiosity, is a great psycho–manipulation aimed at propagating ignorance, the same one that introduced the Middle Ages and the murderous Inquisition and militarily denied facts such as the Earth’s rotation around the Sun. The central position of the Sun, the Earth’s revolution around the Sun, the sphericity of the Earth and other scientific facts were the subject of spiritual teaching in all local communities initially formed around God Mithra.

30. A purified soul is like the radiant Sun, and many of the characteristics and moral properties of Enlightened Beings are explained in terms of the nature of the Sun. Laya means the dissolution of defilements and impurities until the true divine nature of the Human Soul is revealed and the conditions for Enlightenment are met. Today’s spiritual Brotherhoods associated with the culture of the Orient hold the keys to the entire European cultural and spiritual heritage, being able to easily begin mystery and initiatory teaching, even on a mass scale, and there are still living souls who are conscious and indestructible Treasurys of ancient Wisdom. Indestructible, because the death of the body cannot kill them, because they quickly and consciously take on a new incarnation, which means that in a dozen or so years they will start the work of spiritual renewal and spiritual revolution anew, as if nothing or no one was able to disturb them. A deplorable fate awaits only those who disturb or harm the spiritual “Fathers” of the Celtic Masters’ Lodge, the Aryans, because the inexorable law of retribution, of karman, sends all evil souls to various hells to suffer for eons, and sometimes even to destruction in the Abyss mentioned in every authentic spiritual teaching.

31. Powerful Transmissions of spiritual Light and Solar Brightness cultivated in units of service called Triangles and during joint group Transmission Meditations are a well–known form of occult meditation that was popular among adepts at the level of “Persians” and “Sun Messengers”, and even today any person with higher initiations of the Seven–Spirit Disciple Path should take due care to promote this Meditation. There are many partial works undertaken by the souls belonging to the God Mithra, although often confused with a false, clichéd image of “Christ”, because Roman imperialism, as we know, modified Jesus Christ to its own needs and today the nature of the prophets in general can be extracted more from the Muslim Koran or the teachings of Zarathushtra from Persia. The Vedic and Aryan or, if you prefer, Aryan in spirit, the teachings of Laya Marga reactivate all aspects and every skilful means and methods of spiritual development necessary for human development today, depending on what needs and possibilities the incarnated souls show in subsequent generations and subsequent centuries in which The “Messengers of the Sun” (Aćaryas) and “Fathers” are reborn for the continuation of this very great Work of spiritualization and unification of Europe!

32. We constantly pray and affirm that the nations and languages ​​of all ancient Celtic Europe may be united as fully as possible, and that all borders and barriers will be completely annihilated. Let one universal, Indo–European language become the language of the entire European Union, let there be one currency in every country, let the principles of equality, freedom and fraternity be the universal constitution of freedom of all nations, tribes and languages ​​of Europe. Let Europeanum be a great power of states voluntarily reconciled in Peace and Friendship, as great thinkers have said and written about it in virtually every century for about three thousand years of the history of this subcontinent. If we pray to God now or in the future, we always mention everything that needs to be established and everything that needs to be renewed, strengthened and developed, and yet this humble Hrdayam – Wisdom from the Heart gives only a sketch or outline of the more important and commonly known, obvious issues for anyone who has even briefly studied the history of Celtic, Indo–Aryan Europe at its core, which has much more in common with the peoples of India and Persia than was said in the period of Catholic–medieval ignorance and the Inquisition! Today, as for centuries, the fight between Good and Evil, the fight between Light and Darkness, continues, and every light and spiritually awakened individual should ensure that the scales of victory are always on the side of Good and Light, which is considered both heroism and civic duty. 33. We invite you to develop the work of our enlightened ancestors, and more so what those reading this spiritual lesson, due to their interests, did in previous lives to propagate the Celtic Path of the Shambhala Warrior. Let the constantly repeated mantram, the holy invocation: Om Mitrāya Namah be an aid in the Mission of Light, so that the Archangel and Archon of Friendship, God Mitra, will reign forever in the enlightened and united Great Union of Europe! Om Mitrāya Namah (108 x)


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