The Law about God and His Kingdom of Justice has been kept since the dawn of human history in the Community of Grace, the Śaivite Community! From time to time, God sends His Saviour into the world, intended for the human race, to execute judgment on the wicked and to gather around Him the elect chosen ones, whose faith is the purest and whose hearts are untainted by any wickedness. The Saviour always comes from the East, and the Light of God he brings spreads across the Earth!
True Christians invariably believe in the imminent Coming of the Saviour, in the Reincarnation of Christ, in the Advent of the Lord, because the Son of God sits at the right hand of God, the Heavenly Father, and descends into the world to save what was lost and gone astray and to save very many human souls. Lord Śiva, the Lord of Grace and Mercy according to the Eternal Gospel (Dharma) hidden in the East, from where the Prophets and the Saviour come, has two Sons, whom we call the Sons of God. The Elder’s name is Ganeśa, which means the Guardian of Groups, of course, the Groups studying the Sacred Science contained in the Holy Scriptures and Mystical Books Revealed to peoples, languages and nations. This means that wherever the Gana Iśa Group appears spontaneously, it begins its work of sending the Light of Understanding! Ganeśa (Gana Iśa) is the Elder, Firstborn Son of God and is said to have been created at the beginning of the world by the Divine Couple, the Creator-Creation, God and Goddess! Ganeśa is, of course, the trusted one of the Lord (Chohan) Śiva Mahadev, the God of the Heavenly Kingdom and the Heir and Prince of the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace and Justice. There is also a second, younger Son of God in the Śaivita Community, whose name Kartikeya indicates that he is concerned with defending and protecting what is heavenly art and what is pure and holy. Ganeśa, the Son of Śiva and Parvati, leads the Sages, Saints and Priests, and Kartikeya leads the Guardians, the Guardian Angels who guard the Kingdom of Heaven and protect the People of God sent to Earth or other planets and planes of existence to carry out the work of establishing religions, reforming decayed spiritual and religious systems or to bring about God’s judgment!
The Firstborn Son of God, Ganeśa, descends to Earth as the Angel of the Covenant, the Lawgiver, and the Jewish and Christian religions long for him and desire him as the Messiah Christ. In Theosophy, he is called the Cosmic Christ of God, the Messenger of Heaven, which we call the Avatar! Ganeśa sends his Angels to look after the Sacred Groups that focus on the search for God and Truth around the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and Divine Gurus. Therefore, devoting yourself to Spiritual Development always has a communal character and the Circle, supported as a Spiritual one by Angels, as it has been said since ancient times, should have at least seven people! It is even said that for one Saint who comes to Earth, there are always at least Seven Spiritual Disciples Initiated in the Mysteries of God, who have a deeper Knowledge of the Truth, and this is the example of God and the Seven Archangels Entering the Majesty of the Lord! In the history of religious Revelations, we also have countless Testimonies of the coming of dual prophets with a heavenly mission, such as the two brothers at the beginning of Kali Yuga, now the World Age, who were Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama. They perfectly reflect the Truth about the Two Witnesses of God, the Twin brothers who come to people, testifying about the Truth of God to the extent that people can bear and understand the Revealed Science. The Descent, Coming, or, if you prefer, Advent of the Sons of God is always the time of God’s Judgment over the human race, over the entire human civilization.
The Avatar of the Messiah of Israel, Jesus of Bethlehem, is also a dual Avatar, just like the descent of Lord Krishna and Balarama over 3000 years before Jesus Christ. The Prophet Elijah comes under the name of John the Baptist, and in his Spirit, through Water and Spirit Initiation, Jesus Christ works in the Jordan River. Yet, they are almost peers because they were born at a similar time and, with great strength, carry out the work of converting sinful people to the Way of God. To some extent, as we know, they are even related to each other, and their mothers and families know each other well. The coming of both of these Prophets is announced by prophecies made several hundred years earlier and even over a thousand years earlier because God plans his activities well in advance, and in the Consciousness of God and His Holy Family, one day equals a thousand years for our earthly people! The first Christians, of course, believe in the second coming, the descent of the Son of God, because He Himself announced that at dawn on the Third Day, there would be Resurrection, which should be understood both as a literal resurrection at dawn, the Sunday after the martyr’s death, and as the announced Advent, the Second Coming at dawn on the third day since his departure. Anyone with the Light of the Gospel of Christ within himself can easily calculate this date! The strangest thing is forgetting about the double person of Elijah and Jesus the Baptist, as the coming of both was announced. Jesus clearly states that the Holy Prophet John the Baptist was Elijah just after His death as God’s Witness and Martyr. The Covenant of Christ was created in the blood of two Martyrs, John Elijah the Baptist and Yehoshua Messiah, as the original names of Jesus Christ are. We have a similar eyewitness testimony in the Apostle John’s Apocalypse, i.e. in the Book of Revelation, which talks about two murdered Witnesses of God who bore witness to the truth contained in the Gospel. Yet, we know well from history that it is about Saint John Huss and Saint Jerome of Prague, whose the Vatican papists tortured and brutally murdered them by burning them alive at the stake of their satanic inquisition.
The fact that three thousand years before John and Jesus, two brothers walked and taught on Earth, also in the East: Krishna and Balarama, and that Lord Krishna is commonly called the Shepherd in India, is very telling, especially since both of them were ardent worshipers and advocates of The One God of Grace, Lord Śiva Mahadeva, also known as Yahvah, from whom comes the Jewish tetragrammon YHVH, read in the Christian world as Yahveh(h) or Yehovah and sometimes also Yova! This last Jewish reading is interesting because God, the Father of Heaven, in the religion of the ancient Romans, was called by the phonetically similar name Jupiter (Jowisz in Polish – reads Yovish)! The universality of reading the Divine Name in the whole of Eurasia is surprisingly similar and points to the common beginning of God’s Message called the Eternal Gospel, Sanathana Dharma in the Land of India, where all religions have their beginning because the Bible also predicts the coming of the Saviour from the East and the Three Wise Men-Kings paying homage with the help of the Three Jewels, Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to Jesus Christ, also came from the East! The Almighty Lord, who descends as an Avatar, Divine Incarnation, Saviour, spreads Justice and Glory (Bhakti) among all peoples, nations and languages. Justice is based on the Eternal Laws of God, which are unchangeable and written on the Two Emerald Tablets, and the emerald is a precious stone symbolizing the Wisdom of Life. Five Words are written on each of the Two Emerald Tablets, which makes up the Eternal Decalogue composed of exactly the Ten Words of God, rendered by all Prophets and Avatars, Sons of God, invariably as the Ten Commandments for the People of God. Glory (Bhakti) is all Prayer, songs and thanksgiving, repentance and propitiation and adoration that man directs to his Creator-Creation, to the Divine Parental Couple Śiva and Śakti or, if you prefer, in the language of the Bible, to Yahweh and Shekinah, to Fire and Light! The Holy Scriptures always describe God as a Consuming Fire and the Goddess as Light, the Glow of Fire! These symbols are ubiquitous in religious cults, and Moses, watching God, saw the Fire and heard the Voice from the Fire because God is a Consuming Fire!
Lord Krishna, with the help of Balarama, defeated the evil Demon Kansa who wanted to destroy his Mission and raised 3,000 Gopis (Shepherdesses), as the Souls were called, who sacrificed themselves as Spiritual Announcers of Lord Krishna’s Message! Probably none of the Prophets and Messiahs who came later educated such a large group of Missionaries and Apostles during their lives! The Son of God can indeed do much for the Good of the Eternal Gospel of God! The Avatar, the Saviour, the Son of God, comes at a time of general corruption, decline of culture and degeneration of religion and comes for the Renewal of Religion and the restoration of the principles of the Eternal Gospel, Dharma and pointing it out in all existing Holy Scriptures such as Veda, Adi, Granth, Avesta, Bible and Quran! The Sons of God and Saints such as Elijah come for all humanity to renew the Covenant with God and from time to time to every linguistic group that prevails in the world. We are talking about 70 groups of peoples and languages that have their Guardians, the Guardian Angels from among the Princes of Heaven, because only Prince Angel takes care of the language nations. The same set of signs always precedes the birth of the Messenger of God, and these are earthquakes, wars, spectacular solar or lunar eclipses, famine or pestilence and, above all, the fall of religion and moral principles, the increase of corruption, oppression, poverty and lawlessness. To such a fallen world, God sends a religious reformer or Saviour to perform God’s Judgment, save the remnant of the pure and good, destroy and annihilate the old, fallen and degenerate world and its political system and begin building a new religious, spiritual and moral culture according to the Eternal Gospel, the model what is the Law of God written on the Two Emerald Tablets!
The Day of the Lord, God’s Judgment comes, first of all, individually on each person as the Day of Death, when the Living Soul (Jivatman) is taken to account before God for his entire life, and it is truly an inexorable Just Judgment over every Soul created by God, because Man, a woman or a man is in fact a Divine Soul and its future life depends on its conduct in speech, deeds and thoughts during its mortal life on Earth in the body! On the Day of Death, the Man-Soul wanders into the presence of the Lord of Light, and his just scales determine his future fate! The Day of the Lord, the Judgment of God in its universal dimension, is the Day of Death of an entire nation or civilization, or, as it is called, the end of the system of things, the system of political power, culture and society. So the destruction of the Jewish state about 40 years after the death of Jesus Christ was the Day of Judgment, so the French Revolution or later the October Revolution was also such a judgment day of the death of the state of culture and civilization, especially the system of government, which led to poverty, impiety and oppression as well as crime and debauchery (treason, hypocrisy, deceit, drunkenness). The third type of Judgment Day, which we call the Final Day, is the reckoning of human civilization on a global scale and the founding of the human race anew. Such a Final Judgment was the Flood in Noah’s days. Such a Final Judgment is the end of every Yuga, especially Manvantara, the Four Ages. Still, it is a very long period because the Four Ages last 4 million 320 thousand years, and it is a global reckoning of all souls that lived in this period planet Earth. The Judgment of God is the central question of every true religion of God, and yet each of the 144,000 Saints of God who always live on Earth can at any time be called by God’s order, through an Angel (Deva), to establish a Spiritual Community or start the Work of Reformation of Religion, which has undergone degeneration and no longer serves the Cause of God and the Salvation of the human race! Indeed, Great is the Day of the Lord (Yahwah), full of terror for the wicked, evil, and criminal souls who have turned against everything Divine, Righteous, and Just. There are always 4,000 Great, Perfect Saints, Arhats, living on Earth who can summon such individual people to the Judgment of God and give them the date of appearance, i.e. the hour of Death, as well as curse the nation, religion or state power of the existing system of things, condemning it to destruction. Jesus predicted destruction for Jerusalem and the Jewish state, and His prophecy was fulfilled within 40 years, resulting in the destruction of degenerate Jewry and its desecrated temple. However, the world and humanity still exist. The Day of Judgment is the day of reckoning for millions of human souls for their civilizational and cultural wickedness, except that religion, culture, and the state system are developing anew because there is also the day of renewal and resurrection of the Eternal Religion, the Eternal Gospel, i.e. Sanathana Dharma! There are Saints in every society, nation, language, and time of the world’s existence. However, on the Day of Judgment, many of them arrive to ensure that the human race is directed at least a little to the Light of God’s Truth!
Turn to God with your heart in fasting, prayer, and repentance; turn from your mistakes, sins, and wickedness towards Mercy, Justice and Faith in One God, the Lord and King of Heaven and seek first the Kingdom of God, Salvation, Enlightenment and His Justice. Such a call can be heard from time to time among all peoples, nations and languages, and true religion is always based on Freedom and Love because these are the two Wings of the Bird of the Gospel, the Heavenly Eagle called Garuda in the East! The Science of Soul Salvation brings freedom from the paths of evil and is the science of Loving God and neighbours among humanity! Salvation, Freedom from the necessity of living on Earth and rebirth and crowning it with the Crown of Life, gaining the Immortality of the Soul (Chlajah) and entering Paradise, the Kingdom of God, the Land of Eternal Life, is the superior, very important Teaching of Religion, as long as it is authentic and comes from God. Human souls are mortal; they live on Earth and have time to improve and perfect through the Grace of God, Faith in God, and deeds of faith that lead to the Perfection of the Soul and the reward for Man is a Wreath, the Crown of Life, admission to the Land of Angels, where there is the Tree of Life Eternal, which bear fruit every month, i.e. once every 30 earthly years (Saturn’s cycle, because a month in heaven, counting a day per year, is 30 earthly years) and we also know that God’s Kingdom of Justice is close and when the Eye of the Soul opens, we can see Angels and when the Ear of the Soul opens, we hear beautiful Heavenly Music and the Voice of God coming from the Throne, like mighty Thunder! Revealed Religion is always the Way of the Heart because only by Heart can be accepted moral principles, God’s Law and sincere Faith in God and the Angels of God, in Saints, Masters and Prophets who create the Eternal Kingdom of Justice. It must be accepted by the Heart and be inscribed into the depth of the sincere Soul – The Essential Man animated by it. Let us remember that Man was created as a man and a woman in the image and likeness of God, becoming a Living Soul (Jivatman), so the Human Heart is also the seat of this Image of the Perfect God in us. The Fall of Man, the Soul, led humanity to live in this mortal, physical world, where one is constantly exposed to temptations, suffering and all kinds of hardships, the release from which is the transition to the Kingdom of God’s Angels, to a higher level of evolution of consciousness, where suffering and death do not exist! And very wicked souls, whose measure of evil has increased and no longer promise any hope for improvement, are destroyed on the Day of Judgment so that as demons of darkness, they no longer harm anyone. Jesus calls this death of the wicked soul Death of the Way, as opposed to the ordinary death of the body, after which the soul exists in a passive state, which we can compare to sleep unless it is more Conscious and Spiritually Awakened!
O people, turn from the ways of the world to the Way of God; turn to the God and Goddess of Heaven, to Śiva and Śakti, to Grace and Power, because God is Merciful, Gracious and Compassionate and waits until everyone exhausts their chances of achieving Salvation, Liberation from error and sin. Whoever follows the Messenger of God, the Prophet, the Avatar, who follows the next coming Saviour, follows in the Light a straight path to the Throne of God, the Father of Heaven and the Goddess-Mother of Life, and to the Sons of God, and this is the Light of Life in which one is born, awakens and develops! The awakening of the Consciousness of the Kingdom of God, listening to Heavenly Music, and Angelic Choirs, seeing Angels and Saints, are the true beginnings of the Great Dawn of Enlightenment, when the Dawn, the Six-Rayed Star of David, rises in the Hearts of sincere people on the Way of Return, which is one, because there is one riverbed leading to the Ocean and there is one Infinite Ocean of Spirit. Truly, the Kingdom of Heaven is near, and people who are pure in heart see its splendours with the certainty of faith in God and knowledge of God! The Community of Grace, Śaivite Sangha, is the Brotherhood of God, whose visible Representatives and Apostles on Earth are Holy People out of 144,000, and each of them knows the entire Holy Family and the surroundings, the Court of God. Ganeśa, the Firstborn Son of God, sits on the right hand of God and Kartikeya, the Child of God, sits on the left side of the Throne of God. The Wife of God, the Goddess, who is His Glory and Light and Power, sits on the side of the Heart of God because she is the Queen Mother of Heaven, Life and is the Creator’s Most Dear and Beloved! The name YAHWAH (YHWH) means the Great One, for the Gracious One (SHIVA) is the Great God (Maha Deva), which corresponds to the Hebrew Yahvo Elohim, where Yahvo means the Great One and Elohim means God (Allah). Adon, Lord, is another well-known Semitic name for God; in Oriental culture, it corresponds to the term Chohan (First Commander). Listening to the Voice of God is a great spiritual practice, and the person hearing the Voice of God is always the Prophet (Paighambar) of God, the Messenger of Light. However, the spiritual inspirations and afflations that people often have about religious life are not yet the same as the Voice of God as heard by Lord Krishna, Buddha, Abraham, Moses or Jesus!
True Religion gives the Fruits of Light, and this is Justice, Righteousness and Truth, not pride, formalism, boastfulness, egoism, inquisitorial fanaticism and the similar darkness of a religion corrupted by the forces of Evil, Darkness and Gloom! The goal of the Religion of God is to Enlighten the Soul with the Light of God so that it achieves correct knowledge of God’s affairs, possesses the Truth and follows the Principles and Laws of the Living God, which are written in the Heavenly Temple on Two Emerald Tablets called the Decalogue! The Five Laws are Panćaśila, the Five Moral Rules of Conduct for the entire human race and other creatures, and we call them Yamah (Prohibitions), while the remaining Laws are Niyamah, the principles of spiritual growth on the mystical, hermetic Pure Path of God, and among them is the Command of Chastity and Faith in the One Living God! The True Religion of God knows about the life of the soul after the death of the body, knows about the rebirth of the human soul through the cycle of subsequent incarnations until the time given for Salvation is exhausted, and not only the next life is subject to judgment by the Just Judge, but how much the entire life of the human soul through subsequent incarnations is finally accounted for, and too wicked copies go to perdition in the Fire of Destruction, where they perish forever. Evil and demonic people sometimes profess their beliefs in universal annihilation to drag others into the nihilism of perdition, and God invites people to Salvation and Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Immortality. This is the true Hope for the People of God: life in the Land of Eternity! By living in the Purity (Śauća) of Mind and Heart, we prepare ourselves to live in the Kingdom of God, and the Command for Purification and Purity of Heart and Mind (Śaućam) is the first on the Second Emerald Tablet for the Niyamites intended to follow the Straight and Pure Path of God! Humility (Fear), Repentance and Faith are very necessary for a person to become an Angelic Soul again, worthy of living in the Paradise of God, in the Garden of Eden, from which we are separated by an invisible border, like a barrier of time and dimension, and basically when we are ready, from any place we can enter Heaven like Rama, Sita, Enoch, Elijah, Padmasambhava, Jesus and other great souls who, by Resurrection, simply entered the Kingdom of Heaven!
What is mortal, the fallen Soul-Man must put on Immortality. The Giver of Eternal Life is God, the Sons of God and also the Perfect Saints (Arhatos) whom God will authorize to grant the Gift of Eternal Life, to clothe the mortal soul with a spotless, white robe of purity and perfection, into the Body of Life, Chajah! The feeling of Happiness and Bliss (Ananda), which never dies, is a sign of going through such a transformation, and the Transfiguration of the Soul into Light, like the Transfiguration of Jesus on the Mount, is a mysterious Mystery that souls undergo when obtaining the dignity of Immortals! Believers in God are constantly waiting for the Kalkin (Saviour), i.e. the Messiah, the Son of God, to receive the Robe of Immortality, the Crown of Life. Still, the entire life of a worthy person must be pure and full of prayer, truth, and service to God, Guru! The Son of God, Ganeśa, Blesses those who read the Holy Scriptures, trying to study them and sincerely understand the Teaching of God. The Son of God, Ganeśa, Blesses those who listen to the teachings of the Word of God from the lips of a Guru, a Guide or a Spiritual Teacher who faithfully reproduces the Teaching of God! And the greatest Blessing flows to those who keep and follow the Laws and Rules of God, thus living by the Will of God written in Heaven! A sound spiritual teaching based on the authentic God’s Law of the Ten Words of the Emerald Tablets is called Wheat, and whoever grows in it, maintaining the Dharma, the Gospel, and the Order of God, will go to the Granary of Heaven. In contrast, teachings inconsistent and contrary to the Law of the Order of God are the tares of demonic delusion, leading man-soul to perdition and destruction on the Day of Judgment! The Decalogue given by Moses and the Ten Commandments given by Lord Buddha Gautama reflect the Perfect Law of God written in the Ten Words and known in the ancient Śaivite Community in its original, primordial form. The descriptive exposition of these Ten Words of the Law in the Old Testament given by the Prophet Moses and the exposition of the Ten Commandments of the Law of Dharma (Torah, Gospel) is an explanation of what these Words-Rules of Heaven contain, which contain the Morality of Angels in a minimal version, necessary for sincere people, who have believed in God and are seeking His Kingdom of Heavenly Paradise! The original words Ahinsah (Non-violence) and Śaućari (Purification) must sink deep into our Hearts as the basic canons that come first on each of the Emerald Tablets of Yamah and Niyamah! So let us cleanse the Heart and Mind of dirt and sin and no longer create any evil by harming, oppressing or destroying other creatures!
The Eternal Gospel commands Humility towards God and the Prophets (Avatars), giving Honor and Glory (Bhakti) to God, and, above all, it recommends and requires obeisance to God! Every true Religion of God includes the ritual worship of God in Prayers with Prostrations, and all sects of Religion, whether Eastern or Western, fall on their knees and regularly offer Homage to God with prostrations. This is a sure sign of serving and honouring God! Any ideological sect that denies the need, the necessity of worshipping the Deity, God and Goddess by making PROSTRATION, kneeling, with the forehead and hands to the Earth, as the Angels of God and the Elders of Heaven do, denies its authenticity as a religious path leading to God. Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus greatly promoted Homage to God, paying obeisance to the Supreme Being, the Creator-Creation. Jesus Christ even refused to bow down when tempted by Satan and explained that the Homage of Bowing is to God and that it is a religious Service to God! People surrounding Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel, repeatedly show Him worship by bowing down on their knees, and the Prophet Isaiah says that a sign of true religion is that the People of God worship God every New Moon and every Saturday! And this practice is a spiritual sign of the People of God, ordered by the Messengers of God, by the Sons of God and in degenerate waste, pseudo-religious sects, completely desisted and abandoned, even forbidden, and yet God did not recognize Cain’s sacrifice precisely because he did what he wanted and not what should have been done. You will serve God alone and worship Him. This is what real Religion teaches, which is truly God’s Way! The sign of coming together for Common Prayer and Meditation (Reflection) during the New Moon and on Saturday – the Lord’s Day, God’s Day, is also very important. In Tibet, Kashmir, and many other cultures, such as Slavism, Saturday has always been a Holy Day dedicated to Matters of Prayer, Contemplation and Community Gatherings! The Celts and Egyptians also celebrated the New Moon and Saturday as gatherings of the People of God, the New Moon in the rhythm of approximately every 30 days, that is once a lunar month, and Saturday (Sabbath) as the last, seventh day of the Week, the Sign of the Covenant with God, the Creator-Creation!
Man must hunger for God, seek Him, and meditate on Him until the Great Day comes when the Lord and God will fully reveal the splendour of His Heavenly Kingdom! Correct knowledge of the Deity, God, and Goddess, as the Holy and Perfect united Parental Couple, is necessary for man to turn towards God and reach God properly! Deity or Divinity, as it is often said to elevate our Ideal above the connotations of the human gender, is a very good concept. However, Śivaśakti shows us a couple united into one Being, and the Semitic Elohim also means the parental pair of Yahwah-Shekinah, Fire and Light, God and Goddess, on which is indicated by the ancient Hebrew double number used in this word! God creates Man in His Image and Likeness, as a man and a woman. Therefore, He must be both Creator and Creation, God and Goddess! And yet Shekinah (Sakinah) is a Being much more important than Prophets and Messiahs; in the mystical visions of seers, She often wanders before God, goes first, the Mother, the Queen of Heaven, the Wife of God, who is neither born nor dies and is not a charming Jewish woman giving birth neither Christ nor John the Baptist, but the Power of God, which determines the occurrence of miracles, and the Wisdom of God, the Spouse of God! Prayer and Meditation (Reflection) are two wings of spiritual practice, thanks to which the human soul gradually transforms into an Angel of God and, becoming equal to angels in heaven, achieves rapprochement and unity with its Creator-Creation! The Psalms, so dear to the followers of the Religion of Abraham (Millat Ibrahim), which includes followers of Judaism, Christians and Muslims, as well as religious groups bordering on these spiritual traditions, recommend worshipping (Bhakti) God with the help of Music, Singing and Dance, which is called Prayer. The same is true in the Church of Lord Krishna, the Hindu tradition, and in all Oriental religions. No religion is authentic that does not practice the Worship (Adoration) of God using Singing, Music and Dance for the Glory of God, which is the basis of the true Spiritual Culture of the human race.
If in Heaven there are Temples and an Altar of God on which the Eternal Fire burns and Angels gather there for Common Prayers and make offerings of burning incense and read the Holy Books of Heaven, how much more should the human race zealously practice such customs. According to the Testimony of the Holy Scripture, the Four Elders of Heaven sitting on Thrones together with God offer obeisances to His Majesty by falling on their faces at the feet, and Buddhists and Muslims also cultivate this practice; how much more should people pay homage to God at least on New Moons and Saturdays, as Prophet Isaiah indicates? There is no Faith without an Action that testifies to it, and Giving a Bow to God is a very tangible Deed of Sacrifice, just like offering a pure offering of incense! It cannot be said that a church, synagogue or mosque is the Temple, the House of God, if the Holy Fire does not burn there and the offering of incense is not offered, and the people who come there do not offer their obeisances to God every Saturday and every New Moon! Revelation indicates that with the words “Glory to You, O Lord, King of Heaven and Earth”, the inhabitants of Heaven solemnly pay homage to God. Still, Satan and his demonic legions have refused to give God the Honour and Homage that is due to him. Wherever they can, they eliminate this sign of true piety and sincere religiosity because the devils want people not to pay homage to God but to bow humbly to the rulers of this world, kings and presidents and officials of the satanic slave empires of Babylon that the devils have set up on Earth to rule and enslave minds. Therefore, the People of God refused to pay homage and fall at the feet of the emperors of Rome and the Vatican and preferred to bow before the Altar in the Catacombs.
The Śaivite Community, the Community of the Covenant of God’s Grace, often reminds people seeking Enlightenment and religious, spiritual Awakening about the Sevenfold Prayer because, for example, the Psalms recommend Prayer seven times a day, the first after waking up and the last before going to sleep. If Jesus Christ commanded a certain pattern of prayer in the Sermon on the Mount and it has Ten Verses, then faithful Christians, the Disciples of Jesus, will, of course, practice it seven times a day, standing with their hands folded before the Heart and after the Prayer, as has always been practised, they will bow to God! After all, Jesus Christ commanded his Disciples:” Pray with these words”, and he said this to the People of God in the Sermon (Message), which numbered more than 10,000 women, men and children, so the Prayer Jesus taught everyone who belongs to Jesus will recite according to the due, respectful and devoted religious ritual! These simple few words, which the Evangelist Matthew faithfully and completely rendered, are preceded by instructions on how and when, in individual, spiritual practice, each Faithful to God, the Father of Heaven, will cultivate with all their Heart and Soul! Here is Christ’s Prayer: “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Yahweh, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us our Essential Bread every day and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us and do not let us be led into temptation but deliver us from all evil, for Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, now and forever and ever! Ameyn!”
Omitting the last verse confessing that the Kingdom of God belongs to God and imputing God as leading us into temptation (“And lead us not into temptation”) is both sacrilege (stealing part of the Prayer Revealed by Christ) and blasphemy because God does not tempt anyone and the tempter is Satan, the Devil! Sects that omit this Prayer of Christ to the Father of Heaven commanded to the Disciples, or that diminish and distort it in a sinful, blasphemous and sacrilegious way, certainly have nothing to do with God since they sin so much, and the Eternal Gospel cannot be omitted and distorted! The Essential Bread, as it was said until 1054 of the Christian era, is also something different than daily bread because it is the Food of Life, the Word of God, and it was so for one first millennium, until the emergence of an apostate heresy, which also in this case sinned blasphemy! And Bowing to the Earth, falling on our knees and face, is, of course, a greeting whose cultivation will undoubtedly lead us among the Angels.
The Śaivite Spiritual Community, throughout the millennia and aeons of human existence, remembers all the essential principles of religious life, and the reformers and often martyrs we send everywhere faithfully recall them, although the human tendency to succumb to the forces of evil and sin and all kinds of wickedness is astonishing. In all religions revealed to humanity by Angels and Messengers of God, paradise-like vegetarian food is recommended, based on cereals, fruits, vegetables, and possibly milk and spring water. The way of eating results directly from the principle of non-destruction, non-harming creatures because killing is the worst crime in the eyes of the God of Eternal Life. Only the enemy of God, the fallen demon Satan and his legions of troublemakers motivate people to kill living creatures that breathe: Whoever claims that God allows us to eat the flesh of slaughtered animals is certainly not religious. Ahinsah advises us to choose food for which we do not have to kill living, breathing creatures (animals). Cows give us milk, bees honey, and sheep also provide us with wool, but killing them is prohibited by God, although man has the right to defend his life against aggression and threats. People who kill other people and animals, butchers, fishermen and hunters, as well as pig breeders and consumers of these products from slaughterhouses, have absolutely nothing in common with the Religion of God or the Spiritual Way because they do not eat the way People should eat. Instead, they eat the food of death from the table of demons who incite the human race to kill God’s creatures to destroy people. A religious man remembers that everything that breathes has a soul and is a creation of God. Yet, Ahinsa means refraining from evil, crime, killing, oppression and torment in any form! We pray for the removal of tormentors, oppression and, above all, death because we want to enter the Kingdom of God! Lord Krishna ordered a vegetarian diet, and Lord Buddha reminded us of the obligation of humanitarianism, i.e. vegetarianism. The Lord Jesus reminded that he came to remind people of the commandments that God gave to people at the very beginning, and Adam and Eve were vegans before they fell into sins! Carnivorous beings are sinful and mortal, and the way they eat shows that they are tools in the hands of Satan, Evil and that they are rebels (Satans) opposed to the Paradise Commandment of Ahinsah because they kill animals to eat meat like Satan’s demons! Fortunately, about half of the human race are vegetarians, showing that they follow the Truth and Commandments of God. Satan stimulates your appetite and demands meat as a sacrifice for himself, and God recommends pure fruit and grain, vegetables from the Lord’s table! This is the Sign of the Covenant with God in His true Religion, the Way because Christ went to fishermen so that they would abandon the criminal habit of killing fish and become evangelists, fishers of people who “catch” souls in the net of God’s Light, which, like a lighthouse, brings the ship people to the Paradise of God!
The Day of the Lord is the day, the year, of humanity’s reckoning for sins and iniquities, karman, as they say in the East, accumulated through disobedience to God. The Day of the Lord is coming to turn the earth into a desert and to exterminate sinners and wicked people from it, and it is always the Day of Justice, the Hour of Truth and God’s Punishment at the same time! Although God feels sorry for man and regrets punishing him for the wickedness of breaking and trampling on God’s Laws in the Decalogue, on the Day of Judgment, the evil ones are left unattended by the Angels at the mercy of evil forces, who destroy, ruin and oppress entire nations and civilizations. The signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, created immediately after World War II, was the work of the Good people, who remained after the extinction of many evil individuals inclined to fight aggressively and maliciously because evil people die en masse during warfare and the human race, instead of cultivating Peace and Tranquility, cultivates hatred and aggression! Every Religion and Church of God must follow the Eternal Way indicated by the Angels and Saints of God, accepting every Ray of Light and fulfilling every Duty (Dharman) towards God that Heaven has ordered to people so that they can come closer to their Creator-Creation. There is one way to avoid destruction on the Day of Judgment, and this is the Pure Path of God followed by 144,000 Pure Witnesses who, wherever they are on Earth in the existing religious culture, point out what serves to get closer to God and the Sons of God and condemn and warn against what separates you from God and leads to the loss of your soul in Hell! The Advent of the Lord Son of God is sometimes indicated hundreds of years before its occurrence, and the time can be recognized approximately when appropriate signs are approaching in Heaven and on Earth. The second coming of Christ, the Saviour, has been announced since the mid-19th century by the preachers of Advent. Jesus’ announcement that the resurrection at dawn on the third day will undoubtedly be fulfilled, like all other Great Prophecies, and to know the one who promised to come, we must know that the Saviour appears in the East and circulates the whole world, and being the Pure Love of God himself, Agape Prema will have an appropriate name, appropriate to his Loving Nature! And let’s not look for such a super precise date in the earthly calendar because God’s Day is 1000 earthly years. Therefore, God’s Hour lasts almost 42 earthly years, so we cannot complain about a few minute’s difference in the time of fulfilment of the announced prophecies about Advent, the Coming of the Saviour, Kalkin! And Lord Krishna, more than 5 thousand years ago, mentioned the Saviour (lit. Kalkin), who comes on a white horse to restore the Law of God, to free the downtrodden and oppressed, imprisoned and exploited during Advent, the Coming of the Avatar, the Saviour!
Let us remember that during the Day of the Lord, the Judgment, many people incarnate on Earth, including those who lived long ago as the Righteous and those who were wicked, and the Righteous win and defeat the seed of the Evil Satan. In the context of the Bible, resurrection means the same as repeated Incarnation, the incarnation of the soul into a new body through birth on Earth. All early Christianity accepted the doctrine of reincarnation of the soul in a human body and rebirth, the reincarnation of the human soul in a new body. The sects that do not recognize this simple Truth of God are indeed very deceived and degenerate, although it is a fact that the soul of the drunkard or the wicked after death is in a very sorry state. In the Gospel parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, Jesus Christ precisely describes the state of life of the human soul after the death of the body and even the borderline Abyss that separates Heaven, Abraham’s bosom, from Hell (Shed, Hades) to which the wicked wander. The Śaivite Divine Community invariably points to this Holy Teaching as the eternal Truth of God because Bogan’s request to send someone from the afterlife to Earth clearly shows that the teaching of reincarnation was obvious to Bogan, as well as to Lazarus and Abraham, the Father of three religious systems: Judaism, Christianity and Islam! Christians rightly rejected the degenerate system of beliefs called metempsychosis, which talks about rebirth as worms, insects and predatory jungle animals, because in general, Man in his subsequent incarnations is born again as Man, although he often bears the mark of past sins. Hence, the many disabled children, who, for cutting the arms and legs of other people, are now born to live as crippled people without arms and legs, and the former egoists are sometimes autistic! We come to Earth with what we achieved in our previous lives, what we have worked out, and what we now have as a talent or disability. Still, such a disability may also be the result of the sins of our ancestors, parents, grandparents and great-grandparents! The very announcement of Jesus’ second coming confirms the possibility of reincarnation. The fact that Jesus confirmed that John the Baptist was the incarnation of the Prophet Elijah, who ascended to Heaven, shows that even the greatest Saints come again at God’s command, simply being born like humans, although in the company of miraculous signs and extraordinary events! The dead in the flesh are raised to life so that on the Day of Judgment, it will be revealed that they have a desire to reform, resocialize and get rid of sin or that, to their destruction, they persist in their wickedness as the hardened party of Satan, which can be recognized by their hardened persistence in eight terrible sins, which include killing God’s creatures, men and animals, and tormenting, oppressing, exploiting, cheating others, as is done in the dens of usury and gambling! Since we know that human souls are reborn in new bodies with no memory of their previous life in two main cycles, approximately every 700 years and approximately every 1200 years, the coincidence of these two cycles provides the descent to Earth into the physical bodies of many souls. It is an excellent opportunity for the Father of Heaven to perform Judgment! So, every 8,400 years, God has the perfect opportunity to visit humanity; as mentioned in many ancient religious accounts, the God of Heaven himself descends to Earth and takes human form once every myriad of years! The theme of the Advent of the Son of God and all His Saints is an excellent topic in which we must also look at the rebirth of the soul in a new body many times until the chance for Salvation is exhausted for individual people or entire groups of people-souls incarnating together due to mutual connections and entanglements. It is those who, about seven centuries ago, fuelled the Satanic-Vatican Inquisition and those who, 1200 years ago, were the authors of the great spiritual awakening in India, Tibet, Persia, and Arabia are now clashing in a small battle between the forces of Darkness and the Light of God!
In the Heavens of God, there is the Holy Book of God’s People, the True Holy Scripture, whose author is God! The history of Heaven and Earth, people, angels and demons, God’s plans, and the Laws of Heaven and Secret Teachings known only to the Angels of God’s Court are written in it! The Book of God also contains a detailed description of Creation and Creating, descriptions of the time cycles and a plan for the Salvation of as many people and demons (jinnas, asuras) as possible. And the Prophets sent to Earth preached only a little of the Truth so that people who sincerely seek God on Earth could always find a little of Heaven’s Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth! Holy Scriptures such as the Veda, the Bible, the Quran, and the Adi Granth contain only a small amount of advice, guidance, and spiritual teachings in the Heavenly Book of Truth. However, it is still enough for man to begin his journey to God, although subsequent translations of the originals by humans who don’t have the Light of the Knowledge of God are often twisted and distorted. The best preserved are the Veda and the Quran, and then the Bible, and yet the Quran revealed by Archangel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad seven centuries after Christ is the essence of the Old and New Testaments, the essence of the Bible, so students of the Bible should also study the Quran in the spirit of prayer. The original of the Holy Scripture, the Holy Book of Knowledge, contains the Omniscience of God, so it does not seem possible to write it down in human books on Earth, for it is as vast as Infinity! However, people should often read, study and reflect on the Holy Scriptures available on Earth because there is milk for the Children of Light on which they must feed to grow. Still, they should also remember the words of the Prophets, including Jesus Christ, that only the Spirit of Truth will lead them to the whole Truth, written in the Holy Book of Heaven. We will know it through the Miracle of the Fiery Transfiguration, becoming Angels of God again. And the Angels of God fulfil every task and every command that they receive from God because the nature of the Angel is to fulfil God’s Message, to serve God, the Prophets and his Saints from the 144 thousand who always visibly live on Earth, being Torches of the Holy Spirit. After all, the Ruach Kaddosh is, in fact, the Holy Soul, the Sanctified Soul, because Ruach means Soul, Person, and Kaddosh means what is Pure, Holy, Consecrated! The aura, the presence of a Holy Person, is, therefore, the greatest Gift that God has given to man on Earth, which is why every true Religion of God encourages people to seek the company of Saints and stay in the company of a Holy Person, so eminently called the Holy Spirit, as often as possible! When we feel the energy, power, and light of the Holy Spirit, we actually feel the influence and magnetism of the AURA of the person closest to us, the Holy Soul, and there are 144,000 of them on Earth, including 4,000 Perfect Saints, Arhats, and this is one Holy Spirit for 10 million people and not seek them from among the political rulers of this world, which lies in the power of the Evil One!
Divine Wisdom says that among human friendships, the best and highest is Friendship with a Holy Person living on Earth and the company of those who stay with the Holy One of God, with the Holy Spirit, as companions on the Path! And whoever the Holy One of God recognizes as his friend will be counted by God among His Friends whom He saves! Every Saint or Perfect (Arhat, Worthy of Worship) has seen God and His Kingdom of Justice, for everyone with a Pure (Holy) Heart sees and views God in a real way. Three Apostles of Jesus Christ called the Sons of Thunder, Peter, James and John, watched on the Mount the Transfiguration of Moses and Elijah, who came to talk to Jesus, so they knew the Truth about the life of the soul after the death of the body, they saw with their own eyes the spiritual reality and possibilities of the Holy Spirits from Heaven! Every Holy Spirit of God living on Earth, especially the Perfect Arhat, is a source of the Water of Life and a Saviour because He takes all His spiritual friends, admirers, Disciples and Collaborators who persevere with Him in the spiritual journey through life to the World of God, among the Angels of Light!
However, the life of the Saints is not easy on Earth, and they often have to endure at the hands of the wicked, like Zarathushtra, Job, Hus, Luther, and Miller, a lot of oppression, false accusations, persecution and sometimes even martyr’s death! Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus, and Lord Luther all died at the hands of degenerate and wicked persecutors who hate God and those who, in His eyes, are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven! And yet, there is no better opportunity for spiritual development on Earth than to join the company of the community of one of God’s Saints who are on Earth to teach and guide humanity, all those willing to enter the Paradise of God! In every nation and language, there are some Holy Persons, Holy and Pure Souls of God, and if a person sincerely seeks God and studies the Holy Scriptures with an open Heart and Mind, God will certainly draw him to one of such His Sons of Light. If we want to find the Holy Spirit, Ruach Kaddosh, we must remember that he is ardent in Prayer and Meditation; he knows all the Holy Scriptures and God’s Law perfectly; he does not eat meat or drink alcohol or drugs! And I will certainly recommend fasting, prayer, and repentance for mistakes and sins to everyone! If someone carefully reads the Sermon on the Mount delivered by Jesus Christ, he will see there the same basics of spiritual practice taught by Lord Krishna, Lord Dattatreya, Lord Zarathushtra, Lord Buddha Gautama, and it is FAST practised in silence and seclusion and fervent PRAYER recited with all the Heart. Jesus, like Buddha and Krishna before him, cultivated long FASTS without eating or drinking and long PRAYERS in isolation, lasting for seven days (Week), but also for about 40 days, i.e., six weeks! Whoever believes in God and Christ or Buddha or Krishna or Zarathushtra will certainly show long FASTING and PRAYERS (and MEDITATIONS, reflection) by own example, and the example of such a being will be perfect! Fasting is a basic Act born of Faith in One God, Prayer, and Meditation! Disciples of Buddha, Krishna, Christ and Zarathushtra had the habit of cultivating 3-4 times a year, 7-day Retreats, from Sunday to Saturday, just for Fasting, Prayer and Meditation, and the instructions for Fasting and Prayer are given by Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mountain addressed to the maximum number of listeners who gathered around him, and therefore to all supporters of the Way of God, Pure and Holy. A religion that forbids fasting, as sometimes happens, is a malicious deception of the forces of Evil that attack and destroy the work of the Sons of God and also the Holy Elders who descend to Earth as Great Prophets and Reformers of Religion!
Blessed is he who reads and examines (studies) the Holy Scriptures and Books, and Blessed are those who listen to the Living Word from the mouth of the Holy One of God! O man, do not neglect either one or the other, and especially read and consider (contemplate) the words written by the Saints of God, i.e. by the Holy Spirit! Blessed are those who do the Will of God, being executors of the Word! This is a great, triple Blessing, and yet in the first Psalm of King David, it is written that the Blessing rests on everyone who reads the Torah, the Book of God’s Law in which the Essence, the Gist, is the Decalogue, the Law of the Ten Words, and the rest are numerous comments and explanations. David recommends reading in a whisper, in a low voice, because then the ears listen and the Word of God purifies the Heart better, to free the soul from the bonds of defilements and stains behind which it is hidden, enveloped as in a dark cloud of wicked human Hearts. Reading the Books of Prophets and Saints in the same way, always under the Sun, is highly recommended and advisable. Even Polish Prophet and Poet Juliusz Słowacki mentioned that from the Polish Nation in the Time of the Messiah, a great Prophet of God will be raised, renewing the ancient Religion of Humanity, Śaivita! This is a sign of an imminent incarnation, the incarnation of the Son of God, but although the evil ones will be destroyed, the Earth will continue to exist because God does not intend any destruction of the planet. Such an intention is only the inspiration of the forces of Satan’s Evil. Jesus Christ mentions two or even three evil spirits that Christians, Jesus’s disciples, should recognize. One is Satan (Devil, Satan), the other is Beelzebub (Lord of the Flies, Prince of Darkness), and the other is Lucifer. Lucifer fell and became an evil demon in the third aeon of Creation, attracting many heavenly beings. They can cleverly pretend to be Angels of Light, giving all sorts of sick visitations and deceptive pseudo-spiritual doctrines. Lucifer, the first fallen spirit, is called Vairoćana (Viroćana) in the East and finds many worshipers. Satan fell in the sixth aeon of Creation and took the human race with himself. He is a demon of aggression, war, destruction, and terror, and every killer follows his inspirations and orders! Beelzebub is called the Prince of Darkness because he commands legions of Chaos, Darkness demons that lead souls into Darkness. It can be said that Lucifer (Viroćana) is, in fact, the father, the creator of Hell, and yet the New Testament itself also mentions Beliar, one of the more important demons of Evil beings who rule the world! The demon Mammon, full of lust for profit and greed, theft, exploitation, and ungodly high taxes, is also the demon of Evil, also mentioned by Jesus Christ himself. The existence of demons, the forces of Evil and their influence cannot be denied when it is well described in the Holy Scriptures, and yet we know that the demon Marya, Mara, tempted and deceived Lord Buddha and earlier Lord Jaraśastra (Zarathushtra). The demon Marya (Mara) is also among the opponents of the teachings of the Moryagupta line of succession! The demon Kansa is the enemy of Lord Krishna. How can you say that the forces of Evil are only impersonal energies when all the Holy Scriptures are full of descriptions of demonic beings and fallen worlds as well as the names of ominous demons, the enemy of the Cause of God? Are Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Mammon, and Beliar not enough compared to the Gospel of Christ and the teachings of the Apostles accompanying it? Let us not ignore the existence of the forces of Evil, beings deliberately wicked and maliciously tempting, also through wicked inspirations to distort the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and the wisdom contained in the Books Revealed by Angels from the Kingdom of Light and Peace. It is better to learn from the fact that Satan attacked Job twice and especially from the fact that after these attacks, Job twice rose like a Phoenix from the ashes, stronger than before! Constantly read, study and research the Holy Teaching to receive the Light because even longer breaks can drown you in the dark darkness sent by the forces of evil, which want to have as many ignorant people as possible because they build their Principality of Darkness or rather the Town of Gloom wherever they can! When reading and examining spiritual and mystical writings, always pray for Light for your Soul to achieve proper knowledge and understanding of the matters of the Way of God because, without appropriate Gnosis (Jnana), no one will enter the Kingdom of God, where the Mind and Heart must undoubtedly be free and pure from all there erroneous and harmful views!
In every movement of religious renewal and awakening, whenever it has occurred, there are several common signs, such as a return to the source of spiritual learning, an emphasis on personal practice, fasting and prayer, and inner transformation, known in the Bible as Metanoia and in Oriental culture as Parinama (transformation, renewal, transfiguration). It is always a moral and spiritual renewal and a clash with the forces of conservative, degenerate religion that is in the Darkness of the forces of Evil. This was the case in the times of Krishna, Rama, Buddha, Jesus, Martin Luther, Sai Baba, and Vivekananda! The battle of dark beings and the dark religious and political establishment against the progressive Prophets and the forces of God’s Light was also visible in the descent of the Prophet Mohammad. It lasted for as many as 13 years, and many of the Prophet’s Disciples lost their lives in it. Still, in the end, although few, they defeated a much larger army of an enemy, the stronghold of the most degenerate and malicious Evil! However, the opposition of darkness to the spread of true religion and spiritual renewal must be overcome by persistent work to spread the Guru’s teachings and to give back to the slanderers exactly their own words and sentences, only against them, which is the basic weapon of the Word, the Sword of the Spirit! Evil demons work to make people only maintain the appearance of religiosity, pretending to be religious, but they lack living faith and practical, everyday piety or spiritual practice, as they say in the Hindu, Buddhist or Jain religions, lack of Sadhana, because Sadhana, spiritual practice with an engaged Heart, is the sign of a genuinely religious person who becomes spiritual on the Path of God. Evil Beings also work to eliminate from the Religion of God the basic rules of conduct and beliefs, rituals that are important and necessary for the whole to give us good results. You cannot build a house without foundations or replace cement with sand in the mortar, Saturdays to Sundays or celebrate the birth of Christ in December, even though he could only have been born in spring or autumn when Shepherds make larger drives of their flocks! You cannot introduce fermented wine into services, although it is known that Jesus, as a Nazirite, did not consume any alcohol, neither wine nor spirits, only unfermented grape juice, which was practised for over 300 years of Christianity! One cannot worship Vairaćana as a supposedly “heavenly” Buddha and claim that the dissolution of the Self in some nihilistic void is supposed to be the highest Nirvana when it is the demonic praise of the self-destructive Avići producing multitudes of stupid souls with social schizophrenia, passive, helpless and lost. After all, Śunyata is the Space of Heaven, Infinite Mind, and therefore Great Knowledge and Activity, not the disintegration of personality and defragmentation of Psyche. The Self, the Soul (Atman) is purified, and life activity is increased. Sunya is a Pure Heart that sees God, knows and recognizes the Truth! It is a consciousness cleansed of defilements and highly integrated, strong, mighty in Spirit and close to achieving the Buddha Paradise! True religion will intensify the Light of the Lamp in Your Heart!
The type and quality of beliefs we hold are crucial to our spiritual development because holding beliefs that are not true and consist of falsehood causes deception and falling into falsehood. Believing in a religious lie under the guise of good intentions is a trick of demons because by believing in a lie, we give access to the forces of darkness and the father of lies, Lucifer (Vairoćana). The most harmful dogma is that it does not matter what exactly we believe in because then we will willingly stick to error and lies, and an even deeper falsehood are twisted interpretations that distort the truth and turn it into falsehood, which becomes a belief, maintained by such a cleverly degenerated religion. The Spiritual Path is searching and discovering the Truth in the Light. It is a vile lie that the world was created only 6 thousand years ago because it is only about the period of the end of the previous cycle of the world’s existence and the beginning of a new cycle (aeon) called the East Yuga, Kali Yuga! With plenty of traces of human life 10,000 years ago, 50,000-70,000 years ago, and even cult altars from 370,000 years ago and Temples in Asia from 10,000-12,000 years ago, maintaining the belief that the world was created about 6,000 years ago is pure stupidity and a devilish deception leading to Hell! Maintaining that all of humanity comes from one human pair is also a mockery of the fact that four races or skin colours cannot be derived from one human pair! We cannot in any way produce a Negro from a yellow Chinese; that is obvious, so each coloured race must have had its ancestors and the Bible may describe the genesis of the white race of Jewish colour, complexion or be a shortened description of something that happened a long time ago, and dating is then in the realm of Fairy tales, you need to think carefully about the origins of humanity and the emergence of civilization centres in China, Japan, America, Africa, India and Egypt! The dark Vatican’s adherence to the geocentric theory is also typical foolishness in the sphere of anti-scientific beliefs of pseudo-religion. The same is true of the twisted interpretations of the sexual life of Lord Krishna, who, in fact, during his life as Prophet, Avatar, had many women as youthful lovers and later wives who did not fit the sexual abstinence of Śivaśankara, the reformer of the Hindu religion! Radha is actually the most important Bride and Queen of the Heart of Lord Krishna, but the harem is no worse than that of King Solomon with His 930 wives and the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem; it is also a fact from the life of Lord Krishna and should not be officially turned into allegories, but always teach the Truth of facts from the lives of Guru and Saints! Jesus’ celibacy is also a myth of hypocrisy and error because facts from historical sources say that in his youth, he had one wife named Miriam. After her death, after seven years of marriage, he married a delightfully converted harlot, Miriam of Magdala, i.e. Mary, as a concubine and then as his wife. Magdalena, as it is called in Polish, and Miriam Magdala was undoubtedly the most dear woman to him, and two sons as offspring were the sweet fruit from their womb! Radha was thus the most critical, so-called first lady in the harem of Lord Krishna. One should not tear one’s hair out because this image does not fit the later rigours of a celibate nature. Yet, God Himself speaks in many Holy Scriptures about the Blessing received by people when a woman and a man unite in Love in an act of erotic union! Promoting rigorous sexual abstinence in the face of such examples coming from Masters and Avatars becomes very difficult. Still, the hypocrisy resulting from the distortion of facts darkens the entire system of beliefs, which, based on untruth, give rise to darkness and the disappearance of Light instead of Spiritual Enlightenment. And we, with a Pure Heart, are to learn the Truth, seek the Truth and live the Word of Truth, not ignorance and pseudo-spiritual liars!
Claims that Jesus Christ was the only One Ascended by God, given the obvious fact that Enoch and then Elijah had been taken to Heaven, are also lies, beliefs that mess the mind covered by the veil of such falsehood! Lord Rama’s ascent to Heaven with his entire court, Disciples, family, and even a few pets, like elephants, is perhaps the greatest of the well-described Ascensions. Yudishtira, one of the heroes of the battle between Pandavas and Kuravas, was taken to Heaven by Lord Indra, coming for him in his Chariot! After completing his Mission, Padmasambhava, also in the Light, departed towards the Heavens, and one of the founding brothers of the Roman state, not resurrected after he was chopped into pieces, but also later made a spectacular Ascension! All these well-documented facts, and there are many more of them, show that the only correct infallibility of a certain sect with the only ascended Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is only a very devilish invention of a unique religious madness that forgets that God has a Partner, a Goddess, the Queen of Heaven and also two Sons, not just one, and that of course they are Created, because Angels multiply as the Gods of the Throne, by an act of will and not erotic! Prophet Mohammad was also taken to Heaven to visit Paradise! Then he returned to Earth and continued to develop the Mission assigned to him by Archangel Gabriel, of Reforming the Jewish and Christian religions from their numerous, erroneous and insane accretions! The Reformation was extremely successful since it reached over a billion people as a coherent and uniform religious system, reaching back to what Father Abraham, the Master of the Three Revealed Religions, preached and practised!
The soul that sins will die, and we, people of the Way of God, must be spotless and unsullied to achieve Eternal Life and immortality! This is the fundamental matter of any authentic Religion, and the Grace of God, Śiva Krpa, brings us to Salvation, Liberation and ultimately to the Kingdom of God where the Holy Angels of God, the King of All, live! So, child of Light, fight the persistent Battle of Faith to achieve the Crown of Life. Strive for Peace and Sanctification, without which no one will see God or His Kingdom! Many paths seem straight to a person but ultimately lead to the death of the soul, and the Path to Life is the Path of God’s Truth and Love!
Hum! May God Bless You!
Aćarya Paramahansa Lalita Mohan G.K.
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